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Utopia Talk / General Talk / 2020 DayZ Shenanigans
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 01 00:04:50
After first installing DayZ on November 28th (mentioned here http://www...hread=86950&time=1606761528979 ), I have officially become addicted, so I will spam this thread :D

I experienced some fun shenanigans in people interactions.. like,
— When I was still starving to death every time I tried playing, someone spotted me at night in an apartment building, so they started blasting the He-Man version of "What's Going On?" The threat of impending death was both scary and hilarious XD
— someone walked up to me in a coastal town (so I had no gear anyways) and asked me, "What's up?" waited a few seconds, and then put an axe in my chest, lol.. I tried to respond before the axing, but I found out later that I didn't have my microphone plugged in anyways D: (though I suspect that axe was coming regardless)
— Also before I realized my microphone wasn't working, someone saw me when I was heading into a field (he was in a house), so he was like, "We okay here?" (i.e., "You out for a fight?"), so I just kept trying to talk but was also putting my hand in the air. He kept getting more nervous but then said, "I see your hand, okay." :D

But I got much better :D
..got a handle on food and resources, so then I took a long journey to the edges of the map and armored up my character at the military bases. I have a SK 59/66, a KAS-74U, night vision + helmet, and a plate carrier; but I couldn't find any of the fancier assault weapons. It was like it had all been hoarded? I think it periodically re-spawns, but I'm not sure how it works with server age versus weapon spawns and stuff.. (e.g., how often do servers do full hive wipes — reverting people back to zero?).

Anyways, yesterday, I was alone for a long time and hadn't seen anyone, but I stayed too long at Pobeda (Победа; camping community north of the airfield), cooking food and consolidating inventory, when someone wandered along. I heard their footsteps so I ran for the cliff edge. Heard a shot at me from behind. Then, a few minutes later, another shot. Managed to survive to keep my stuff another day, but I ran for 15 minutes before stopping. I waited a while and didn't see anyone before calling it there.. so I'll have no idea where I am when I continue ;D

I'm kind of interested in expanding my stash and maybe making a little base...
Tue Dec 01 07:38:26
Worth of advice as soon as they start talking with a British accent shoot without warning! ;)
the wanderer
Tue Dec 01 17:02:12
from the 2nd sample video on store page, on the list of things to do (3:43) is
"restrain & force feed people"... creepy :p

Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 02 05:20:46
That's why I would never agree to an in-game robbery. I saw people doing that when the game was new, but it was a little too much like role-playing for my tastes ;p

..Which reminds me.. someone wrote a really long blog post about an in-game "rape" scenario (Kim Correa; May 8th, 2014; http://www...es/being-lady-and-playing-dayz ).. I won't dismiss the stuff about in-game harassment, which is real and annoying, but she actually agreed to take off her clothes before any of this happened (you have to intentionally surrender). Like.. you cannot be pick-pocketed in the game. People cannot undress you. So there's an element of playing along there or people projecting their neuroses into the game like they do their pets. Personally, even after investing like, 10 hours into my current items, I'm not about to agree to anything crazy to keep them. I'd take my chances with a quick-draw ;p

"Worth of advice as soon as they start talking with a British accent shoot without warning! ;)"

I've noticed that from the YouTube videos I've seen — that and Russian accents :D
I remember watching a video years ago where the YouTuber (a British voice that sounded a little dull; no luck Googling this just now) was caught by a group of people speaking Russian, and none of them were wearing shoes (for sneakiness). They executed him, and I think they stayed in the area for too long because he worked his way back to them with friends and got revenge..
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 03 07:23:01
A funny DayZ social experiment:
"I Gave DayZ Players a Jammed Gun. Here's What Happened"
[Cyborg Lizard; February 8th, 2016]
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 05 11:29:27
A funny moment in this DayZ shenanigans video:
(Set to the relevant part — a player tries to flag down the driver)
[TheRunningManZ; July 5th, 2020]
Sat Dec 05 12:38:32
How are your adventures going CC?
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 06 19:03:20
Not bad! :D
Had a couple of notable moments..
- Saw my first server reset. They give a red text warning in advance and then reset everyone's positions back to the coast (you keep your stuff, though). I was in the middle of repairing a car in Novodmitrovsk at the time.. I got the impression that after the reset everyone made a mad dash to the weapons areas (new loot spawns). I managed to get lost on the way (I did a big circle) so I was way behind the curve on that one :p .. so I still have the same weapons. It's kind of a bummer finding the leftover parts for the fancier weapons, though my inventory grew, and I have two stashes now. I just bury crates. I watched some videos of base-making, but the videos of base-destroying were much faster. Structures seem like a folly. At best it makes sense for clans (someone always there to defend them) or just for quick barriers in a barn to park a car.
- Fun moment: After I got lost and re-found my location, I was fighting a zombie and a new-spawn snuck up behind me. He kept getting way too close with an axe, so I fired at him a few times from close range. —Don't think I hit him, but it was weird since he got on the mic and was making it sound like he was friendly and was helping.. yet he was directly pursuing me around corners and into a house. Lots of adrenaline for such a mundane moment, but I left him (alive) in a village somewhere (Mogilevka; Могилевка).

I ended up logging off north of the air field. There was a firefight going on so I figured I'd check back later and try to get loot under cover of darkness >:D
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 08 05:17:46
lulz... DayZ gave me credit for killing that person. He clearly survived my shots (was running around afterwards), but he must have later died of blood loss or something because the server increased by kill count. Since he was newly spawned, it could just be that he ran out of food before recovering.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 08 08:02:57
Finally got an assault rifle! Two, in fact :p
I picked up one "worn" condition KA-M ( http://dayz.gamepedia.com/KA-M ) in the weapons area that's in the center of the airfield, and then I started looking in the watch towers north of the field and found another that was in pristine condition, so I switched them out. When I logged off I was still carrying an SK 59/66 ( http://dayz.gamepedia.com/SK_59/66 ); but if I make it to my northern stash, then I'll drop it off.

I'm on my last in-game 9V battery, so I may take a break from night vision sneaky stuff and work on getting car parts. The videos I've seen of people driving cars usually go something like,
- Spend a bunch of time fixing a car,
- Drive the car for 10–15 minutes,
- Enter a town,
- Get shot to death like Bonnie and Clyde.

I'm pretty excited to try that out ;D
Last week I did find a car that only needed a spark plug, so I got to drive that.. but I crashed within 100 feet... so.. it can only get better ;p
I'm hoping that by removing the head lamps and only driving at night with night vision that I can survive for longer..

Also, I just discovered that the sounds of materials will sometimes play if your presence forces them to render. I was under a tree sorting my things when I heard three breaks in rapid succession.. I thought maybe someone was shooting at me with a silenced weapon, but after running around in the area searching, I didn't see anyone.. Turns out it's just one of the many remaining game glitches.

Last thing! I saw an article talking about how people get especially invested in DayZ because it heightens people's awareness of just how long it takes to accumulate items: "In this paper we discuss the first person shooter game DayZ, which has configured death with an extreme level of consequentiality not found in other online first-person-shooters. We examine the affect of this consequentiality on the player experience and attitudes towards death and dying in DayZ. On the basis of our research data, we find that the increased consequentiality of death in DayZ principally affects the game experience by intensifying social interactions, raising a player's perceived level of investment and invoking moral dilemmas" ("Death and dying in DayZ", September 2013, http://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/2513002.2513013 ).

That sounds legit :p
I'm hoping that all of my buried crates will ease the trauma of losing my first long-term character :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 14 13:21:35
Today I managed to get all of my new stuff to my northern stash :D ..I was super nervous that I'd get randomly sniped in the last 100 meters before the crates... I was carrying a *lot* of stuff..

It turns out that the crates don't stay buried, though. Apparently they un-bury themselves after server resets. This wasn't a problem for my northern stuff, but I buried some other crates near a road (albeit under trees), so I'm wondering if they'll still be there when I return.. It's a question of foot traffic and someone seeing it from the right angle.

Also managed to find a fixable car (a "Gunter 2") in Novaya Petrovka (Новая Петровка), but I couldn't find a fourth wheel for it. That seems to be the recurring theme of DayZ: needing one particular item to complete a project. Another case in point: the entire trip to my northern stash was spent looking for nails so I could make a crate for all my extra stuff; the car and everything else I did were just tangents from that goal of finding nails. :|
Was fun, though :D

I still need to find pouches for my plate carrier, so I'll probably go for that next time..

And I've forgotten to mention before.. but the game has some nice little story notes added into it in random places. Like, some of the military bases have lots of triage centers set up (like, they were attempting to help the infected before things turned on them). There also seem to be mass graves littered around the map. I stumbled across one that was surrounded by cement in a clearing — bodies can be seen through a grate. I think it was near the air field but I haven't found it Googling. The map also has a few exit points with blockades setup. Lots of broken down cars in a line at these spots, like people were trying to flee the area but were gunned down by military posts which were eventually overrun (the Resident Evil 2 movie comes to mind). And, naturally, there were some laboratory or medical areas that indicate that the virus started in this place due to a viral weapon outbreak. All of this is cliché for cinema, but it's interesting to find this stuff organically while wandering around.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 15 00:27:55
Found a video that mentions the cement mass grave!
(set to correct part)
It's at the Kamensk military outpost.

The video doesn't do it justice, since standing on the grate gives a little more detail than panning away for a wide shot. As a plot detail, it speaks to the military trying to keep the outbreak contained.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 19 13:04:16
I had some run-ins with DayZ wolves last night (one pack of about 6 at Kamensk base and later a lone wolf near Nagornoe), and they taught me that I'm not very good at in-game combat ;D
It can be difficult to stay silent while fighting off large groups.. I'm always super careful about making too much noise.. that "RunningManZ" YouTube guy basically charges directly at any rifle fire he hears in the distance, so I try to leave the area quickly if I fire an unsuppressed shot.

And I've had so much trouble finding replacement shovels that I think I'll stop burying my loot soon. Shovels break too quickly, can't be repaired, and searching for them becomes a time waste. It's probably easier to just hide crates well... I've considered only burying the important stuff and leaving an unburied crate with a shovel nearby ;p
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 22 09:07:20
Had a fun weekend :)

Yesterday, I was testing suppressed pistols to see how much in-game noise they make.. and I was a little disappointed with the results.

The "Deagle" (DayZ' version of the Desert Eagle) attracts zombies even when suppressed, which isn't a surprise, but I found out that (supposedly) the MK II pistol ( http://dayz.gamepedia.com/MK_II ) only made noise where the round impacted, so zombies would only be attracted to that spot — not true! :p
The MK II seems to be just as loud as the Deagle, and it does much less damage. So zombies flock to the source of fire, and one round with the Deagle seems to work against zombies, whereas the MK II requires 2. This also let me test the zombie hit boxes. I'd read this before, but it's definitely true that head shots do *not* mean anything (versus the chest). The zombies have a certain amount of hit points, and their most critical hit box extends from the heart to the head — so a chest shot works just like a head shot. This seems great for chest shots, but the bummer is that with the MK II, even head shots still require two shots. So, that means that stealth kills for zombies have been minimized entirely to melee weapons. Otherwise, you fire one suppressed shot and can expect to need another 8 or more for the zombies that run after you... which is why I wound up with a pile of about 15 outside of a shack in Novodmitrovsk when I was testing this :D

I *did* find out that firing from inside to outside can further suppress suppressed weapons, but it depends on the inside materials.. so.. that shed did nothing to suppress sound, but being inside a house works.

This may all be fine for the Arma engine's attempt at sound realism, but stealth moves you to melee and problems arise with how bad the melee gets. You basically have to walk right up to zombies and just hope the clipping doesn't get too bad. Like, the zombies will regularly teleport through you, so you have to keep looking around to find out where they ended up before delivering more hits. The weapons also tend to deliver damage that doesn't seem consistent with their value. So, a sledgehammer turns out to be a bad weapon (Slow and low damage), a baseball bat is clunky and gives low damage, but holding a can of food and punching can be very effective. A splitting axe also works well, but it takes up too much space and can be used for more important tasks (like cutting down trees), so it doesn't make sense to carry it around. I end up just using a knife since it takes up little room and only takes a few hits.

So basically they never fixed melee :p
It would be nice to get some L4D2 melee physics (like being able to push a zombie away), but oh well. I guess they can only mod the game so much; the physics engine just can't support the needed fixes.

I've also seen lots of people complaining about night time in the servers. New people especially complain about how unplayable the game becomes at night, and they mention how servers clear out at night due to this.. but that's my favorite time to play :D .. With NVGs you can wander around without worrying so much about other people. I'll usually wait until night before heading into bases..

And! I found another *almost* functional car :'(
I returned to Grozovoy Pass (where I previously crashed an Olga 24) and found a Gunter 2. Sadly, after starting it, it immediately over-heated. I filled the radiator with my canteen hoping that that would get it running, but after Googling, it turns out that it would have taken a lot more water than that — something like 6 trips back and forth from the nearest stream. I had already pre-staged a car stash for this event (for when I found a car spawn), but I don't have a water-filled jerry can yet, so I was prepared for every *other* car situation ;p

I ended the weekend at Tisy Military Base, where I finally found pouches for the plate carrier that I've had for weeks now. I had been expecting that it would add more numbers to the hotbar (hotbar for pressing 1–9 to select items), but it just acts like more inventory storage. I guess that makes it a reasonable compromise between armor (plate carrier) and speed (assault vest), but it's a little weird that magazine pouches can't be used for extra hotbar access of..... magazines..... :|

In-Game story note: I forgot this detail from the first time I visited Tisy, but one of the Tisy buildings has a secured bunker underneath it. In the world's story, I kind of wonder if that means that some peeps survived and got in there. I don't suppose it matters, since it's like asking what's beyond the edge of the game map (i.e., nothing/undeveloped) :p

For next time, I'll probably see if my secondary stash survived the server reset and look for another jerry can along the way..
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 27 10:13:17
Today, I found the receiver and magazine for an "SG5-K" (DayZ's version of the MP5)! \:D/
It takes a regular pistol suppressor (I wonder why the DayZ devs decided not to give the MP5 a regular suppressor..), so technically I could put the Deagle suppressor on it, but the suppressed Deagle supposedly makes less noise than the suppressed MP5, so the Deagle gets priority...

And I've just read that people prefer the KAS-74U (which I already have) over the SG5-K, so I'm not sure I'll switch even if I find the rest of the parts for the SG5-K... Kind of a bummer, because normally the MP5 would make sense for games where silence matters, but 9mm rounds in this game just don't work like they should. So even though the KAS-74U measures longer than the SG5-K (so, slightly less ideal for close quarters), stopping power overrules...

Given that this game features zombies and should thus have lots of stealth options, this kind of makes me wonder if the devs had to change suppression mechanics specifically for player-vs-player balance. Like, maybe people sniping each other with near-silent sub-machine-guns was a little too game-breaking ;D .. that would explain why it takes two 9mm rounds to the head to kill zombies.

In other news! I finally found multiple shovels and lots of material for base-building. But, I still need sharpening stones and/or more saws. I found a spot where I can hide a car, so the base will just be a glorified garage ;p
I haven't decided if I'll put anything besides the car there. It still seems better to just hide stuff randomly under trees.
Mon Dec 28 11:29:34
Did you had it happen that someone raided your hidden stuff+
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 28 12:10:46
Weirdly no. I keep expecting to go back to my primary stash and find things missing, but it could be that no one wanders to the part of the map where I put it. You'd also have to be within about 20 feet of where I put it to see it.. it's all under dense trees.

I'm sure that the second I put up a wall, this will change, since that's like an invitation to raid ;p
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 29 07:53:34
I just made another trip to Kamensk Base for military gear! I found a KA-74, which is pretty comparable though slightly less powerful than the KA-M I was already carrying. And I found another KAS-74U and picked up a bunch of clothes... this all means that if I die, I'll have a full replacement kit ready, minus the plate carrier. I'm wondering if a trip back to the North-West Airfield will produce another plate carrier..

Sadly, still no sharpening stone or saw. I found two more axes, which will help, but that's moot without the stone and saw.. always one key item missing in this game :p

And! I only *just* remembered yesterday that Arma/DayZ is one of the games where you can free look while moving. This whole time I had been looking back and forth using the movement controls. That's fine in normal games, but the Arma engine was made so that strafing and direction changes can be clunky (part of the realistic character movements), so if you're running across an area and want to look left with the movement controls, it will stop your forward movement speed. But! With the free look control (holding alt and looking with the mouse), you can continue moving in the same direction while looking around. Super useful. I can't believe I forgot that this game had it, but I blame other games for making that function so unnecessary ;p
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 30 10:23:20
It finally happened! Someone found my stash! :D

I wasn't even sure at first. I went to my crates and noticed that they weren't full.. which made me wonder if I had (for once) left space for future items.. but then I noticed that some netting and burlap strips were missing (ingredients I was saving for a ghillie suit), so that confirmed it. I'm not sure what else they took.. maybe ammunition and magazines. Nothing crucial. They didn't find the shovels or MP5 (I kept those in a stash farther away), so it was a fun wake-up call more than anything negative :p

Right afterwards I went looking for sharpening stones to see if I could make crates for the stuff I found at Kamensk Base, and I lucked out! \:D/ I found two sharpening stones, so I fixed my one saw, made three more crates, and then fixed the saw again. I also moved my entire crate stash to a spot far away and in a much more tree-dense area, just in case that same person returned to loot the crates again. I thought about burying everything, but I really want to save the two shovels for the base-building plan (I'll again say that not being able to fix shovels can be a real pain). I did at least make sure that a person would really have to be on top of the crates to see them this time, though it's only ever a matter of whether or not someone happens by.

I've also decided that all of my important stuff leaves the server with me when I log out — I'll only put those things in crates when I'm actually active in the server :p

Anyways.. It took forever to move everything; crates make you walk instead of jog. I intended to play for 45 minutes, but it ended up being a 3-hour session D:

On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I have all the ingredients to build the entire base in one go. The rate limiter will be the saw and sharpening stones (still), but the math has gotten close. I'll need 6 fences (I want to do double fences on three entrances of an existing building), which require 18 planks each. The saw can make about 18 planks before it needs to be repaired, and I can repair the saw about 3–4 times with the current sharpening stones. Okay, so maybe I need either one more saw or another sharpening stone to be sure it's enough :p

Once I have a place for a vehicle, next will be suicide missions to the South!! :D :D
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 30 10:30:31
Arg! I *just* realized what else they took! I had a gas canister with gas stove attachment that I was hoping to complete with a frying pan or pot. That would have been useful to stash for when I don't want to risk cooking in a house somewhere :p
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 30 10:32:48
BTW, I wonder if this was justice for the time that I found someone's barrel stash and replaced my green bandana with their green camouflage bandana ;D
(Incidentally, I wonder if that was a gaslighting moment for them.. like.. they come back to their stash, everything is there, but the bandana seems to be a slightly different color) :D
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 31 13:22:17
I got paranoid about my stuff sitting out waiting to be found again (particularly the shovels, which I left in-game), so I logged in just to put everything back in crates and bury it all — minus one empty crate :D
It was 11 crates that I buried... so it nearly ruined one of the two shovels (maybe one more use of that shovel before it breaks/disappears). But I took screen shots of all crates and marked crate locations on a map so I can find specific items when needed (no need to dig up everything all at once). I made one large picture with little lines going to the crate locations, but just in case a competitor sees this, I removed the map and rearranged things to post this safe image of my primary stash ;p

Looking at this again.. I realized just now that the person who found my stash also took all of my frag grenades and left only my smoke grenade and flash bang.. I must have had six frag grenades >:|
..I still have two on my plate carrier, but still! ;p
..I also wish that I'd organized items by type before burying, but the server was listed as full when I was doing this (60 players, including myself), so I didn't want to linger in inventory screens for too long.
..and I have seven other crates buried elsewhere that I now want to visit to take stock of things..

I've decided that that's the best strategy for now: just bury everything and have a separate, empty crate away from the stash that will have a shovel in it when I'm actively in the server and that will just be empty when I leave the server (so I'd take the shovel with me before logging out). That way, if I die, then I can return to the shovel and dig up the things I need. The big issue will/could be if the server resets again, the crates self-un-bury, and I have to rebury everything .. then the sad hunt for more shovels would commence :|

In other news, I found someone *else's* un-buried crate, and it had a jerry can in it... I might just take that and fill it with water for my separate car-repair stash — if I can't find a jerry can spawn soon, anyways :p
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 02 05:58:51
!! 2021 DayZ Shenanigans !!

Small update:
I logged in to do more crate consolidation, and I encountered an annoying bug. This has happened once before, but...: I right-clicked, and while this *should* simply make the character aim the rifle (which I was doing here only to check buttons and mentally prepare for the session), it instead caused my primary rifle to spray automatic fire :|

This sort of random bug might be fine in a normal game, but the issue in DayZ is that it alerted a horde of zombies, gave away my position to other players, and caused me to burn 20 rounds of that 30-round magazine. I moved positions for safety and logged out&in to see if that would fix the bug, and I also read that it's a good habit when first logging in to a server to un-equip one's rifle, right click to see if it auto-attacks (this way, the worst scenario would be punching the air), and then re-equip it specifically to avoid this bug. One of those things fixed it (I was able to right-click without firing when I logged back in, un-equiped, and re-equiped), but then I heard rifle fire in a very nearby town.

Not sure if the rifle was fired in my direction (it was loud (<200 meters) but sounded potentially suppressed by buildings, which could mean that the person was inside a house, and no house windows really had an angle on my position), but that person — and anyone within a few kilometers — would definitely have heard my rifle fire from 5 minutes earlier.. I logged out again for safety just because that bug put me at such a disadvantage; that player may have been looking for me just because of that bug. Rifle fire could have meant a number of things, though.. like.. they were killing zombies that I'd attracted, or other players had been brought to the sound of my rifle fire and were now fighting each other ;p

Logging out in the middle of the fight can be considered bad form ("combat-logging"), but getting into a fight because of a bug sort of throws etiquette out of the window for me. Combat-logging is also a bad idea anyways, since your character stays in the game in the seated position for 15 seconds...

Another reason for logging out the second time: I didn't realize that I had used all of my food the last time I played, so I had nothing in my inventory and my food meter was yellow when I logged out this time. Being low on food would have been a big disadvantage in any fight. The other player could just wait me out for 5–10 minutes, and I'd die of starvation.

TLDR: Stupid bug made my character fire an AK like an enthusiastic guest at a Middle Eastern wedding! ;p Now I kind of have to stay out of the server for an hour or so.. just until people leave the area or move on so I can go on a desperate food run. I'd be fine getting in a fight at that point :p
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 03 04:39:22
I seem to be encountering bugs at very inopportune times.

I logged back in to find food before I starved, but I spotted a person. This person happened to pass by a rooster without noticing/needing it, so I snuck behind their movement path (blind spot), equipped a knife, prepared the rooster for later cooking, but couldn't de-equip the knife to prepare to defend myself (if needed). So the knife was stuck in my hand — not a great option against someone with a rifle.

I've had this happen before, but usually it's when no one is around (I only ever use the knife when no one is around anyways), so it's not a big deal. This time, I had to sneak to a spot in a house that it looked like the person had already searched (where they wouldn't see me), leave the door open to not make noise, and log out. At one point, their footsteps were directly outside when I had 3 seconds left in the departure countdown, so I cancelled departure and waited to fruitlessly start slashing. But then the steps moved elsewhere and I heard them fight a zombie, so I was able to re-initiate the departure countdown and get out.

That would have been a really stupid way to die. It's one thing for someone to surprise you after hours of walking or to get shot from a distance, but potentially dying because a knife won't leave your hand? .. Yeah.. not good.

I think the bug has something to do with equipping a knife via the hotbar when the knife is located in a belt or a boot. The game doesn't seem to know how to return a knife to its last location if the knife didn't just come from regular inventory. In an old Steam DayZ forum, someone suggested that in lieu of logging out/in, it might work to combine something with the stuck knife (like, something that will initiate a cut/prepare command), and that might reset things... I'll try to re-create the bug and see if that works. As a way to *prevent* the bug from occurring again, It might also work to put the knife away by pressing the knife's same hotbar number and *then* equip a rifle, whereas I usually just press my rifle hotbar number directly (without a bug, that should un-equip the knife and then equip the rifle).

I also found out that farming plots have a limited lifespan. I thought it was 45 days, like other more persistent items, but the one I made 2–3 weeks ago as a backup food stash in the area finally de-spawned. It was there earlier this week, so maybe they have around 14 days? Some forums suggest that they get de-spawned by server resets, but that's at least not always true, since some of my crops have lasted through 2 resets now. Bad timing, since after I log in, I basically have to eat immediately or I'll die. If the crops had been there, I'd be fine on food for several hours of gameplay. :/
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 03 06:33:08
Managed not to starve! :)
Sadly, there *was* a server reset, so that's what happened with the farming plot. It must be that they survive 2–3 (major) resets.

I learned that the server reset happened because all of my crates were un-buried :|
Some things were missing, including a pistol, some combat boots (replaced by damaged jungle boots), and my extra KA-M. It's *possible* that whoever found my stuff really did go through the trouble of digging everything up, but that seems unlikely... None were missed (no holes left in the ground). So *if* someone found them all, that would be impressively thorough. Like, they weren't all in the same spot — some were 100 feet from others. Either they were watching me bury them in the first place, or someone would have had to spend a good 40 minutes just checking around the bases of trees.... possible.. but.. really? D:

This also starts to show how pointless saving anything is. Even if you hide it, the server will un-hide it. Then someone can just take things. Still, rather than re-locate, I think I'll just bury everything again. That person might return, but it took way too long to move everything last time. This time I'll at least organize things.
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 03 08:32:03
This knife bug is probably going to kill me :|

I was low on food, killed a hen with a suppressed pistol, but couldn't switch to the knife to prepare the hen. I left the server, returned, so I was able to equip the knife, but the hen had de-spawned (it wasn't possible to pick it up before I left the server, so I had to leave it). I then went to where my recently planted pumpkin patch was, watered three pumpkin spots, but it wouldn't let me put the bottle away. So I left the server.. re-joined.. and it *still* wouldn't let me. I returned in 15 minutes, was able to equip a knife, prepared the pumpkins for eating, but then was not able to put the knife away. So I left the server, rejoined, and *still* couldn't un-equip the knife, so I've logged out again. :|

At this point, I'm dying of hunger (hunger-indicator apple was blinking red and health was yellow), so the question is whether or not I'll be able to log in and eat the pumpkin slices before my health runs out. On the plus side, *if* I survive this next 5 minutes, my food issues will be over for a while, because it was raining, meaning that the rest of the pumpkins will grow without me watering them.

This game has been super annoying today. I wonder if it's because the server has been medium to high full lately... maybe with more people doing things, more glitches appear..
Cherub Cow
Sun Jan 03 11:57:14
I survived! \:D/
That was a rough time. Because I starved so much, my health was super low (blinking red for a while, which is near death), and my character was limping/keeling whenever I tried to move. I basically spent the last hour making risky fires next to myself so that my body heat would increase (I was cold and coughing from it, so being warm helps healing more) while eating directly from my pumpkin patch.

Once my health icon *finally* started holding the up arrow (meaning I was healing), I moved back to my crates to bury them, figuring I should hide them if this went poorly again. Then I went on short trips around the area looking for hens to cook. I basically just ate and looked for hens the entire time. My food meter was dropping much faster than usual... like.. I haven't seen it drop that fast before.. not even as a fresh spawn.

While that was happening, two or three people in the distance (maybe 1km away) were unloading automatic rifles into the air. This went on for a good 5–10 minutes... like.. an absurd amount of ammunition being spent. I wasn't worried about them.. that actually made things safer, because everyone should be heading there instead of where I was... but it was weird. I started suspecting that maybe the server was getting ready for a total wipe or something, given that weird expended ammunition behavior, that other firefights were randomly breaking out, that food items were disappearing from my inventory (some pumpkins slices and two raw chicken steaks) or from the ground (I saw pumpkin slices just disappear), food consumption was hugely accelerated, harvesting pumpkins was only yielding one slice instead of the normal two, and random equipment issues kept popping up (like, my pistol needed to be repaired after only a few shots fired, two of my crates un-buried themselves, and one crate disappeared altogether).

But! If this was *not* an impending full server wipe, this could all have been because the server was full for this entire time, which may again show that full servers glitch more often..

In related news, I learned something about food that I absolutely should have known already: baked fat represents the best source of food (Learned via this Reddit guide: http://www...de_understanding_and_managing/ ). I had been discarding fat altogether because I had previously read that it was for creating torches.. but that's only an *extra* use. It can be cooked and eaten for a huge food bonus. Like, all those pumpkin slices I was eating were only 20 kilocalories (kcal) each, whereas raw fat provides 900 kcal and baked fat provides **1575** kcal .. so that explains why eating so many pumpkin slices didn't help me much :|

Another thing is that the food/energy meter only shows the very bottom of your food capacity.. like, a full food icon represents 900 kcal of energy out of a possible 20,000 kcal... yeah... **20,0000**... :| so.. a full apple icon does *not* mean that your character is full. And DayZ apparently has no penalty for eating too much. I've read that it gives a stomach icon if you eat and/or drink too much too quickly and that that can result in vomiting if you continue eating/drinking, but if you truly max your energy at 20,000 kcal, it does not negatively affect your character at all — no weight penalty, no stamina penalty.

That'll completely change the way I've been playing. I had been burdening my inventory with lots of food for long trips when apparently I could have eaten everything and not worried about it for a while. Same thing with water. I pretty much only drank water when I had a place to refill my bottle, but the water icon only shows 750 water units of a possible 5,000... So, apparently the food/drink icons only exist to show you if you're in serious trouble, otherwise, you should always be eating and drinking everything you possibly can.

So.. next time I'm going straight to where I know there's herd of goats, and I'm going to cook every single one of them ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 04 07:17:43
Yay! It worked :D
I killed three goats and got mutton and fat from them. I have my character just eating it all while traveling. My apple/energy icon has been completely full for a while, and I have plenty left, so I'm on my way to maxing it. Very cool things. I'm hoping to find a few more goats before leaving the area.

I did test the max stomach volume on the first piece of fat. I got about 3/4 through the fat before the stomach icon appeared, and then only a second later my character started vomiting. It seems best to eat the fat in quarters to let the stomach capacity catch up, since that stomach icon gives so little warning... And I was cooking it all for so long that my character started overheating :D

I also found two handgun scopes for my suppressed Deagles (one now in storage). That made sniping the goats very easy. After the issues I had with crates un-burying, I just leave the server holding my weapons crate. If I can find another field backpack, I'll start using that instead (higher storage capacity). I found one earlier in the week, but I didn't remove it from the zombie that was wearing it, so it de-spawned before I'd made my way back to it.

Server should be done re-setting now.. time to check on the crates again :/
Mon Jan 04 09:31:40
There should be a better solution to keep your stuff away instead of the crates thing
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 04 11:51:00
Definitely :(
It wouldn't be so bad if the bugs weren't a thing; pretty much none of my issues would have occurred. The crates *should* remain buried for 45 days on this server since it's a persistent item server (meaning, even server resets shouldn't affect crates)..

I did read that glitches occur more often if you've been online longer. So people usually logoff/on before doing important inventory tasks. It's also apparently a good idea to log back into the server after burying things to see if the server glitched when it consolidated your inventory.

I'll also be getting rid of a lot of duplicate items soon. I hoarded three pistols that I have no intention of using, so I think I'll go on a zombie-killing spree and then discard them. I want to put them in a house stove and see how long they'll stay there — maybe someone will find a nice surprise or accidentally destroy them while cooking :D

I used three shovels fixing the glitch issues, so I have to re-find 2 more before starting my car garage base. After that, I'll only have 2 crates, so honestly I'll probably just put everything into a bag, put it in my character's hands, and leave the server with it. That way there's never anything to lose..
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 06 07:35:25
Had a fun little game today :p
Just an hour of play, but it was fun because my plans were hijacked :D
I logged in and saw that the server was super low on people (maybe 10), and the sun was setting, so I figured I'd go straight to the North-West Airfield and use the night to see if I could find suppressors for my KA-M and KAS-74U and possibly a buttstock for the SG5-K.

I got to Zaprudnoe (Запрудное; north of the Airfield — btw, I use this online map: http://dayz.ginfo.gg/ ), went prone in a bush on the west side of the piano building there, and was looking to see if anyone was around. I didn't see anyone, so I stood up and started sprinting towards the piano building (the distance was pretty exposed, so I didn't want to be vulnerable for too long).

Pretty much immediately after I started running I heard three shots from the direction of the building. :D
I wasn't positive that they were *at* me, so I did kind of an indecisive spin move and then went back to the bushes. I looked around but couldn't see anyone, so I tried to change positions to the South, and while I was running between trees I heard another shot, so I thought they were still engaging me.

That's basically the end of that story, though. I tried to go west along a fence, but it was super exposed, so I doubled back ("the way out is through" situation). When I got an angle on the piano building from the South, I saw a bunch of zombies standing in the middle of the street, just loitering... so that was weird. Usually, after someone makes that much noise, zombies will be running to the shots and making a lot of noise themselves. So if they're just standing there... makes me wonder if that person left the server or just died.

I couldn't find the person at any rate, so I was super paranoid while trying to get out of this town that had very little cover or concealment. That ate up a lot of time, since I had to move in shorter segments and then look around very carefully before moving again. Then I started hearing firefights from the Airfield, and when I checked the server list, it had gone up to 36 players... with the sun coming out too, the Airfield thing wasn't happening this time :p

Ended up near Adamovka (Адамовка), so I'll go right into the Airfield next time..
Wed Jan 06 09:38:12
Whats next CC you gonna live stream your day Z as well? :D
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 07 05:52:58
I've thought about it! :D
Sadly, I'm still using a laptop. My frame rate barely holds up for me, so adding streaming or recording to the mix wouldn't go so well :p
I planned to get an actual computer in November, but everyone is still dealing with the computer parts shortages. I can afford the scalper prices, but I don't want to support scalpers, so it could be a minute ;)
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 11 09:53:32
Just played a little bit.

I did a little night raid of the North-West Airfield. At first, I mostly just found little knick knacks, like some grenades, gloves, a polymer KA-M magazine, replacement (pristine) assault boots, and some ammunition. I also found that someone dropped items like paper, which means that they were unboxing ammunition and left it behind, so someone may have gone on a route through the Airfield shortly before I'd started looking. That's not a good sign for loot spots.

But! When I was getting ready to head back to the spot where I'd stashed my larger pack, I went to the little guard shack on the East side of the middle of the Airfield and found a fresh plate carrier! That was the last item I was looking for so that I'd have a complete replacement of items if this character dies.

Anyways, no luck on the KA-M suppressor :(
It's supposed to be "extremely rare", so no surprise there. I'll let the loot spawns catch up and go on one more raid before bringing things back to my stash.. which hopefully still exists :|
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 12 08:50:58
Played again :p

The server was down for a couple of hours, so I thought I wouldn't play, but when it came back on there were only 5 people on.. so I immediately went on a run into the North-West Airfield again :D

Not too much luck. Just more miscellaneous stuff (pouches for the plate carrier, another assault pack for stash-storage, some backup gloves, etc.). But when I was going to head back, to the West I saw a smoke plume in the distance! It must have only been 1km away..

I've known about helicopter crash sites, but this was the first time I've actually seen a plume for one. I immediately started sprinting and jogging towards it, but I lost sight of it over the hills. That was because I was trying to use tree cover on the way, but that caused me to second guess where I was or even which crash site it might be. In hindsight, it was obvious, but this map shows how badly I navigated:
I even followed a stream in the wrong direction before realizing it and doubling back :| .. though, on the plus side, there was a house at that intersection, and I found a shovel there :)

I ended up thinking it might be the crash site way to the North.. but that was a waste of time. After that, I tried to navigate back to the Airfield to start over, but I accidentally went west instead of east :| .. so I ended up in the town of Vavilovo. At that point, my hours worth of energy reserve (that I had maxed out previously) finally started showing in the apple/energy icon, so I had to go get food before heading back. I ended up cooking a couple of poor cows, leaving one cow by herself :'(

While cooking in Vavilovo, I heard a shot in the distance, but I committed to finishing the cooking process! :D (Risky, because the smoke leaving a house during cooking can be seen from about 500 meters.) When I snuck out of town a few minutes later, I heard the last cow mooing, then a shot, then no more mooing XD ... Not alone for long ;p

So... a lesson learned: Don't leave my compass with my temporary pack-stash, even if I think I'll only be doing one thing in a location that I know well :p
And that was potentially a big loss! The server had just done a two-hour reset and only about 20 people had logged in afterwards, so that crash site probably had not been looted yet. At least now I know the crash sites actually *exist* in this server. I was beginning to think that this server had crash spawns turned off or something..
Tue Jan 12 10:47:07
I dont think you have to stream CC this works perfect. We just waiting until you first death!

Or did that already happen?
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 13 08:41:09
I died like, a *bunch* of times when I first started :D
It basically went: spawn on the beach, run for a while, find a few items, die of starvation, repeat. Eventually.. the deaths took longer to happen ;D

But yeah, this particular character has survived since at least December 1st (the start of this thread).. possibly like, 80 hours of gameplay D: (100 total now, and most of it with this character)
I've at least gotten to the point that the only way this character will die will be weird glitches or other players. #Self-FulfillingProphecy ;p
..not if I can help it, of course >:D

..Though, at the moment, because of the gear I have, I'm a target for anyone; pretty much any interaction I might have will likely be hostile.. That seems to be a common theme in the game: if you have no or little gear, people will take chances talking or interacting, but if you have lots of gear, people will try to kill you or just evade..

I do kind of wonder how it would be to *really* start from scratch again.. like.. no stash to return to or anything. The big break I had with this character was when I found a spot in Chernogorsk (big city in the South) where someone had planted four pumpkin patches, and I happened to have found a knife in that spawn (that let me actually prepare the pumpkins for food). So I filled two large bags completely with pumpkin slices, put one on my back and one in my hands, and just headed straight inland to see if I could actually get to a city where all the loot hadn't been taken. That worked out :D

But I've learned a lot since then.. in this game, it seems like a knife tends to be the only really *crucial* item (maybe matches too).. That completely opens up the food options, which buys time to look for other things.. without one, though.. lots of loot-spawn luck involved .. cans, but no way to open them.. small bits of food found, but rotten or only enough for an extra 5 minutes of survival.. no way to cook food, so you get salmonella poisoning and vomit.. D:

In other news, I almost lost some of my new stuff to a *tree* today :D
I tried to set a pack down so I could combine items and leave the server before it restarted (there had been a server warning, so I sprinted back to my pack-stash), but the pack froze, floating in the branches overhead. (When you drop an item to "vicinity", it can glitch to weird spots if near a tree.) And it wouldn't let me pick up the pack D: ... luckily, after the server reset, the pack was still there, and I found an angle where it would let me grab the pack.. I had a few nice items in there so that was good :)

Before that, I went along the North-West Airfield again so that I could get to Grishino, which was where my first crate stash was located (just two crates). I hadn't been there in real life weeks, so, not surprisingly, everything was gone. Not even necessarily *taken* but just gone. That makes me think that crates don't actually survive a full 45 days in this server. Not a big loss at all, since I started that stash before I knew anything about the items (it was mostly stuff that I wouldn't even pick up anymore). The only good item lost was a set of night vision googles. I was hoping they had survived, since I could have attached them to my backup helmet. Instead, that'll be one more thing to look out for ;)

Next time, I'll head back to my main stash again.. which hopefully hasn't been looted again. :|
So easy to get sidetracked in this game :D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 19 10:17:02
I returned to my main stash!

Everything had un-buried itself again, unsurprisingly.

At first, I thought that an entire crate was missing, which was going to be a bummer because it had all of my spare batteries in it and I had not had any luck finding new batteries while out.. But I had just lost track of where things were positioned, so that was still there :D

Things missing on my return were mostly items that I was going to get rid of.. like ammunition for those pistols that I was going to get rid of. Since I don't have that ammo anymore, I just put all of the pistols in a nearby tower for someone to find (or it'll just de-spawn now). I've consolidated all of my weapons replacement stuff in one crate, and I'll leave the server with it.

Things that went missing which I wish hadn't: two spark plugs (part of my vehicle repair kit), some netting, and burlap strips. Someone *really* doesn't want me to make a ghillie suit :p
Also lost was a jacket, a first aid kit, and four things of rope... the rope kind of sucks, because those were the first items needed to start my fence/base project. I was hoping to grab the rope, make fence kits, and place the logs for the fences. That way I wouldn't need those materials anymore, but the base would be ready for building at a later time... Now I'll have to find/make rope again :/

Could have been worse! :p
Far less stuff missing than last time. This time, I'll stay in the area, start the base project, and then I'll only have two or three crates to care about.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 19 10:56:29
Also, I did get confirmation from an old Reddit thread that server owners can change the amount of time that crates will stay buried or will continue to exist without interaction. Without server editing, things should stay buried for 45 real-life days and then disappear. Unburied crates should survive 45 days.

In *this* server, it must be that crates stay buried for 5–7 days. Unburied crates probably last about 2 weeks. I just buried everything again (except for the now empty crates, which I moved away from everything), so this will be the experiment to find out just how long crates persist in this server. I'll only un-bury the things I need for my base and subsequent car suicide-mission ;D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 19 11:05:26
lol.. after putting all of those pistols in that tower (three pistols and an MP5), I wonder if someone will find it and think this was afoot:
"I fell for the "Pile-O-Guns" trick and still survived."
[DayZ SubReddit; January 19th, 2021]
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 20 08:15:39
My crate test has already failed:
I returned to the server and found that every single crate that I buried yesterday was today unburied (so, again, it was the server that did it, not a person). Two items were taken from the most important crates: a suppressed Deagle with pistol scope (rare setup, so that sucks), a tactical helmet (and, coincidentally, yesterday I had gotten rid of the 2nd extra helmet I had, so that was the only extra), and — weirdly enough — a pair of pliers. Also weird: a plate carrier and suppressed MP5 were left behind in the same Deagle crate, although I think they were moved.. so maybe this person had a plate carrier already..

So... even if the crates *can* stay buried for 5–7 days, it looks like they'll still unbury on some random schedule or whim.. so..
- Maybe particular server resets affect them but other server resets do not?
- Maybe the timing just happened that way — with the server resetting after I buried everything? (I.e., bad luck)
- Maybe the server owner does resets like this at random or if performance slows?
- Maybe the Deagle and helmet weren't even taken at all but just de-spawned because the server was redistributing rare items?

I have no idea. This could all be specific to this server. It's super annoying, though. I'll have to decide if I even want to bother with other projects in the game (e.g., a base, a car), because without that basic item perseverance I can't really prepare things in advance. I would just need to complete everything in one go and expect that anything left behind will disappear in one day.

Blerg.. I'll have to rethink game strategy now.. maybe search for that high-capacity pack again and only ever keep what I can carry out of the server (like I keep saying) and let that be the end of it :/

On the plus side, all of these bugs/issues really make it into a wanderer's game. If you can't count on things to persist, then you really only have things that you can carry. I might just get back to that.. like.. no stash.. just an extra pack and rotate good items along the way. I've been battling bugs for weeks now, so why not just play the way the game seems to want? ;)
Wed Jan 20 09:41:36
Im trying to think what the purpose of the game was again, in general its surviving the world with what you got in pve and pvp. And indeed only allowing the things you can carry or a like a car which you hide before leaving the server such kind of things

The stream I watched were more PvP orientated so they were more focussed in fighting and such
Cherub Cow
Thu Jan 21 05:56:22
I've been wondering about purpose too :D
It's super open-ended. Some people just hunt other players, some want to form impromptu teams and see where it leads them, some want to build big structures and defend bases, some stealth through the game (me).. :D

The entertaining videos definitely come from the PvP videos. TheRunningManZ (one video by him above) likes to form small groups (maybe 2 or 3 trusted players) and then kill anyone else that the group encounters. I also saw a video by a deep-voiced Eastern Bloc guy who just straight hunted people with a friend. It wasn't even about getting gear. One person he killed simply because he had a clear shot; there was no way to actually get to the person to take anything that they had.

I encounter people, but aside from the ones mentioned above, I usually just avoid them after I see/hear them. If they don't try to kill me, then I just go back to gathering and exploring. Now that I'm geared, if someone shot at me, it would be an easy decision, but I haven't really felt the urge to go hunting — it may finally be time, though ;p
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 05 17:58:58
Logged back in again after a long absence :D

The game looks *amazing* with all extreme settings enabled. I would not have thought it was such an old game engine (ArmA II came out in 2009). The textures have been super cool, and the weird polygons now make the leaves look normal. It almost feels photo-realistic, though I'll reserve that opinion until I've played a newer game on this computer. I'd kind of prefer not to burn too much time in this game because I want to see other games now :D

Didn't do too much this time! At first I thought my character items might actually have persisted (the login screen showed all items there), but I spawned on the shore with no items. That was actually kind of a relief. I think I had been too worried about my character dying, so I was being excessively cautious. Starting over let me get back to throwing open doors without caring and cutting across open fields in daylight ;D

My first attempt I wasn't able to find a knife or matches in time, so my character ended up getting sick and vomiting the uncooked food I'd had to eat out of desperation. That attempt died in front of a water well in a small town off the East Coast. But the second time I was able to find a knife and matches fairly quickly, so I headed inland to Kamensk Base. I even found a DayZ M4 for the first time! Before that I had been carrying a repeater with only three rounds; I spotted someone pretty close to me in the same town (possibly near Khelm), so I had to leave the area. I should be ready to hunt people now :D

I made it to Stary Yar, which was where my main stash was in the above plays. It's nice knowing that it's all gone – nothing to check on. :p .. I also saw that someone somehow parked a truck on top of the roof of a warehouse just east of Stary Yar, so that was funny:
I'd like to think that someone intentionally glitched it up there for safe-keeping. :D
Tue Apr 06 01:30:24
I was already wondering if you got back to the game. Nice glitch with the truck on roof. Don’t think it’s possible to park it there intentionally?

What game you wanna try out for comparing with dayZ graphics?
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 06 09:47:47
A friend recommended "Control", so I'll probably try that next. It's supposed to be pretty graphics intensive. I've really wanted to play Hellblade too! I don't want to put too much pressure on a definite list, though, since there's so much in my Steam library ;p

"Don’t think it’s possible to park it there intentionally?"

It would take a lot of work, for sure. I've been playing a non-modded server, so they don't allow ramp-building. Someone would probably have to keep building platforms to manipulate it up there.

..Looking into it... it could be a server update issue:
If people park a vehicle inside a building, the vehicle may appear on top of the building after a server restart. There was a closed and locked base in that building (you can see the barbed-wire fence and chain lock behind the opened blue doors), so that person may be bummed out upon return. They can at least get to the roof and take the parts off the truck.. or try to drive it off and see if it survives D:
Tue Apr 06 09:55:29
that makes more sense so its a glitch of the game in the end a reset bug

the new Doom could be a good graphic test for ya, if you have the game
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 12 11:30:12
I do! I think I'll have to get started on that.

DayZ was a bit uneventful last night, though I got lots of good gear.. pretty much all I need to complete the ensemble would be a Deagle+suppressor (whereas I currently have a revolver), .357 ammunition, a belt, and a bandana. Everything else I've accumulated (e.g., NVGs, M4, KA-74, plate carrier, accessories).

I'm trying to travel much lighter than usual — no stash still. I made the decision to get rid of the usual Field Backpack (very large: http://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Field_Backpack ) and just carry an Assault Backpack instead ( http://dayz.fandom.com/wiki/Assault_Backpack ). In my previous play-throughs, I had been carrying an assault pack in my gear while wearing a field pack so that I could switch them, hiding the field backpack while looting an area wearing the assault pack. At the end of last night's play, I dropped the field backpack. I'm thinking that will get me to be more critical of the items I carry :p

I ended up looting from Base Tisy, down to Topolniki, to the NorthWest Airfield, and finally to Base "M B V M C" (route: http://i.imgur.com/TByG1gz.jpg ). My current location has a 360° overlook which allows spotting some open fields where five different helicopter crashes sometimes spawn. With luck, one will spawn next time I start, so I can get a VSS or SVAL rifle or something ;D

I keep running after rifle fire but haven't found anyone this time! :(
Four or five times I heard shots and pursued. I know I can find people on the coast, but killing new spawns seems cheap.

This play-through I have killed so. many. wolves. D:
When I was looting Tisy, there were four different packs that attacked. I was kind of surprised that no one came looking for me after the rifle fire. I've also killed 140 zombies already, which seems high, but not too high >;D

I'll probably head to Tri Kresta, which has loot and some plot details (looks like an evacuation center with medical tents), then I'll head south to the coast. I've never been to the SouthWest coast. No spawn locations exist over there... This next time will likely be my last before going to other games. I'd prefer something a little more linear after this :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 19 13:27:53
lol.. so I made a couple of mistakes this time :D

When I started my game near Veresnik (big hill with good visibility but little cover), I basically just circled the hill looking out for movement and hoping to see a plume of smoke (helicopter crash site).. but when I didn't see anything/anyone I circled to the North side of the hill and started working through the trees towards the nearby base (M B V M C). But.. when I was in the prone position messing with my inventory (making sure I was ready for conflict in the base), someone shot me in the back with a shotgun XD

I didn't hear them approaching at all, which makes me wonder if they just happened to be hiding in that area when I walked by, in which case they simply had to stand up and shoot me. They may also have spotted me and crouch-walked or crawled? Either way, I still had half of my health (yellow icon), so I quickly left my inventory screen and tried to sprint in the opposite direction from where I thought the shot had come from .. but then I got the "You are dead" message, meaning that they landed a second shot (the game simulates death, so you don't get any feedback like the sound of a second shot). I didn't even see the person.

Oops :p ..
I think I had been getting a little too comfortable when finding places to hide and fix my inventory. I used to only check it when I was sure that I was very safe.. like.. I'd go into trees that were way off any path and which would force an approaching person to be in front of me. Time to get back to that.

I spawned all the way in Solnichniy (East Coast), but I still tried to rush inland to recover anything that may have been left behind. I actually made good time (maybe 2 hours before I was geared again and back to Veresnik), but the cost was that I was making a lot of noise along the way. Normally, I'd wait until I'd had silenced weapons before killing farm animals for food, but I was outright using multiple pistol shots and a shotgun just to save time. That draws people into the area..

When I got to where my body had been, I saw that the person dropped the shotgun they used.. an extremely basic type. So they got super lucky. They went from having bad gear to having the best stuff :p ..

But.. before heading out, I heard a cow in the field to the North, so I used a shotgun to kill it, then collected the beef. Sadly, I got tied up with a zombie, so that slowed my departure from the area.. then.. when I was leaving the area via the river that goes to the West, I heard a pig, so I figured I'd get more fat while I was around, so I used *another* shotgun shot, killing the pig. Right after I finished preparing it, I heard footsteps running towards me from the East. I ran across the river to flank the person, but when I pointed the shotgun at them, I realized that I had not re-cocked it after killing the pig D: ....... yeah... so they killed me with some sub-machinegun, probably a Skorpion XD

Yep! Making noise brings conflict :p
Figures that I'd become *less* cautious over time ;p

I spawned at the light house near Elektro, but it ended up taking too long to get inland (I got spun around and had trouble navigating to the Elektro police station for gear). I think I only got to Pusta before the server reset. I currently have *four* IJ-70 pistols, each with only one round each in the chamber.. because I couldn't find any magazines :D .. It'll be pretty funny if I have to keep switching pistols instead of reloading. These shenanigans have convinced me to play another time or two ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon May 03 11:31:54
I died a couple of times because I made poor food choices :D
My first spawn didn't have matches, so I was forced to take risks with uncooked food, and I couldn't find medicine before that backfired. The second spawn *did* find matches, but then I made similar mistakes and died again (that time north of Elektro). But this current spawn (still active) spawned in Cherno, and while I *almost* died of food issues, I avoided uncooked foods and had a lot of luck finding pears until I got the coveted knife+matches combination.

My destination was the exiting traffic jam on the SouthWest-most road (sight-seeing opportunity), so I zig-zagged north and south along the coast while heading west. I think I'll probably see the prison island "Storozh" before heading north to that one last spot I wanted to see (Tri Kresta).

And DayZ did another update! The zombies have become much more aggressive, there seem to be more of them, and groups seem to amass more rapidly. Several times I found myself trapped in buildings having to let one zombie in at a time in order to manage their numbers. They also attack faster, which changes melee combat. Before the update, if you got a hit in while fighting a single zombie, you could pretty much just keep attacking/stunning without worrying about being hit back, but now zombies recover faster so they'll hit a couple of times unless you evade and re-attack. But! On the plus side, it's easier to one-hit zombies with melee weapons if you sneak up behind them. It's still a little glitchy, though.. like.. a one-hit attack doesn't make sound.

I think they also either created a bug or changed how the food icon works. Before, you could fill the icon pretty quickly (900 calories made it appear "full") and just keep filling it into imagination-land for the extended calories, but now, after eating a crazy amount of food, the icon stops at half-way. If it's not a bug, maybe after exceeding 900 calories the icon shows the entire caloric picture (20,000/20,000). That would be nice, anyways..

I'll try out "Open Broadcaster Software" (OBS) to capture video next time. I'm curious if it will affect frame rate at all :D
Cherub Cow
Tue May 04 09:14:40
I think I'm getting worse ;D

When I started, I went through that military tent area in the SouthWest again, then headed towards Kamenka (nearby town to the East). On the way, I stopped at a "feed shack" to the East of an open field, and saw a wet bag (protects from water), but left it and continued towards Kamenka again... but then I realized that I could use that bag for the swim to Storozh (it would protect all my items).. so I headed back. In my great wisdom, I decided to sit in the feed shack — which faces an open field with a view to the tree lines in the distance — while transferring and organizing all of my items into the new wet bag... and... naturally.. someone shot me from a distance. :|

So that was fun. I clearly learned my lesson from the last time that I organized inventory while in the open. Funny how I knew these things when I first started, but I somehow unlearned them while playing ;p

I spawned in Solnichniy, way on the East Coast, hours from where I was, and started heading south. While getting food again, two people in a car started driving around me (they spotted me). I was already dying (low on food and already receiving starvation damage), so I didn't really care. But one of them in a thick African accent was like, "Hey! Get in! Let's go!" lol ... so.. I got in the car with them.. but they or I must have lagged out, because the driver disappeared and the passenger was non-responsive. Since I was going to die anyways, I went into a nearby house, found two shotgun shells, and killed myself :D
That was the first time I've used the suicide animation. It's pretty funny.

I managed to spawn near Solnichniy again, so I headed back into that town. The car people were gone, but I found the shotgun and was able to get enough food to survive. I found an IJ-70 pistol and lots of ammo, and decided to go on a zombie killing spree before heading out of town. Five minutes after I finished with those shenanigans, I ran into someone in a house who startled me but didn't take out the hammer on his back to attack, so I left him alone. He followed me out of the house and headed north with me, so I thought maybe a team-up was happening.. but I kept my character looking back at him, waiting to see if he'd take out the hammer or try to attack. Sure enough.. he showed his fists like he was holding the ready-attack button, then he stopped and took out the hammer. I immediately spun around and tried to shoot him, but he closed the distance and I guess I didn't land any critical shots (I definitely hit him twice in the body), so he managed to kill me.

Pretty weird. With a sledgehammer it's difficult enough to kill a zombie in three hits, so for him to kill me with a sledgehammer in one or two despite my helmet.. humph.. hopefully he died shortly afterwards :p
An annoying thing there was also that I managed to lag or get caught on something while trying to turn and make more space between us. That could just be more of the weird entanglements that happen with object collisions in the game. The game definitely favors melee attacks in those sorts of situations. With us tangled, it was probably easy for him to land those hits.

So that was a good stopping point.
I might just stay near the coast next time just to force more of these interactions :D
Tue May 04 09:22:03
if I read it like that I think your server got very laggy and unresponding.maybe time for a server hop?
Cherub Cow
Mon May 24 12:12:27
I *was* going to say that this server has been fine.. *but* :p

I finally got to Tri Kresta for a sight-seeing opportunity (pretty much the only thing on the map I hadn't seen besides Storozh Prison). It added just a little to the plot... there were abandoned buses there and some military camps, which meant that infected civilians were let out and either overran the encampment or were killed by the military peeps. Kind of interesting. It'd be neat if the game showed the content beneath Base Tisy, because the current map makes it look like the upper levels of the military escaped into bunkers.

Anyhow, when I was outside of Tri Kresta organizing my inventory, I was trying to decide if I should replace my Autumn "Hunter Jacket" with a "Combat Jacket" when the server dropped me with some weird error. When I went back into the server, the combat jacket had duplicated, so there were two jackets — both empty ... meaning, everything in my previous jacket was gone. This included my melee weapon (Axe) and my healing items (bandages and extra blood). I thought this was a funny bug at first because it had forced me to pick the combat jacket (Which definitely looks better for camouflage but just doesn't have good insulation).. but..

After passing the nearby Castle Krona, I was messing around with zombies in a small town (running into houses and locking them in the houses) when one cornered me in a shed. Without a melee weapon, I was left scrambling with firearms to get out of the corner, but nothing was working so I basically was just struggling while the zombie kept hitting me. I eventually got *just* enough distance to make a shot with a pistol, then I ran into a house bleeding.. but I didn't have anything to stop the bleeding, since those items were in my glitched/disappeared jacket... so... before I could cut strips of fabric to stop the bleeding, my character died.

I spawned in Elektro, but after two hours of rushing inland, my character died in Stary Sobor — I had had to eat raw chicken and vitamins because I couldn't find matches. Raw chicken gives 50 kilocalories, whereas cooked chicken gives 200 kcal... so despite having 6 chicken steaks, the energy was burned too quickly. At that point, I spawned on the East Coast (north of Solnichniy), so trying to recover anything was a lost cause. I just went north instead, ending up in Krasnostav.

Almost had a funny moment! ;D
I found dead zombies in the Krasnostav medical center, so I knew someone was nearby (zombies de-spawn very quickly unless someone remains in the area). I had a car battery, so I ran to the nearest PA system hoping to broadcast the Soviet National Anthem over the town's speakers, but the PA system in Krasnostav sits in a *super* exposed spot... so that would have been a death sentence ;p

I'll keep the car battery for next time.. maybe the Purge intro would be fun too :D
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 29 06:06:29
I randomly logged into my character again today. I found that someone had made a base around one of the tents at nearby Pobeda, which was a weird decision. Seems pretty high-visibility. Then I went to Base Tisy for NVGs. The area had mostly been looted, but when I was getting ready to leave, I saw a fire nearby (only 100 meters away, right on the hill between the big barracks and the prison), so I immediately injected my epinephrine (maxes stamina for one minute) and wondered if this person had seen me already or if this was a trap to get my attention.

But.. I circled the fire from a distance and saw that someone was just sitting there, crouched over the fire. He was wearing a skull mask and was fully geared, so that's usually a sign that the person will fight. So, like a crazy person, I sneak-walked maybe 20 feet away and shot him a few times (once in the head, then had to follow on when that didn't work). I think I startled him because he just started moving in all directions before dying ;p

He was carrying a weird gear-set (good knives and bad knives, two Mosins, food..), which, coupled with making a fire in such a high traffic spot, makes me think that this was a newer player, just a hoarder, or someone doing some base-building. And he had NVGs! Yay! That means that my current profile has pretty much everything — about where I was when I ran into that server issue weeks ago.

I also got a little scare. I completely forgot that DayZ allows players to wake up if they weren't completely killed.. so while I was looting him, he got up again, and I had to shoot a couple more times. Oops.

Before I left, I realized that I could at *least* give this person a chance to get his stuff back, so I took put everything on the ground in front of him. I think that bodies de-spawn pretty quickly (and thus lose everything on them), but if you take things off the body and put them on the ground, the server may support the items for up to 4 hours. So, potentially, he has 4 hours to recover his things.. minus NVGs, plate carrier pouches, and two sodas ;p

I also went to the Public Address System (PAS) and got ready to play the Soviet National Anthem, but when I installed the battery, it gave an *additional* requirement for a wire to connect the battery to the PAS. So that's a bummer. I'll have to hold onto the battery until I can find a wire.

Incidentally, I played today because Tarkov plans to do a wipe/reset, and the server had gone down for maintenance. Tomorrow night (0200 CST, June 30th, 2021), all player experience and items reset to zero, so people have to level up from scratch. Pretty neat time to play that game. It's like DayZ but without the three hours of walking around before finding someone :p

And OBS software (video recorder) works great for recording Tarkov at 1920x1080 60fps (down-scaled from 4k), but I still need to balance DayZ graphics so that it's not choppy while recording. Hopefully I can do that without compromising the graphics too much.
Tue Jun 29 06:57:16
Didnt know you were into Tarkov as well CC, made sense though kinda same game.

So when are you gonna stream? :D
Cherub Cow
Wed Jun 30 05:09:30
Once I figure out how to get this computer balanced for it! ;D
My understanding was that 3090 cards pretty much have a dedicated chip for recording games (NVENC), but something seems to be throttling when I try to record DayZ. I'm fine recording Tarkov because it doesn't hurt FPS, but DayZ tends to be *just* choppy enough that I'd be in trouble in a fight. I *am* planning to get water cooling because EKWB announced active cooling for the 3090FE back plate, but that's not out until September.

"Didnt know you were into Tarkov as well CC, made sense though kinda same game."
You too?? :D
And yeah, Tarkov really seems like it took all the issues of DayZ and fixed/polished them. Like, running down hills near rocks in DayZ seems dangerous because the physics can clip and you might break your legs, but in Tarkov it feels like you're glued to the ground (better gravity interactions). And in DayZ, you really have to avoid a lot of scenarios (like melee) simply because of the bugs and bad physics, whereas things just work in Tarkov. The only things I miss in Tarkov that DayZ has would be the full 360° free look, door interactions (much easier to open and close doors), and that you can load magazines while looking at the world (in Tarkov, it's just a circle progress icon, and you have to trust the audio cues because you can only see your inventory screen).

Anyhow! The Tarkov wipe should be ready by about 0600 CST. I wish I could just skip work to speed level ;D
Wed Jun 30 06:00:23
Not playing Tarkov myself, I'm terrible with those kind of games but I do like to watch it on twitch same as dayZ
Sat Dec 04 15:48:46
How's the Tarkov playing going CC? Any good adventures with it?
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 07 00:02:09
It's good! Yes!
I'm getting better, though I basically play the game like "Thief" or Alien:Isolation (sneaking around, collecting items, and ambushing people). I guess there's less of a sense of narrative/"journey" in this game since each map experience is a one-off, whereas in DayZ you really feel like you're exploring a continuous world. If Tarkov could connect all of the maps with no time limit.. that would be the best of both worlds :)

I played with real-life friends on Caturday, but it was kind of a mess where they kept killing each other while I tried to show them around, lulz. Hearing, "That's me!" while someone shoots a friend to death is always funny. They kept losing track of who was who and were defaulting to "kill this person just in case" instead of checking first. That's like, the opposite of me... I communicate where I am, check other's locations, and will consistently let someone kill me instead of risking a friendly fire incident :p
(Incidentally, this has been why I've gotten killed a few times on scav-runs; if I see someone dressed in scav attire, I let them act first, which means that PMCs dressed like scavs have an advantage.)

Last night I played the Interchange map a few times for quests, and tonight I'm hoping to finish quests on the "Reserve" map (I've only ever played scav there to learn the map, so this should be interesting). I have four quests to complete on that map, so I'll try to do them all in one go :D

There's supposedly a wipe coming up! People think it will happen with Patch 12.12 on December 12th. They've started enabling end-of-wipe tasks as of today (e.g., an in-game note tells you that the map scav-bosses have started showing up in strange places — usually a sign that a wipe is incoming). That's kind of a bummer, since my character is almost to level 20 (currently halfway through level 19), which acts like a milestone for Hideout upgrades. But! I have 153 clips from this wipe that I'll string together for a sort of "I was terrible but got better" video. It'll go from me not even being able to kill the AI-scavs to me.. okay.. well.. killing AI-scavs but not even being able to kill real players ;D

The new wipe/update is supposed to be significant:
• adding inertia so that people can't just wiggle back and forth on corners (more realism),
• adding a probability of weapon malfunctions for firearms overheating (something that will effectively penalize people who go full-auto all the time — fairly realistic, since this simulates carbon build-up),
• new weapons and a new map ("Lighthouse")
• VOIP added to the game (this could make it even more DayZ-like, though it can also make things toxic)
• More realistic round drop-off and distance/damage mapping (this will be nice; coming from DayZ, I got used to having to really pay attention to distance and ranging, but in Tarkov it didn't seem to matter enough to care about — I stopped adjusting for distance after the first couple of weeks and just permanently had distance set to 50m and used "Arkansas elevation" when needed)

I'll try to do little write-ups again — should be fun times ahead :D
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 07 08:14:04
Tonights missions!
Mission 1; Customs, PMC: I tried to do a leftover quest at night but was killed in the first two minutes, so that was fun ;D
I was hiding behind a tree in a dark area while searching a ground stash just southwest of the fortress, but I was spotted. At first I thought it was a cultist (night-time special scavs), but it was just a normal player. Luckily didn't lose too much.. just a VSS Vintorez. They'll be excited about that right until they check the durability (it was collected from a scav run, so it was less than 50%).

Mission 2; Woods, scav: Thought I'd recover some gear in a night-time scav run, but I found out the hard way that cultists spawn south of the "Abandoned Village" lake (I thought they only spawned north of it). I saw two shapes running about 100m north of me, so I tried to move around quietly to see if they were scavs or PMCs... then just had suppressed shots rain down on me XD
Cultists definitely get a night vision bonus even though they don't carry night vision.

Mission 3; Woods, scav: Yay! Got a *lot* of stuff and made it out with only 30 seconds to spare :p

No more time tonight, but that last scav run funded my PMC run for tomorrow.
Tue Dec 07 12:27:31
See that's the things with these kind of games I dont have the patience for it to play, being sneaky and patient, having the possibility of getting one shotted and lose everything. I prefer to just watch someone else suffer and have myself a good laugh of either succession or failure.

The chances they announced look very interesting and I cant wait to see them back in some game plays on Twitch

Thu Dec 09 14:21:13
Oh have you seen gameplay of Icarus, its from the same developer as DayZ?
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 11 08:42:35
Just watched some Icarus trailers and gameplay.. the nature looks beautiful, but they still have work to do on the player visualizations. I might have to keep watch on it..

Someone also suggested "Star Citizen" to me, and while I'll get it to co-op with them a little.. I don't think I'll be spending much time on it once the Tarkov wipe happens on Sunday :D

"See that's the things with these kind of games I dont have the patience for it to play, being sneaky and patient, having the possibility of getting one shotted and lose everything. I prefer to just watch someone else suffer and have myself a good laugh of either succession or failure."

lulz. It's definitely a balance for each person's preferences :D
My survival rate right now is 66%, which is pretty good. Most people take far more risks and have super low survival percentages. I tend to plan out quests before committing..
I see videos of people like "Lvndmark" and "Pestily" (my favorites to watch, even though Lvndmark's self-hype is annoying) running out in the open (super risky moves) but then getting good positioning in fights — lots of big moves followed by little bits of patience.. like.. running into a building, then pausing for a few seconds to see if anyone gives away their position via noise, then carefully peaking each corner before trotting along.

I don't worry so much about losing gear anymore (my current inventory, not including even more stuff that's inside of stuff :D http://i.imgur.com/4QnHGz2.jpg ), but, yeah, I definitely prefer *lots* of patience. You can level-up "Covert Movement" by moving slowly/silently, and I saw that Pestily, who has a level 66 character, has his covert movement at level 3 or 4, whereas I have almost level 4 covert movement at character level 19 D:

Once, I did a night raid on Customs, was hiding in a bush for a minute while I looked at the map, heard someone running past on my left, shot them with an MP5, but then wasn't sure if they died because I heard them healing... so I waited about 10 minutes before moving again, since I thought they might be waiting for me to give away my position XD
... turned out that they had bled out while trying to heal :D

I also worry much more about snipers than Pestily and Lvndmark seem to. My habit in DayZ was to avoid open areas at all costs because of snipers, and that seems to be working for me in Tarkov.. most of my deaths happen within about 50 feet ;p

I'm also happy that most of my deaths happen due to someone I'm aware of. Only once (maybe twice?) has it been like my DayZ moment where I was stupidly sorting items while someone had a sniper position on me across an open field ("I think I'm getting worse ;D" above). Speaking of which, the person who killed me in the first two minutes of that Tarkov Customs trip did not take *anything*, so all of that gear was returned through Tarkov insurance :D
Sun Dec 12 12:05:43
I'm watching normally Sacriel for gameplay of Tarkov, he has a bit of your gameplay style, a bit careful when being alone. And likes to snipe a lot when he gets into the sniper guns. He's very informative about gameplay and tactics, tries to explain a lot why he does certain thing. Only problem he has, he can be a very cocky British bastard when things don't go his way :D

But I like watching him
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 12 12:23:50
Tarkov 12.12 Wipe went live!! \:D/

I updated and played for a little while.. Updating took a while since demand is really high right now, and the servers have been overloaded.

It's possible to get to level 2 just identifying items in the player screens, so I did that, then organized my inventory, sold the stuff I'll never use, then went into the new Lighthouse map in offline mode to take a look around.

Lighthouse looks very cool. It has more sights reminiscent of some of the DayZ towns (i.e., very rural Russian). I also passed through a little recreational lodge/hotel thing. Lots of neat angles in these little towns, especially from the windows. It definitely looks dangerous if not done carefully — lots of spots for snipers to camp that unobservant players could miss. It also has a lot of little standing pools of water, which again reminds of DayZ (I didn't realize until this map that Tarkov levels typically use water sparingly).

The new inertia feels good!
I didn't even notice at first but then realized that movement felt more natural. I tested that annoying peak move that people used, and it's basically disabled. So, you can no longer jump sideways into a hallway and then quickly jump back into cover after checking if it's clear. Instead, if you move sideways into a hallway, there's a moment where you have to pause and re-shift your weight to reverse direction. This gets more noticeable once you're carrying a lot of stuff. Definitely a positive change for realism.

The lean buttons feel about the same. I want to say that there's a slight delay when letting go, but it's not enough for me to say for sure. That makes sense, since you can do quick leans with gear IRL. I expect people will have to start using leans much more.. which.. again.. makes it more like DayZ. I also think people will actually use the step-left and step-right options more (a separate motion from simply strafing), since those will let people control just how much they commit to that move. Even I wasn't using those before, since the lack of inertia made them pretty unimportant.

Cool beans! I'll probably go into raids tonight, I just wanted to get set up for now.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 12 12:29:09
Lol. Good timing on posting! I must have been in the middle of typing when you submitted :D

I'm looking at Sacriel's Twitch stream... he's doing a scav run it looks like.

Oh wow! He's using the new VOIP. I totally forgot about that. It sounds better than whatever DayZ was using.
Sun Dec 12 12:39:15
Yeah watching him now as well, on the new map. First noticeable comment of him about the new map: snipy sneaky map. Saw him testing out the new movements but I was a bit busy to follow his comments on it
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 12 12:42:19
Lulz. I just tried to give him directions to the extract, since I had the same one when I played offline :D
He got there, but I'm not sure if it's because he saw my comments.

Pestily's stream is also messing around with VOIP. Pretty fun :D
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 12 12:43:12
Okay! No more streamers for me till later ;p
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 12 22:41:50
The Tarkov VOIP memes have escalated quickly :D
"VOIP in Tarkov was a mistake"

I'm more and more impressed with the VOIP! People can troll, sure, but the Tarkov audio is so much better than DayZ's that VOIP sounds natural. In DayZ, it *sounded* like you were talking to/with megaphones connected to poor audio inputs — super tinny and echo-laden with no sense of distance or loudness. Someone could whisper into their mic from 50 feet away (in-game distance) and you couldn't tell if they were directly outside the window/door.

And I've thought that VOIP might make the game seem less serious, but that wasn't an issue with DayZ. People can troll, but they still have to risk losing their stuff by giving away their position. Trash-talking doesn't stop bullets from working :p

I'd also like to bind an audio loop of a scav's normal spam phrases so that I can trick people into thinking I'm just a scav while playing PMC >:D
..the only catch is that I'll *have* to get a decent mic now. I was already in the market, but to use VOIP I'll have to use my previous headphones that have a built-in mic, whereas my new (better) headphones don't have a built-in mic..

Anyways. About to eat, then I'll be playing Tarkov until my eyes bleed ;D
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 13 06:40:37
Raid 1: Customs, PMC, Night Raid
First mission of the wipe!
The first Prapor quest is to kill 5 scavs on Customs and get 2 MP-133 shotguns, so those were the only objectives.
I snuck around for a little while to ease into the map. Lots of firefights going on.
I snuck up on a scav running a patrol route west of "Big Red" and shot him, but he survived and ran away. I then heard scavs in the storage area, shot one a few times through his flashlight blinding me, but he also ran away. I expected that he'd bleed out, but he must have had meds :/

It started to rain so I didn't have to worry about noise and just worked with cover. I made it west of the road south of Dorms when someone popped over the hill and sprayed fire at me. I started shooting at him and he ran north. It turned out that that was a USEC PMC, and he died. At the time, I wasn't sure if he was waiting to ambush me, so I just healed and kept moving to the ZB-1011 exit. I threw two grenades into New Gas Station while passing it, but I didn't really interact with anything after that :p

Raid 2: Customs, PMC, Morning
Got a good loot spawn near the RUAF Roadblock! I got the "unknown key" from the dead scav there (good for a later quest), then looted crackhouse for a while, then snuck to Old Gas Station, got a scav kill, and made an easy exit. Had too much stuff to go further (e.g., a salewa for a Therapist quest, two things of sugar) :p

Raid 3: Customs again! PMC, Night Raid
Found a GPU!! Too bad it's too early for that to be worth anything so I have to keep it for a while ;D
I killed one more scav and used the Dorms vehicle-extract, which gives you scam karma.. so that's nice.

Raid 4: Customs, PMC, Night Raid
Wow! That was stressful D:
I started east of Dorms and was originally going to bypass dorms and loot near the trailer park exits, but I stopped in 2-story dorms for a while. There was a PMC in there with a Saiga-9.. got the jump on him even though the recoil of my AK-74M was not doing me any favors (I didn't realize that the recoil-control skill was so significant; that'll take time to level up). That was a pretty stress-free moment, though. I got my 3rd customs scav-kill and cleared the rest of 2nd-story, then slowly walked to the sniper roadblock since my character endurance is so low right now (can't run for more than about 5 seconds when fully loaded).

Then the stressful moment: I paused at the crates south of the sniper roadblock and got ready to sprint across the road (just in case anyone saw me).. then sprinted, and, sadly, someone took a few shots at me with what sounded like an assault rifle and hit me maybe twice. I healed behind a tree while they changed position to the river, and I hit them a couple of times while they peaked from behind a rock, then I ran back across the street and finished healing. I was sure that they were hunting me, but, in hindsight, I think they probably took the Smuggler's Boat exit after figuring that the fight wasn't worth it. I moved north to the sniper roadblock to get a good position, and finally (maybe four minutes later) heard someone moving to where I was about 50m to the South... I head-shotted him, but it was a scav (possibly a player scav) carrying a shot gun, so I don't think that was the person I had just fought. I cleared the area, but no one was around, so I took the Smuggler's Boat exit. That bumped me up to character level 4 :)

First heart-pounding moment of the wipe — had my heart rate over 100bpm just sitting XD

Raid 5: Customs, PMC, Night Raid
Woohoo! Got the 5th scav :D
I can usually kill more scavs in one raid, but I'm being very careful right now.
I also killed a PMC early on in the bushes east of Sniper Ridge. He seemed unsure that he heard me, so I just held position for about 30 seconds until I could see his silhouette move.

Raid 6: Woods, Scav, Morning
Ran into a couple of player-scavs. Good to see that people are still behaving :p
Just a nice loot run to calm down for a woods PMC run.

Raid 7: Woods, PMC, Night
(This was to do the Mechanic/Jaeger quest and look for salewas and MP-133s)
Got the Mechanic/Jaeger quest done, but I got a little lost while heading north and ending up extracting without doing much else besides taking a pot shot at a scav (must have missed, since he ran away)... I at least used a vehicle extract again, so my scav karma is still going up.
Currently level 5!

Lulz. I'm watching Pestily's first Lighthouse run, and he does not seem to like the new movement:
He mentions that it feels like Arma. Yep! That's why I like it :D
The game is going to start rewarding tactical positioning more instead of wiggle exploits. People won't just be able to bring long-rifles into close range fights and expect the same results. This really opens up the indoor game for SMGs. Now if they could make it so your default position is the low-ready and you have to intentionally bring the rifle in front of you.. ;p

He also said it feels laggy, but that's the wrong call; it's not laggy, you just have to plan your stop so you don't overshoot and rely more on leaning and side-stepping..
He mentions at about 7:20 that it's now more of a tactical shooter, so I think he starts coming around to what's going on :)
..the rest of the video is him exploring the map, so I played it at 2x speed :p
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 13 09:34:09
Raid 8: Woods, PMC, Night Raid
Arg :/
Didn't get to the exit in time. I took too much fire at Scav Bunker and had to heal and hide for too long, then didn't make enough time to get all the way to outskirts (for some reason the game only offered Outskirts, bridge vehicle extract, and Factory Gate). I was about 10 seconds from the exit, so I would have needed another 20 seconds to have made it. I even dropped my pack with a few minutes left to try to get there faster :/

Raid 9: Woods, PMC, dark morning
Sniped in first few minutes! :'(
I spawned southwest of the Old Sawmill and headed towards it, and I got a little too carried away sprinting, so I gave away my position to someone who was clearly already at the Old Sawmill. I heard them to my left maybe 50m away and was hoping they couldn't see me.. but they one-shotted me while I was silent-walking in the open to the building. I knew I should have sprinted behind cover right when I heard someone :/ ... I also should have stayed on the ridge to the South of the Old Sawmill and scanned the area instead of running down.. so.. multiple mistakes were made :p

With more people passing level 10, players will probably be running NVGs now, so I may have to limit night runs to quests.

Raid 10: Woods, Scav, Morning
Ran out of time again :/
I was a solid 40 seconds north of the Old Station extract, so that was a big error.

Raid 11: Woods, PMC, Morning
Killed 4 scavs and got a bunch of loot :)

The server crashed, and they announced that they're fixing some technical issues. I was trying to mod a rifle when I kept getting errors that reversed the mods. I've got to say.. even though weird things sometimes happen like that, Tarkov at least generates errors, reverts to a functional state, and doesn't outright disappear items. DayZ had some monumental bugs.

No more leveling for today.
I noticed that someone on my friends list already reached level 15, which is absurd. Totes jelly ;)
Mon Dec 13 09:45:29
24 hours of playing tarkov… I hope your friend is still alive :)

Also about the voip system. You do know that you can imitate the npc voices in game? There should be an option or at least hot keys to shout sentences
Mon Dec 13 09:56:00
It has always been a tactical shooter. That’s why I like to watch streams of it. But people used to exploits too much. I think the change of not able to wiggle anymore is a very good one. Also did you noticed that if you are heavy loaded your start speed is also different as well as stopping yourself ^^. Saw that yesterday at sacriels stream!
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 14 06:54:32
"24 hours of playing tarkov… I hope your friend is still alive :)"

He must have died IRL, because he's still level 15 as of just now XD

"You do know that you can imitate the npc voices in game?"

Yes, but it's limited as a PMC. PMCs have their own voice commands and questions with some slight overlap with the scavs, but the PMC voices are pretty distinct. The scav AI has its own tone to it.. kind of a goofy/playful/excitable voice.. and the scavs say generic Russian exclamations instead of specific commands (Russian "Ah crap!" more so than "Cease fire!"). You get an entire list of options while PMC, but scavs just spam "F1" and get a random Russian exclamation.

I run Bear-PMC (Russian voice) and use the "Mikhail" voice because it sounds the *most* like the scav AI. Mikhail is the least slow and low-pitched of the options, but it's still a little slower&lower than the scav AI. If people are paying attention, they know something's off.

So! If I use the actual scav AI recordings, they'll think it's an actual scav AI instead of recognizing a Bear-PMC voice. :D

"It has always been a tactical shooter."

Definitely! I've seen streamers who came from other games to play Tarkov, and it's like they think it's Call of Duty. They do idiotic things with zero sense of cover and concealment, hoping to fast-twitch onto people. They definitely wouldn't survive weeks at a time like I was doing in DayZ :p

One streamer, "Shroud", had maxed out his character strength and was bunny hopping over and over again to avoid sniper fire (had to hunt down this video, set to the relevant part: http://youtu.be/Ysl-XOGKERQ?t=382 )... it's ridiculous. Instead of retreating behind cover and finding a safe albeit roundabout way to close/flank the distance, he sprints directly towards them across an open parking lot while bunny-hopping so that the d-sync keeps them from getting his hit-boxes :|

They patched his exploits out of the game for the most part. This wipe, I was most happy to see Lvndmark's thoughts on the inertia, since — while he mostly plays very deliberately by checking all of his corners — he definitely exploits game logic that no one would do IRL, like diagonal running and constant wiggling to get the d-sync advantage. It'll be interesting to see if he adapts or if he just keeps complaining about it to get the devs to change it ;p

"Also did you noticed that if you are heavy loaded your start speed is also different as well as stopping yourself"

Yes! Definitely noticed that, especially with my character endurance being so low-level right now. Once I fill up a regular Berkut pack, I'm going super slow. It makes me more conscious of being ready to drop the pack if/before a fight happens, since they also changed stamina recovery. Going from prone to kneeling previously had a stamina cost, but now there's *also* a cost for going from kneeling to standing.. something you notice even more when under weight.

This was similar in DayZ. In DayZ, I'd carry a big pack for long journeys, but I'd always drop it and equip a smaller empty pack when going into a danger area.. partly to protect my previous loot, but also because the mobility difference was huge. I might have to start doing that in Tarkov..
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 14 10:21:37
Raid 12: PMC, Woods, dark morning
Woohoo! The game started me east of Scav Village, so I looted some hidden stashes, filled my gear with loot, killed a couple of scavs, and used the vehicle extract. :)

Raid 13: PMC, Woods, Night Raid
(I know I keep doing Woods right now, but this is where I have the best luck finding salewas and food, which I need right now.)

I started south of the USEC camp, so I headed there first, but someone must have spawned *in* the camp because it was already looted. I figured they must have headed to the next part of the camp (on the next ridge to the North), so I went there cautiously. I put my back to the mine field and heard tree movement east of the main tent, so I figured I was spotted and threw a flash-bang in that direction. Someone shot with a suppressed pistol (one or two rounds), but I couldn't tell if it impacted near me. I ran (figuring I was giving away my position; I still had no clue exactly where they were) to the north side of the tent and threw another flash-bang, but I still couldn't see where they were hiding and heard another pistol shot. I circled a little more, but then ran to the neck/isthmus between the lakes to see if they would flee north.
After a minute, I heard a small firefight break out in the camp (someone rapidly shot a rifle about 6 times)... I figured that *if* the pistol person survived, they might be waiting for me, so I went to scav bunker for a better ambush and to loot. In hindsight, this would have been a good time to re-attack, since the pistol person might have thought that the new attacker was me.. then again, the person with the assault rifle knew that there were two people, so *if* assault rifle person were the winner, he'd be looking for the second person..

Scav bunker was un-looted, but there weren't any scavs around. I found a few items then moved to the secondary camp (conex box camp) for more loot. Pistol person caught up with me, because I *again* heard movement — this time a foot hitting wood on the other side of the conex area (probably this was inside one of two conex boxes). I threw a flash-bang into the middle of the conex area (I had just found two more, so that was nice), then re-positioned to the North behind the boxes. I heard more movement on what sounded like the back/southeast ledge of the camp, so I put a flash-bang in the grass there, then heard a suppressed pistol shot (reviewing the video, I don't see them, so they may not have even seen me when they shot). I circled counter-clockwise to see if they would give up their position but nope.. no idea where they were. I fired a shot at the 2nd floor conex box to see if they would reposition.. nothing.. They could have be blinded and/or were just hiding. I kept re-positioning but still couldn't see any movement... so I moved south for looting.

Again, in hindsight, with this person likely only having a pistol, I could have just pushed them, but not knowing exactly where they were.. I ended up erring on the side of caution... Not a very interesting way to play that fight, I know, but their little Splinter Cell game had clearly worked on someone before, so I wasn't excited about being the next victim. :/

Anyways! Got a lot of stuff (including an AN/PVS-14 NVG that I can't use without an adapter), and I cut it pretty close, but I made it all the way to Northern UN Roadblock, so that was profitable :)

Raid 14: Scav, Woods, Midday
Just a quick run to the southern Military Camp for salewas (none found). Lots of good loot, though.

Raid 15: Scav, Woods, Early Morning
Nice! So. Much. Loot! :D
Car battery, fuel, salewa, toothpaste... good things! Hideout-building is going nicely. :)
I also met a player scav who didn't kill me, so that was nice. I saw him first and spammed F1, which freaked him out for a second. We ended up extracting together at the same spot on Eastern Rocks. He was probably paranoid about me following him since we had to run together to the extract for about 200m, so I kept spamming Russian :p
Tue Dec 14 11:45:50
lol at the spamming Russian. This technically could have worked well with the new VIOP system in play.

Also about Shroud, that guy is nuts. He literally debugs a game to find loopholes to play with. Which is technically good since that way the developer can fix it nicely in a patch. But he has also excellent hand eye coordination. I saw him play a bit of the new battlefield 2042. And his scores were just crazy.

But his playstyle is always push push and try to outgun them.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 15 07:59:09
True about Shroud! The main dev, Nikita, seems to keep up with the popular streamers, so Nikita knows their exploits and seems to patch when they do game-breaking stuff, so the streamers definitely do their beta-testing jobs :D

And Shroud does seem really good at fast-twitch movements.. so much so that he frequently gets accused of cheating ;p

Raid 16: Scav, Woods, Night
Arg... I spawned near Mountain Stash, so I immediately sprinted to the Military Camp for medical supplies... there were *lots* of meds since it had not been looted (no salewas, though). I was particularly happy about finding a 120-round box of 5.45x39 BS rounds (the 2nd best 5.45 rounds). But, when it was time to leave, even though I had a solid 10 minutes, I realized that my extracts were RUAF Roadblock, Scav Bridge, and Scav Bunker. I wasted time checking if RUAF Roadblock was active since it was closest.. but it was not.. so I had to start booking it to the opposite side of the map with 8:30 left :|

I mis-navigated a little, and stamina is still bad at this scav character-level.. but the cruel thing was that I got to the Scav Bunker extract (downstairs and by the timer) right as time expired... so I'm left thinking of the many ways I could have saved just 10 seconds :|

I kind of forgot how few extract options you get early in the wipe. Once you level up, they give you access to more, which makes it easy to exit when needed. Have to *remember* to be very careful about that — check first and plan the raid!! :p

Raid 17: PMC, Woods, Late afternoon
I started near ZB-014 and looted to "Checkpoint", where I killed four scavs. One of them seemed a little like a player scav, but I'm basing that on them pushing me around a rock. Scavs *sometimes* push like this, but usually just Killa and raiders. I'd lean towards AI, just because human is usually more obvious (they'd get surprised and hide).

After looting Sawmill, I was *very* near Military Camp, but I had only 14 minutes left, so I decided not to risk it this time and just made a safe journey to Northern UN Roadblock.

I wish I'd taken off this week so I could do more raids!! ;p
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 16 07:19:11
Raid 18: Scav, Woods, Early Morning
Just loot. I found another NVG option, but no adapter again.
I started near Military Camp, but there was another player in there with me.. and I wasn't sure if it was a PMC or scav. He walked right past my line of fire twice, but it was too dark. to tell PMC/scav. He was moving kind of carefully like a PMC would and had a high-seated backpack (more typical of PMC, but not exclusive), but I don't think he had a helmet on. That kind of left with only a few options..
1) Spam Russian and see if he responds
2) Shoot and just hope it wasn't a scav ;D
3) Stay quiet and try to get a better angle to distinguish PMC/scav

1 is always risky since if it's a PMC, it's like, "Hey! Kill me!"
2 would cost my karma if it's a scav.. so..
3 ended up happening.

Anyways, I actually made it across the map to the extract this time :p

Raid 19: Scav, Woods, Night
I don't want to get in the habit of wasting time on my scav, but it's too tempting to not go on food runs with a scav :p

Lulz. I started north of Scav Bunker and headed south, and at the USEC Camp I was thinking, "Careful, you're going too far to the right; don't want to step on a mine," and after I started heading back to the left... stepped on a mine XD
I was basically limping around USEC Camp looking for meds after that. I was pretty sure it was hopeless, but the medical supply crate in the southwest tent had a splint and augmentin, so I got super lucky. There was also a salewa, but I didn't want to use it since that just completed my Therapist quest \:D/

Raid 20: PMC, Woods, Night
(Questing for the convoy and USEC camp after enabling it from an earlier finished Prapor quest)
Finished the Prapor quest, killed a random scav, and looted a bunch of stuff from Scav Village. Yay!

Woods has pretty much been wrapped up for the moment. Time to go back to Customs...
I'll do the Prapor watch quest next ("Checking"). The rest of my current quests just require finding items...
Thu Dec 16 09:07:20
I always thought woods are the worst place to be in Tarkov? At least I see most people avoiding them a lot.

there are mines in game? I've never seen one!
Cherub Cow
Fri Dec 17 05:30:09
"there are mines in game? I've never seen one!"

Yep! :D
Turn down your sound unless you want to get scared:
This was me wandering into the field (brightness upped by 500%). You can see how quickly I go from spotting the camp light, to "Oh, this is too far to the right," to turning to the left, to getting blown up, to checking my inventory and realizing I had nothing that could help a broken leg :D
(Imgur's encoder didn't do any favors to the clarity; I still need to figure out how to get it to accept high quality video)

Mine aren't player-deployed like in DayZ, though. They just mark the western edge of the map on Woods, one random spot beyond a gate on the eastern edge of Woods, and some spots on Lighthouse that I haven't personally seen yet. If you stray into the zone, you can get a nice explosive surprise that typically breaks one or two legs and gives vision and hearing side effects. They don't exist in specific coordinates (like, there's not a lump in the ground that you can identify). I think how it works is that once you enter a mine field, you have a certain RNG/chance of exploding based on how far into the field you've traveled (the farther into the field the higher the chance) and/or how long you've been in the field. So, one person can step on the same spot and not explode, but another person can step on the exact same spot and explode. Most spots on Woods clearly have mine field signs, but the USEC camp doesn't. I once spawned next to a rock south of the USEC camp and blew up ten feet later because I went around the rock the wrong way :D (survived, though)

"I always thought woods are the worst place to be in Tarkov? At least I see most people avoiding them a lot."
Woods is my favorite map! :D
There's lots of good terrain for cover and concealment, and it feels much more open world.. kind of that DayZ feel. I've also gotten really good at navigating there.. to the point that I can navigate at night using just trees and rocks :D

My cynical thought has been that people don't like it because they don't know how to move around trees and hills safely. It's easy to get careless, since covering distances in straight lines will be faster but can easily mean running across an open field and becoming a target... I saw that even with top DayZ streamers. They'd be wiggling in the middle of a field while trying to place a shot, whereas I always ran in horse-shoe patterns to stay in the tree lines.. unless forced otherwise :p

I forgot to mention that I found an impact grenade.. they're super over-powered right now, and Pestily has pointed out an easy strategy with them: say, "Hi," on VOIP, get a response (which gives away the other player's position), and then throw the impact grenade where their voice came from... instant death... so... that's a new reason to be careful with VOIP :D

Since there's a "kill PMCs with grenades" quest later, I'll probably start saving those..
Cherub Cow
Fri Dec 17 09:00:41
Raid 21: Scav, Customs, Midnight
Quick loot run. Spawned near "Smuggler's Boat", and my exit was "Passage Between Rocks".
Found a lion at the duffle bag next to the tent to the east of Dorms which will help for the "documents case" trade.

Raid 22: PMC, Customs, Morning
Decided to go with a suppressed Vityaz, since this will be pure stealth for the watch quest D:
Server wait-list very crowded D: D: D:

Okay, so, I got the jump on someone, but I guess the Vityaz with "9x19mm Pst gzh" was a terrible idea. I spawned next to Crack House, so I figured I'd loot that first while waiting for Old Construction to settle down (site of the watch quest). I hit him about 4 times while he stood in a doorway. He ran away away, I chased. Shot him 6 more times while leaning from the House's western doorway (these numbers don't include the misses, which were many). Then he killed me with two shots of 7.62x39 — one to my right leg and one to my head. So. Anyways.

In hindsight, I should have kept taking little pop-shots at him like that (just a couple at a time) but then duck away and reposition. Everyone pretty much has level 4 armor right now, so "Pst gzh" is useless for trying to finish the fight first (his armor soaked up a lot of it). I'll also aim for the head instead of the throat ;p
Here's that exchange, btw:
(brightness boosted by 600% — I definitely couldn't see this well during the fight — in hindsight, he wasn't even facing me while in the doorway, so I could have taken time to aim at his head)

Raid 23: Scav, Customs, Morning
Nice little loot run to decompress after the PMC failure :)
Big bonus! Got an NVG strap for my N-15 NVGs. I'll save that for my next Woods raid.

Raid 24: PMC, Customs, Night Raid
Suppressed Vityaz again but different this time!! ;D

Yay! Six scav kills :D
I also got the watch and a whole lot of loot, partly because I killed a player scav who had looted quite a bit before he got to me. He had a few quest items, so he may have been upset.. but he should have taken the door more carefully. No one else must have gone for the watch because I killed four scavs at Old Construction. I was super nervous at the end :)

That "Checking" quest is somewhat difficult just because there's a bottle-neck for it early in the wipe, but I just unlocked the more annoying one: "Delivery from the Past". No one likes it just because it requires surviving two raids, once of which is Factory :|
The last two wipes I did it successfully on the first try, but I didn't like it ;p

The "Shootout Picnic" quest also unlocked for me, which is a lot more fun since it's just killing scavs on Woods again :)

Raid 25: Scav, Customs, Morning
Quick loot run. Pretty simple.
Fri Dec 17 10:09:50
you should have done the pot shots on that one, he/she wasnt sure where you were at the start since it sprinted away straight ahead. Then it noticed you and could do the pot shots on you instead :)

everybody gearing up time for snipeshots on head lvl!
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 18 11:02:52
Exactly :p
That could have gone much better.

Raid 26: PMC, Customs, Morning
"Delivery from the Past" time :)

k. Picked up the documents case from Customs, got some good computer loot, and killed a scav on the way out. Time for Factory!

Raid 27: PMC, Factory, Night
That got spicy :D

I spawned near the forklift area, so that was ideal for the quest. I just snuck over to Gate 3.
The map was super quiet, so I tried not to be the first to make noise, but two scavs wandered into the area so I killed them and then sprinted to the drop spot. After dropping off, I figured I may as well have some fun (I didn't have to survive *this* attempt at the map; I would get quest credit for any completion of the Factory map), so I killed another scav and went to the offices, but someone had looted it already. On the way back to Gate 3, two player scavs were waiting to ambush me on the Gate 3 scaffolding, but I emptied a Vityaz mag into them and got out :p

Raid 28: PMC, Customs, Night
Back to Customs for the "BP Depot" quest!

That went well, until the end. :|

I tagged two of the trucks and was on my way to Old Construction for a third, coming from the Southwest side of Fortress when someone ran over the hill in front of Crack House. I again 100% had the jump on them and was in a better position (in a ditch with them having to expose their entire body coming over the hill), but they were able to survive the encounter and kill me while I was reloading. I forgot to pause on the damage screen to see how much I hurt them, but I'd guess at *least* 10 rounds of the 30 round magazine.

I think I'm done with SMGs until I can get better ammo because I again unloaded an entire magazine, and they were able to survive even though they were panicked.
Back to 7.62 and 5.45 for now. This was a fun experiment, but there's no getting around it with ammo.

Raid 29: Scav, Customs, Afternoon
Nice and easy loot run to get over my PMC loss ;p

Raid 30: PMC, Customs, Night
Time to take the other two trucks for "BP Depot"!
No suppressor for this, but I'll be using 5.45 BS rounds, so :)
Also bringing my NVGs for funsies.

That was fun, though it ended poorly.

I marked the other two trucks, so I just need to survive any Customs raid to complete.
I also killed five scavs near Old Construction, then I noticed that the ZB-013 extract went green which I *thought* meant that someone had unlocked it and thus it was free for everyone to use.. but that turned out not to be the case (looking into it, it turns green when power has been restored, but it still requires the Factor Key). On the way to Fortress to use that extract, I encountered a player-scav who heard me around a corner and said, "Friendly scav." I used VOIP to say something like, "Leave [the area]," but they insisted on trying to fight and pushed into the Repair Shop, which didn't work well for them given my NVGs.

When I got to Fortress and found the door locked, I got ready to cross to Old Gas Station, but I heard a scav around a corner and shot him a few times, he hit me, so I healed. I heard him coughing blood, so I thought I could finish him off, but I died when I peaked. Looking at the video, it looks like there was a second scav with a wider angle that I had missed (they were partially blinding me with flashlights). Though, I also should not have re-peaked the same angle. AI-Scavs might be easy to kill, but re-peaking is a basic mistake to make with them. I also should have turned off NVGs and turned on my flashlight to blind them back... oh well :/

On the plus side, because it was scavs that killed me in a weird spot close to the end of the raid (an outdoor corner that no one really visits), it's probable that I'll get all of that stuff back...
*Fingers crossed* ;p

Raid 31: Scav, Reserve, Afternoon
That was nice :)
It took 10 minutes to get into the raid, but it gave me a full 30 minutes (seems to be near the upper limit for scavs), so I had lots of time to improve my loot.
Two different people used VOIP. One was definitely a scav, and he screamed indecipherable stuff to be funny. I think the second one was a PMC, and he actually was warning me not to approach (I *think* he said, "I'm a PMC", though he may have asked, "Are you a PMC?" or said, "I'm not a PMC."). I saw him down a hall, and he had a big pack, so I think it was a PMC. I only had a shotgun on a scav with no armor, so I finished looting and headed out.

This wipe has been a lot of fun so far :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 20 10:11:12
Yay! Got all of my stuff back from that raid where I was killed by scavs (including the NVGs). :D
And, surprisingly, the guy who killed me after surviving a magazine of 9mm did not take the suppressor from the Vityaz.

Raid 32: Scav, Customs, Noon
Found 60 rounds of Igolnik!!
I found 30 rounds in Crack House. Someone had looted the building already, but they must have passed on the ammo spawns. I found the other 30 in Warehouse 4. The ammo spawns in each place usually don't have anything good, so I understand why people pass it up.
I also spawned with an MP-133 muzzle, so that finally completes the first Mechanic quest.

Raid 33: PMC, Customs, Morning
Hopefully I can find the 206 key for the Therapist's quest and some beef stews for the Jaeger quest...

Probably my best raid so far! I felt super aware and was able to control some critical moments.
I got the jump on a level 22 character to the West of Dorms. He hadn't picked up any loot yet, but I stashed his rifle for him since I didn't need it, then looted 3-story dorms.
In addition to a suppressor for a 7.62 rifle and some important quest keys, I managed to find the 206 key on the third floor, so I went to 2-story dorms, killed a couple of scavs, and got the Operation Aquarius quest done.
The vehicle extract wasn't there, so I started making my way to ZB-1011, and before the railroad I saw a player-scav running to the barrel cash under the Northern transmission tower, so I was able to go prone in a safe spot and wait for him to run out of there. He had a lot of good stuff, including a couple of Hideout items.

After that I was able to make it to ZB-1011, so that completed two different quests. :)

Completing the "BP Depot" quest opened "Bad Rep Evidence", and I didn't realize I already had the key to that. They changed the description of the key this wipe... it used to say,
• "A key to one of the portable cabins on Customs that was being used as a bunkhouse, located across the road from the bus lot near the dormitories."
But now it says,
• "A key to one of the portable cabins that was being used as a bunkhouse, located somewhere in the Customs construction area."

Luckily the quest itself tells you whether you have the key :)
Sadly, this means I have more Customs quests for the time being .. but I'll take a break at Woods for a minute :p

Raid 34: Scav, Woods, Midday
Arg. I found a lot of good stuff, then found some 3M armor at Scav Village that I need for a quest... but I sat there for too long trying to make space for it, then realized I wasn't going to make it to Scav Bridge, so I abandoned the 3M and just started running. I was about 20 seconds away from Scav Bridge when I ran out of time. :/

Huge bummer, because I got an AKS-74U and a 60-round magazine, which would have been great for the next Mechanic quest :/

Raid 35: PMC, Customs, 0400
Yay, got the "Bad Rep Evidence" quest item and extracted.
When I was looting an ammo box behind the Tankers next to Old Construction, someone randomly threw a flash-bang near me, so I snuck slowly through the exit bushes at that spot, and I saw movement at a gap in the fence to the East, so I took a shot. That turned out to be a PMC — another level 22 character with a Korean name that made me wonder if it was the same person I'd kill two raids ago :D
Luckily for them, it was not. That would have been demoralizing. I'm sure they weren't too psyched about being one-tapped by Igolnik though ;p
They had a lot of stuff, so that was very profitable, and I picked up level 10.

Raid 36: Scav, Woods, Morning
Yay! I found *two* of the 3M armors. I didn't have inventory space (Tarkov gods spawned me without a pack), so I had to drop a better armor that I was wearing in order to put on the 3M. lulz. In a cruel move, the game put me near a lot of other good stuff and only gave me a Tarzan vest to loot it all. I got another impact grenade, so a few more of those and I'll be ready for the "Grenadier" quest ;p

Raid 37: Scav, Woods, Morning
Easy loot run :)
My scav karma lets me go near scav bosses now, so I was safely able to pass by Shturman without he and his guards bothering me.

It's too easy to do scav runs when I'm not sure if I can commit to the full 40-minute raid, and then I end up doing multiple scav runs that definitely took longer than one PMC run ;p

Anyways, looks like I need to rush to character level 15 if I want to get more stuff done, so I need to stop doing scav runs so much..

Funny Tarkov video from Reddit:

This two-person team finds out that they trapped Lvndmark with a simple distraction+flank maneuver. Lvndmark forgot to check his corner since he was tunnel-vision on the known shooter :p

Someone links to the part of Lvndmark's stream where he dies, which confirms that it was him.
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 21 09:08:33
Raid 38: Scav, Interchange, Midday
Quick loot run. Got spotted by two PMCs, who shot at me, but they didn't push.
Got a car battery and saw a lion statute, but I didn't have space for both and I already have one lion at the moment, so I opted for the battery for Hideout-building..

Raid 39: PMC, Customs, 0230
Skier quest time!

Yikes D:
Scary exit. In part it was because I was freaking out because I'd gotten a quest item and a bunch of good loot, so I wasn't thinking well ;p ... but yeah. I was near the RUAF Roadblock and almost got killed by a scav because I peaked a corner for too long. lulz. I healed up and got out of there..

I killed another PMC, this time level 19. I met him in Warehouse 3 before I went for the Skier quest item. He saw me and we traded fire, but he was in the open, and I'm still top-stacking magazines with Igolnik :p

He had NVGs, which makes this the first time I've looted NVGs from another player (usually I just find them). I hid his rifle and bag for him but took his suppressor..

Raid 40: Scav, Interchange, Noon
I'm organizing and clearing my inventory, but I figured I'd take a break for a quick scav run..
I met up with a couple of other player-scavs who were chatting with VOIP. We looted Oli together, but they seemed to head to the Emercon exit after that even though there were still 15 minutes left.

Raid 41: Scav, Woods, Morning
I looted "Mountain Stash" for the first time this raid and found a horsey and some 5.45 BP rounds. Then I found a Gold Skull Ring at ZB-016...

I was able to buy my first Scav Junk Box, so that cleared up my inventory quite a bit. I'm very close to building a few things in my Hideout, so these scav runs have been super tempting for finding odds and ends, but I'm really falling behind in the level-up game.

Some people have already made it to level 30+, which is crazy... That kind of reminds me that even though I've learned a lot in this game, I still have a lot to learn when it comes to making fast progress. This week, I'll probably exceed where I got at the end of last wipe (level 19), so that's cool at least :)

I have a lot of good PMC quests open, so I'll get back to that tomorrow..
Tue Dec 21 09:18:01
People have different interest in parts of the game. some like building up their hide out and enjoy hunting the stuff for that others like to speed lvl their character first and then do the hide out.

Seen it with streamers as well some totally neglect their hide out because its not entertaining enough for the viewers ^^

How was the VOIP?
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 21 10:59:50
"Seen it with streamers as well some totally neglect their hide out because its not entertaining enough for the viewers"

That's true. In that Lvndmark link above, you can see that Tony's stash is a complete disaster. He basically just dumps his stuff and rushes back into the next raid...

VOIP still great! I've said it before, but getting position feedback makes it so much better than DayZ's VOIP, which sounded like it was some disembodied voice. With two people VOIPing, I could tell which one was talking. I'm not sure they heard me, though, but I'm probably going to order a proper microphone this weekend..
Tue Dec 21 11:01:14
They will hear you breathe tru the microphone for sure lol!

Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 26 16:13:48
Raid 42: Scav, Customs, Midday
Sooooo many dead bodies by the Christmas tree D:

Raid 43: Scav, Customs, Midday
Loot run. More bodies at the Christmas Tree. :)

Raid 44: Scav, Customs, Midday
Loot run again.
I realized this run that the Christmas patch removed the ability to free-look while ADS. Kind of a bummer since I used that all the time. I understand why they did it: they wanted there to be a tunnel vision cost to ADS. Still, it's not like you can't free look IRL while ADS, so it's not necessarily a realism decision.

I still maintain that positive changes would be to..
• increase the degree of free look (it should at least allow 90 degrees in each direction)
• add a third rifle position: sling carry position (alert-to-the-dirt).. this instead of the current two-option system (hip fire and ADS).

Right now people just run around flagging each other even when friendly, and while it's possible to avoid this, the controls were not designed for it.

Raid 45: PMC, Woods, Midnight
Have some Woods quests to do...
Finished "Survivalist Path: Thrifty".
I had a chance to do the Jaeger quest that requires scav-killing while not wearing armor, but I had accumulated too much stuff, so I just killed a few scavs without taking armor off..

Raid 46: Scav, Woods, Morning
Found a cat and met Santa Claus :D
Santa did his motion like he wanted me to pick up loot, but he never actually dropped anything. Looking into it, apparently you give Santa random items, and he gives you better items in return..
And the cat means I'll be able to get the med case once I reach level 13. :)

Raid 47: Scav, Woods, Morning
Loot, loot, loot.

Raid 48: PMC, Woods, 0400
More Woods quests...
Pretty uneventful. Completed the dehydration quest, but didn't find enough scavs for the other quests. This at least means I can combine three quests in one, since I have to kill scavs on woods under three different circumstances...

Raid 49: Scav, Woods, Morning
Arg. I found NVGs and some good random loot, but after extracting, the server reset all of my gear back to things that I spawned in with... so all of the found-items disappeared. Strange bug. Even more annoying: even *those* items (those basic scav items that I transferred) disappeared after checking my inventory. :/

Raid 50: Scav, Lighthouse, Morning
Rekt at USEC camp ;D
I spawned with a Labs keycard, but I really wanted to try looting the Rogue USECs. Unfortunately, it was super dark, and they pinned me on a corner. Their AI seems to be good at flanking maneuvers.

Raid 51: PMC, Woods, Morning
Killed a PMC and a few scavs. Wrapped up the pain quest, so that's nice :)

Raid 52: Scav, Lighthouse, Morning
Quick loot run.

Raid 53: PMC, Woods, Afternoon
Just a few scav kills and some loot :)

Raid 54: Scav, Lighthouse, Night
A little bit of loot..

Raid 55: PMC, Woods, Day
More scav kills. I tried to do the Jaeger quest where you kill 3 scavs without healing, but I healed a minor injury without thinking about it, lulz.

Raid 56: Scav, Interchange, Day
My first co-op extract! I extracted with a PMC. Very kewl. That boosted my scav karma, which has reached about 1.5. I'm pretty sure I've used the Woods vehicle extract enough times that the returns have begun diminishing too much for it to help anymore.

Raid 57: PMC, Woods, Day
Scav kills and a PMC kill. Lots of people were going for the Christmas tree, so that turned into a bloodbath. I wanted to linger and loot all of the bodies, but I lost sight of a PMC and didn't want to risk them getting the jump on me while I went into the open... oh wells. Still lots of good stuff.

Raid 58: Scav, Customs, Day
Yay! Got a SCAR from a PMC. Not sure if I'll use it, since I've been using an RPK-16 successfully for a while now... I'll probably try it offline.

That's all for now, anyways. I have one more woods scav left for the Jaeger quest, and I'll again try to combine that with the no-armor quest and no-heal quest. I was doing a lot of daylight raids, but I think I'll have to do a night raid to avoid having to heal.

So much Tarkov D:
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 27 11:34:03
• Raid 59: Scav, Lighthouse, Night
It's still difficult loading into Lighthouse during the in-game daylight hours. I'm wondering if it's because the server has more to render during the day (bigger draw distances; part of the issues the map has had with frame rate) or if it's simply just high player-demand.
The Grotto exit was difficult to find the first time, and a friend wasn't able to use it directly after me, which makes me wonder if it's bugged or has a cool-down timer, since it's not labeled one-time-use, and I'm not seeing that anyone else has this issue...

• Raid 60: Scav, Woods, Noon
Barely got out. :p
I spawned near Scav Bunker, and the closest extract was Eastern Rocks. I looted too long near Scav Bunker and Abandoned Village, so I ended up sprinting in a straight line to Eastern Rocks for the last 6 minutes. I ended up dropping my pack and a rifle I'd found just so stamina could recover. Worth it, though! Got a 7.62 suppressor and a red Christmas ornament. Still need a purple ornament for the tree :)

• Raid 61: Scav, Woods, Afternoon
Arg. Got killed by a Christmas-Tree camper. He was basically just sitting under the rock closest to the shore.
I was definitely on the lookout for campers, and the scavs making noise had stopped only a few minutes before I'd gotten there (meaning that someone had killed them all), but I wasn't as careful as I could have been, probably because I thought that with only 7 minutes left, it was unlikely anyone would still be camping (it's about three minutes to the nearest extract, so that doesn't leave much time for looting).

Looking at the video, I looked over him once and must have thought he was a rock, then moved forward for a few seconds, then I re-checked the rock that he was next to and recognized the player silhouette (too late). This was right before he fired:
Definitely a lesson learned: even in a hurry, I should still clear that area before attempting the Christmas Tree. I was even thinking, "I should take cover in the trees to the left to make sure the beach is clear." Lulz.

• Raid 62: Scav, Woods, Afternoon
One more scav run to get the bad death out of my head ;D
Did a scav co-op with someone dressed like Santa :) .. they gave me a car battery and were pointing out loot spots to me.. lulz. Pretty generous for him to not take the car battery, since you need 9 for early Hideout-building and quests.

• Raid 63: PMC, Woods, 0100
Spawned in Scav Village and looted a lot of stuff including a fourth car battery for Hideout, so I just filled up and used vehicle extract.

• Raid 64: PMC, Woods, 0400
k... once again time for three different quests that all require scav-killing on Woods. I basically need to kill four scavs while not wearing armor and leave without using meds, and that will close all three quests.

Yay! I managed not to accidentally take meds at random :D
The last couple of times, I accidentally pre-medded with painkillers, which caused the quest to fail immediately. Good to see these quests done.

This leveled me to level 13, so I was able to get a "Documents Case" from Therapist.

• Raid 65: Scav, Woods, Morning
Quick loot run in the North.

• Raid 66: PMC, Woods, 0110
Okay, I like Woods.. but hopefully this will wrap up the last things I have to do here :p
(Looking for a 60-round magazine for a Prapor quest, and I accidentally did not finish the no-armor quest — still one more scav to kill)
Arg.. no magazines... Lots of good loot, though.

• Raid 67: Scav, Woods, Morning
So... Previous experience for me was that the scavs at Christmas Tree leave you alone unless fired upon... but the apparent exception is Shturman.. who will kill-on-sight maybe regardless of how high your scav karma is (mine is currently 1.68, which is pretty high).

I stopped by Christmas Tree, saw that no one had killed anyone, and figured that the five scavs circling the tree would protect me while I looted. But, once I passed the rock on the pier, two of them started running onto the pier towards me. One looked strangely geared (Shturman), which I *thought* meant that a PMC had maybe blended in with the scavs there. I fell back to cover to take a look, but they didn't immediately fire on me. But.. when I peaked, one fired at me (it looked like one of Shturman's guards who actually shot through Shturman to try to hit me), I took cover, but I had nowhere else to run at this point, and killing Shturman would ruin my karma (-0.5 penalty for killing a scav boss).. so.. he turned the rock and immediately head-shotted me.

This was more of a bummer than usual because I had just picked up pristine "BNTI Zhuk-6a heavy armor", which is level 6 armor :| :| :|
In hindsight, I should have bypassed the risk of the tree altogether... and short of that, I should have taken my chance with running into the open (hoping that the armor would do its work), but Shturman goes for head shots by default, so it's difficult to say if that would have worked..

By the end of last wipe, while a scav I was able to walk near Shturman without him caring, but I'm not sure how high my scav karma was (not more than 3, though). Attacking scavs could also just be part of his Christmas behavior. I'll have to make sure he's absent before trying for the Christmas Tree again ;p

• Raid 68a: Scav, Woods, Morning {server dropped the character during the loading screen; no raid}

• Raid 68b: PMC, Woods, 0200
Yay! No-armor quest completed :D
I shouldn't need to go to Woods for a while, though I might if I think I can find a 60-round magazine :)

• Raid 69: Scav, Interchange, 2000
Just need a couple items for the Hideout..
I found about 6 light bulbs in this one raid, so I have only 2 more to go for Illumination level 2..

I keep saying it, but I need to stop doing so many scav raids :p
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 28 09:47:45
Speaking of doing scav runs: more scav runs! ;)
It's kind of tough *not* to over-utilize scav runs, since you basically just get to run around semi-recklessly and vacuum up loot. Most of the PMCs have left the server by the time you spawn, and the other scavs tend to be friendly.. It's also little 10 to 15-minutes runs instead of a 40-minute commitment... though that turns into multiple scav runs that add up to a lot more than that. Hopefully I can commit to a PMC run tomorrow.

• Raid 70: Scav, Customs, Afternoon
Lulz. A two-minute mission. I spawned next to Dorms, so I ran directly there. I entered the front door of 3-story, a PMC was crouched on the stairwell, and I shot *at* him a couple of times with a shotgun while he sprayed assault rifle fire at me. I didn't get credit for hits in the post-game screen, so either he killed me before I fired (in which case my shots didn't even actually register), or I just completely missed (most likely) XD
Looking at the video. My first shot was definitely a miss wide right, and the second shot was pointed at his leg and could have missed or just not registered. This was my last look before dying:

• Raid 71: Scav, Customs, Noon
Arg. I made a bad call.
I went to Dorms and found a bunch of bodies to loot in the 2-story hallway. A big highlight was that I found a small bottle of WD-40, which would have let me finish the "Security" upgrade (I've found large bottles of WD-40, but I don't have level-2 lavatory, so I can't craft the smaller bottles). That put me in survival mode...
I jumped out of a rear window to leave, but I heard someone running full speed around the South corner and had to decide if I was going to defend myself against a PMC (which was very possible, since someone had just killed the scavs surrounding the Christmas Tree). I spammed Russian, got no response, then, when they were visible, I saw them wearing a nice helmet and gear (typically PMC gear, unless a scav has gotten lucky, which turned out to be the case), and they went ADS on me, so I fired. Looks like I wasn't quite aimed at his face the instant before I fired:
..and my follow-on shots didn't hit, so he got me :'(

Looking at the video, I overlooked that he was wearing a brown jacket. Those would be limited to scavs and very high-level players (i.e., I should have known it was a scav)..
Still, I'm not totally convinced that being on the offense here was a bad idea, since this player-scav had very likely just killed the scavs at the Christmas Tree, so he may not have cared much about scav karma. My mess-up, then, would be that I gave up cover by jumping from the window. I'd heard his steps while still inside, so I could have paused to figure out where they were coming from. At the time, I thought someone was rushing to my position, so I wanted to clear out before then..

• Raid 72: Scav, Customs, 0550
Lulz. I actually surived this time — I was worried it would be three deaths in a row :D
I met a VOIP-using scav in Fortress, who was nice enough to tell me that he'd already looted the entire building (saved me time). I then went to dorms and found a few keys, one of which I used in the same raid (gas station storage key), and the other of which I'll probably never use (labs manager key). I also found another light bulb, so one more to go!

• Raid 73: Scav, Shoreline, 1010
I've done Shoreline a lot, but this was the first time I specifically went through the village and cabins. I was looking for coats so I could get more keys.. found a few. Also found some important Hideout upgrade parts. I now have *five* car batteries — four more than I found all of last wipe. I haven't found any "metal spare parts" this wipe. It's a new item required for a lot of Hideout upgrades. They must be super rare because the Flea Market lists them for 250k roubles right now D:
Looking at Reddit, the reason seems to be that they're primarily found at Lighthouse, and not a lot of people know their way around that map yet...
Fri Dec 31 07:19:51
one thing: I thought if you spawn in with a buddy you get the same extraction point as your buddy. But I saw on day one on the stream of Sacriel he and his buddy didnt share the extraction point and then 2 weeks later it's activated again...

Also: I cant wait for the moment for you to drag out tank batteries ^^. Would love to see you doing that one :D
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 03 09:21:22
"Also: I cant wait for the moment for you to drag out tank batteries ^^. Would love to see you doing that one :D"

Lulz :D
Looks like I can't get that until level 25, so it could be a while ;D
(currently level 15)

"one thing: I thought if you spawn in with a buddy you get the same extraction point as your buddy. But I saw on day one on the stream of Sacriel he and his buddy didnt share the extraction point and then 2 weeks later it's activated again..."

Yeah :/
That can be an annoying issue. Which extracts you individually have depends on..
• your scav karma,
• (possibly) your scav-character level (it might just be karma, though), and
• a little bit of randomization (e.g., if the server spawns you on the North side of the map, then they'll be more likely to assign you exits on the South side and omit exits on the North side, forcing you to cover a bit of distance and interact with other players).

When spawning-in with a friend, we usually make sure that we figure out which extract(s) we have in common before deciding where we'll go. I've experienced it where we don't have *any* extracts in common (especially early-wipe), and a couple of times the extracts sit so far away from each other that we end up doing half of the raid alone anyways :D

I think when I make it to 2.00 scav-karma it shouldn't be an issue any longer. At that point, I usually have all the exits available, so wherever a friend wants to go will work..

Raid 74: PMC, Customs, 0300
Very successful raid... until the last five seconds ;D
I went in with my suppressed RPK-16 and NVGs, which I've managed to keep for a long time. I spawned near "Big Red", so I was able to loot the offices and get a Rooster and GPU (Second GPU so far!). I went on to kill four scavs, then started working to my exit...
I passed the Bus Terminal and was on the way to ZB-1011 but then decided to double back and see if the Dorms car extract was available.. it was! I paid very quickly, then found a bush a safe distance away (farther than most people go, I think) then waited while checking the count-down timer.

At 25 seconds left, I heard someone running to position in the 3-story Dorm (footsteps on wood from that direction) and figured that someone had noticed that the countdown had been initiated and was hoping to ExFil Camp me. So... with 15 seconds left, I tossed a grenade near the dorms from behind the bushes, thinking that they would give away their position if outside. They did not :|
After the explosion, I ran to the car extract and was pacing back in forth in front of the car, checking the timer while looking for them. They took a shot at me (a hit to my left arm), and even though I couldn't see them, I just started shooting at second floor windows while pacing back and forth. Then, with less than one second left, they killed me :|

Looking at the video, they were perfectly silhouetted on the third floor balcony in the moment before their first shot. This was not an experienced player. An experienced player would have avoided the silhouette (a better spot would have been the second floor windows or just leaning from cover on the balcony to at least minimize the silhouette — though they did think to lean from cover after I shot at them the first time). But I still failed to see them, and they still killed me :|

So, that was the first time I was successfully ExFil-camped. I usually time it so that I run to the car with only a couple of seconds left in the timer so that I'm not exposed for long, but I think I put too much trust in the grenade making them uncomfortable. On the plus side, they only got some bad NVGs and my RPK-16. The rest of my loot was common items, since the GPU and Rooster were in my secure container. Lessons learned the hard way! :p

Another thing I've been considering: smoke grenades. The only reason I don't carry smoke grenades every time is that they take 2 slots, but I think I'll start carrying one at all times.

{Yay! The NVGs were returned via insurance! Weird that they did not take them. Maybe they didn't notice them?}

Raid 75: Scav, Lighthouse, 1000
Yay! I haven't been able to get into Lighthouse during the day since very early in the wipe. I also got to see my first air drop. It was noisy like people have said.. and it gives you *plenty* of time to spot it and figure out where it will land. For me, it landed on the road just map-west of the "Convenience Store" and map-east of the Docks (center-north of the map). Two player-scavs had already looted it by the time I got there, and all I found were three "bank robber" vests, a VPO-101, and a Tarzan vest (kept just the last two items). I took way too much time making sure the area was secure just to find out that there wasn't anything interesting ;p

I also found 60 rounds of BS 5.45, so I'm in good shape again after losing my RPK-16. At the "Industrial Zone Gates" extract, I used two rounds of it to take a pop-shot at an AI-USEC. Lulz. It registered a body hit, so I must have missed his head ;p

I'm basically putting on the exact gear I had while a scav in that run and going to Factory for the annoying "Farming Part 1" quest. I've saved up four tool kits, so I can afford a couple mistakes... but I'd like to get this on the first try... I'm bringing a graphics card and am prepared to use VOIP to barter with anyone who wants to fight ;D

Raid 76: PMC, Factory, Night
Woohoo! Got a super lucky spawn.
I spawned behind Forklifts, so I just walked to the repair sites in the room, repaired them, didn't hear anyone while doing so (just AI-scavs), and was able to get out despite getting shot in the leg by an AI-scav (I had to limp out because I didn't bring any meds, lulz).

That let me immediately complete "Farming Part 2", and even though I planned ahead for "Bad Habit", it looks like I'm still short 5 packs of cigarettes (I have a *lot* of Apollo cigarettes, but those ones
Mechanic also awards light bulbs for completing Part 1, so I was able to finish Lighting level 2 in Hideout...
This all leveled me to 14, which unlocked Peacekeeper level 2, which let me get the MP5 mount, which let me complete Gunsmith Part 3 — Cascades! :D

Raid 77: Scav, Lighthouse, 0700
The myths are true! I found mechanical parts! :D
I also found two hoses and a *lot* of weapons mods in the Water Treatment Plant. I was switching items out a lot because I didn't have much room..
...but... I had that error where [almost] all of my stuff disappeared again. Weird. I checked, and the mechanical parts and hoses transferred, but the rest didn't make it. Very weird. That's DayZ type of stuff, so I hope this doesn't happen a third time.

Raid 77: Scav, Lighthouse, 1240
Neat! I spawned near the Christmas Tree, found two ravens and a red ornament there, and decided to head south this time (I usually go north). I used the "Road Landslide" ExFil for the first time..

Raid 78: Scav, Lighthouse, 1250
Very much loot-vacuum :D
I transferred all of my stuff to inventory quickly just in case I got another server error. I got one... but enough time passed that I kept the items (whereas, in the previous times this happened, if I get the error while transferring stuff from my scav inventory, anything still not transferred disappears). People have apparently been having this issue since at least 2017, with Reddit discussions addressing it intermittently since then. Seems to be due to server updates and server overload... The banner reads, "We are aware of the technical issues and we are currently working on fixing them", so I guess I'm done until the server resets :p

Yay! The servers were reset for about 20 minutes. Now I know about the queue situation people have been talking about. They started me at about 16,000 in the queue D:

Raid 79: Scav, Customs, 1000
Thought I'd look for gas analyzers near Warehouse 7, but they spawned me with only a small harness, so I had to look for dead bodies with backpacks. Found other stuff instead :p

Raid 80: Scav, Customs, 1500
Weird. I spawned with only 14 minutes left, but an air drop happened right after I spawned (I thought they only occurred earlier in the raid).
I rushed from Old Gas Station to Scav Checkpoint, which was near the drop site... I mag-dumped into a PMC who wasn't wearing ears (he didn't hear me, so I was able to walk within about 10 feet of him, shoot one shot into his head, and then go full auto into his body), and he took 9 rounds (327 body damage, 164 armor damage) but managed to survive and kill me... and the weird thing: I stayed in the server with a black screen after dying for a solid two minutes. I think I heard him die, but I didn't get credit for the kill (I think it doesn't count if it happens even an instant after you die).

Pretty neat, though! The air drop attracted some good fun :D

Raid 81: Scav, Customs, 1800
Got a lot of loot in Repair Shop, but when I was getting ready to leave, I tried to go through the fence at Military Checkpoint and heard someone firing on someone at my position (not shooting at me, but shooting near me). I figured this meant someone was on the other side of the wall, then I heard footsteps that confirmed that, so I took it very carefully, but I completely missed them prone on the ground on the berm (covered on the screen by my ADSed shotgun). So they saw me about a half second before I saw them. They unloaded a magazine on me, I survived and was able to shotgun at them (with a Saiga, I had 6 rounds and *zero* hit), but they reloaded and finished me off. Then I got that weird bug again where it kept recording for the remainder of the raid after I died (this time a solid 8 minutes).
Anyways, since my scav runs have been pretty unsuccessful, I may as well try to PMC run ;p

Raid 82: PMC, Customs, 2200
Need to do the Mechanic quest (at "Big Red"), find the Christmas tree (quest task), and kill 9 scavs...

Arg. I got the Mechanic quest and killed four scavs, but I accidentally shot Santa :/
He was on the road south of Sniper Roadblock, and I shot once then realized it was him, so he started running right towards me. I snuck out of the area to see if I could avoid killing him, but while I was sneaking in the bushes, he ran right towards me (his AI knew where I was without being able to see me), so I shot him a few times, then he ran away again. I ran away, then hid again, but then he ran towards me *again*... so I killed him. Even knowing the heavy penalty, I did not want to lose the things I'd collected... And sadly, Santa didn't even have anything good in his bag to make up for my mistake :p

So that was a bummer. I lost 1.00 scav karma for that, which made me "neutral" again (0.88 karma now). I'll have to use vehicle extracts at Interchange and Lighthouse to fix that, since the other vehicle extracts have already gone to diminishing returns... :/

Raid 83: Scav, Woods, 1640
Quick loot run. Someone had already looted Christmas tree, but I stopped by the ZB extracts to look for 60-round magazines for the prapor and mechanic quests. Seriously feeling unlucky searching for those, but if I find one then I can open up a bunch of Shoreline quests.

Raid 84: PMC Co-Op, Woods, 1400
Killed by a *scav* (not even a player-scav) at Scav Village despite putting 10 rounds into him, lol. My friend was also shooting him and died to him. He was wearing level-4 armor, but come on :D
Luckily, I died in a weird spot that doesn't get much foot traffic (in the grass south of the the Building 2 fencing), so I should get that gear back from insurance.

Raid 85: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, 1100
Loot run near the USEC camp.
My friend got out with a graphics card, then I figured I'd try to kill some USECs with my mosin+scope at Building One (northern-most building, right next to the "Industrial Zone Gates" exit). But, I learned the hard way that the roof-USEC can machine-gun through the engine block of the truck that's parked at the Industrial Zone gates entrance. Lulz.

Raid 86: PMC Co-Op-, Woods, 1400
We wiped a 2-squad, then got wiped by a 2-squad. Lulz
We first spotted a geared-PMC looting stashes at the "Factory Gate" exit, but they somehow lost us while they disappeared behind the rock there. Very weird. We looked for a solid 4 minutes before heading on to the Military Camp. Once there, a 2-squad tried to attack from outside, but we got angles on them. I tried to overwatch the tree line to the North of the camp, but someone head-shotted me from behind while I was prone. That was a bold angle of approach by them. They were part of a 2-squad that came from the SouthWest, which is super exposed, which is part of why I didn't check it before going prone. Bad move on my part.

Raid 87: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, 1700
Funny air-drop raid :D
We were first of four people to arrive to the East of the center-map Convenience Store where the package landed. My friend accidentally killed a scav that was engaging with a PMC there, then the PMC ran into the house. At first, I was convinced that it was Santa *and* a PMC who had run into the house (a person with a red backpack and beard ran into the house, but I heard PMC-like movement in the house afterwards), but, in hindsight, the PMC was wearing Santa's gear to trick people. I ran into the house to try to confirm it was Santa before looting the package, but they met me in the upstairs hallway and killed me with an SMG. I should have been much more careful there, but they definitely tricked me with the Santa attire, so my guard was down. :p

Raid 88: PMC Co-Op, Woods, Afternoon
Loot, loot, loot. Spawned near Scav Village, filled up there, and took the vehicle extract.
I reached level 15, so that let me upgrade my hideout a lot via Flea Market access.

Raid 89: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, Afternoon
Quick loot run in the South. Got some more keys to Shoreline rooms, so I'm looking forward to the first Shoreline quests :)

Raid 90: Scav, Customs, Afternoon
Hoping to find gas analyzers... still haven't found one. I bought two on the flea market that I can use to craft PCBs for the mechanic's signal quest.
Arg. Found some good loot, including Gzhel-K armor (level 5), but I took too long getting to Warehouse 17 from ZB-1011, so I timed out :/
I got super lucky, too. Someone had opened the shortcut north of Warehouse 4, which let me cut a lot of time off of the route. I dropped my pack at the Skeleton to help my stamina, but that decision happened about 40 seconds too late ;p

Raid 91: Scav, Customs, 1100
Woohoo!! Found two gas analyzers on the floor of the green-screen room. Just need one more :D

Raid 92: Scav, Customs, 1630
Hopefully I can find one more analyzer...

Ugh. I wandered across a dead-body pile (6 bodies; scav-guards and a PMC) at New Gas Station and found a *lot* of stuff (e.g., Kriss Vector and a modded ADAR), *and* no one had gotten the Emercon Key from the ambulance there, so I finally got that key (I didn't get that all of last wipe). Then I went to look for analyzers at the green-screen room and Warehouse 7. It was going perfectly except that I *thought* that my exit was Factory Far Corner, but it was actually Administration Gate (about 50m apart)... I left myself about 40 seconds of extra time, but even dropping my pack I wasn't able to get to Administration Gate in time. I had 6 seconds left on the timer when I timed out :/

Raid 93: Scav, Customs, 1020
Basically did the exact same route as last time, but this time I got less loot and the correct extract ;p

Raid 94: PMC, Customs, 2030
Well, that went terribly.
I was looting in Warehouse 7 when someone took a shot at me. I think they were outside to the North, but I have no clue. I threw a smoke grenade as a distraction, then they tossed a grenade..
Because I couldn't locate them (despite walking back and forth within the building, checking spots), and they weren't pushing, I looped around the building back to ZB-1011, then went north to Administration Gate to cut through the wall to Scav Checkpoint. Sadly, a PMC had a line on me from down the street and was able to headshot while I was still sighting in on them.

I should have taken that gate far more slowly, but I was still worried about the player potentially behind me. Also, when I saw someone in the middle of the road (bad positioning), my first thought was that it was a scav, so I wasn't careful when I tried aiming on them (I left cover behind the forklift there).

Big loss on this one because I brought my helmet-mounted NVGs and a suppressed AK with top-packed BS 5.45 mags. I was a little annoyed that it wasn't even dark yet at 2030, so I wasn't able to even use the NVGs... My hope was to get to the woods north of Scav Checkpoint and wait until dusk had turned to night to turn things to my advantage, but oh well :/

Raid 95: Scav, Customs, 2250
Hoping to get the same server :p
Nope! Got a little bit of loot, though..

Raid 96: Scav, Customs, 1600
The server has been giving me issues. I wasn't able to put a weapon together for a PMC run, so I'm just doing a scav run for now...

Raid 97: Scav, Customs, 1130
Just looting. Still no third gas analyzer. I'll craft it in Hideout and hope I don't find one after committing all of that material ;p

I don't trust the servers right now. Apparently, Tarkov got a huge surge of new players for the holidays, and they're over-loaded with server issues. I might just have to take a break for a bit while they recover :)
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 04 10:35:11
One reason I haven't just posted clips on my YouTube channel is I'm not sure how to manage my existing subscribers from a video I did years ago with this new Tarkov-direction. Putting things on YouTube makes me feel like I'd need to up the production quality, whereas it would be easier to just put zero-editing-effort context-free clips on YouTube for pure video hosting ;p

Alternatively, I could finally figure out how to preserve quality when uploading to Imgur...

Raid 97: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, Afternoon

Raid 98: PMC Co-Op, Woods, Afternoon

Raid 99: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, Afternoon

Raid 100: PMC Co-Op, Customs, Afternoon
Minor gunfight at the end near RUAF Roadblock, but we didn't know where the shooter was, and we were close to extract, so we just left :D

Raid 101: PMC Co-Op, Woods, Night
Loot, loot, loot! Found a nice helmet.

Raid 102: Scav Co-Op, Interchange, Night
Stash run! It was moonlit, so navigating was super easy.

Raid 103: Scav, Woods, Morning
So much loot! Highlights: 120 rounds of 5.45 BS, a 7th car battery, a hose, a motor. I need two more car batteries before they just become a sale item for me.
I was also able to level up Jaeger and exchange the items I'd preemptively saved for the food storage container (Holodilnick). My inventory is starting to look very tidy. I've started leaving the top completely empty so that I can transfer scav findings quickly before the server hiccups ;p

Raid 104: Scav, Woods, Noon
Found a black slick (level 6 armor)! :D
I found it in the hidden stash in the center-far-West of the map. I hadn't been there in a while since it's in a wooded area across an open field with a mine field to its West. Good things! :D

Raid 105: Scav, Woods, 1814
Arg. I was spawned right below Mountain Stash, so I ran up to the sniper scav spot and found a lion statute, but of course the gear-gods didn't give me a backpack with which to carry it, so I started sprinting to barrel stashes to hopefully find something. Just before the plane crash-path, I spotted a player 50m away and thought they looked "off" (i.e., not a scav), but they didn't shoot me and were pointing their weapon away from me (they clearly should have seen me), so I spammed Russian while running for cover behind a tree (10 feet away) so that I could get a better look, but they snapped onto me and shotgunned before I could get to the tree. Arg :/

That's a tough thing to balance with scav runs:
• speed, vs.
• safety, vs.
• loot potential, vs.
• low risk of losing anything, vs.
• low time-investment, vs.
• adequate threat evaluation, vs.
• scav-karma loss for a mistake...

When it's a super-geared player, it's easy to identify a threat, but when it's someone like this who didn't have anything special and didn't even have on a helmet... it takes an extra moment.

Probably the biggest error was that I was in a rush to find a bag and get back to the lion, so I was cutting corners by not being more careful. I could also look at all the different PMC clothes so I can spot them more quickly..
Knee pads and/or a pistol holster seem to be the big giveaways. Some clothes remove the knee pads, but no one should have those yet this wipe.. and all PMC clothes have pistol holsters on the right leg.

Random thing:
(I might post this to Reddit.. hmm)

I was having an argument with someone about whether it's possible to hold someone up in Tarkov now that there's VOIP. His thinking was, "It works in DayZ!" whereas my thinking is a near-universal "No!" :p

In DayZ, they actually have some mechanics for holdups...
• For one, people's default position is having their weapon down, so if someone's going to attack, you have that advanced warning of them raising the weapon.
• DayZ has "hands up" and "kneel" (on both knees) animations that show compliance while also preventing the person with hands up from accessing their inventory (thus, you can't equip a weapon from that animation).
• DayZ also has handcuffs and rope. If you tie/cuff someone, you can access their inventory to "rob" them.
• You can knock people unconscious in DayZ, which allows you to tie/cuff them and check their inventory.
• DayZ requires that people take pains to un-equip their weapon to craft items, skin animals, open items, eat, wash their hands, etc. This takes time, and this gives robbers an opportunity to get the jump on someone who is unable to immediately shoot back.
• DayZ has lots of open areas, so it's more possible to get surrounded in the open.

In Tarkov, meanwhile...
• People's weapons are always raised and pointed forward (zero safety for robbers without cover and/or concealment)
• No special animations for surrender
• No handcuffs/rope for tying
• No unconscious state
• No ability to check people's inventory unless they are dead
• Eating/healing/drinking animations only take a few seconds; no other involved hand-related activity exists besides holding a weapon; all crafting takes place safely out-of-raid.
• The only mechanical way to show you're not a threat is to equip a knife.
• People have a secure container for their most valuable items, so there's no risk of losing *everything*.
• Tarkov has lots of cover and close-quarters escape options.

And, mechanics aside, even in DayZ, there was an incredibly narrow social justification for hold-ups...
• If someone holds you up in the first hour of gameplay (i.e., unarmed with very little gear), you may as well just fight them (no matter how futile), because the game's melee system is so terrible and buggy that you might actually win a fight with an armed attacker (i.e., nothing to lose, lots to gain).
• DayZ proved that there exist far too many bad-faith robbers with dishonest voices who consider robbery a sadistic preamble to execution, and this boosted reasons for even futile non-compliance.
• This leaves a very narrow slice of justification: getting the jump on someone far away from the coast. The problem? Someone who has gotten far from the coast has enough experience to know how to avoid robberies at all costs, they know about sadistic robbers, and they'll fight back if you try to rob them.

So, basically, in DayZ, even with all the favorable mechanics, hold-up victims were typically inexperienced/new players still struggling with the controls who made terrible tactical decisions and were willing to role-play with an experienced player at the risk of being murdered anyways. There exist exceptions, of course, but it's typically driven by people lowering their defenses and inviting the trouble.

In Tarkov, meanwhile, there's no huge time investment; raids last about 35 minutes. Some people have "gear fear", sure, but they usually bring fire power to protect that gear, which means that you either find people who have too much to risk losing in a holdup or too little to care about losing by just going for it. There exists *far* more kill-on-sight logic in Tarkov. People know that one well-placed shot can win, so the asymmetry for a hold-up is pretty minimal.

So, without gameplay changes, the only people playing the robbery game will be role-players, people out of ammo, and item-questing people ("[Please don't kill me! I have a quest item!]", and questing people typically avoid conflict and seek cover in lots of ways (i.e., if you can't see the other person, you may not even know how geared that person is, so it's difficult to establish the asymmetric position that would allow a robbery).

So it is written! ;p
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 17 03:35:31
Raid 106: Scav, Interchange, 0030
Got a large pack and a lot of attachments, but I entered the extract with one second left. Before that, I mis-navigated to the wrong corner of the building thinking I was heading to the Emercon extract. The Railway extract takes way more time... I thought about dropping my pack at the end, but I didn't have anything good in the harness, so it was either everything or nothing. :/

Raid 107: PMC, Customs, 0300
Spotted a PMC near Old Construction while I was at the intersection getting ready to head to Old Construction. I hit him several times with careful shots, but he scurried off into the river bank. I also killed two scavs, but looking at the post-game stats, I dealt 694 damage to body and only 34 was absorbed by armor, so he must have been pretty hurt. Oh wells.

Raid 108: Scav, Customs, 0640
Woohoo!! Found an analyzer!! That's the last one I needed for quests. :D

Raid 109: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, 1200
Arg! Had a super successful run but got taken by a roof Rogue-USEC (AI) at the end.
I killed three Rogue-USECs near the North helicopter, looting *so* *much* *stuff*, but the Building-1 sniper pinned me behind a crate when I was trying to cross to the Industrial exfil. I peaked and fired once, but when I tried to peak the other side, I was shot by a second Rogue-USEC that was *also* on the roof but in a more distant spot. That would have been worth so much experience if I'd survived ;p

In hindsight, I should have just waited for their AI-awareness to reset (they would have left that roof spot). I felt rushed because I'd encountered a player-scav who didn't respond to Russian spam, but that probably wouldn't have been an issue since I was so geared at that point.

Raid 110: Scav Co-Op, Lighthouse, Morning
Killed by 2-person PMC crew.
I'd found thermite and a vase, so it was actually worth extracting, but I thought I could get an angle on the 2-person PMC team while they looted below. Turned out that one of them had stayed in the hills, and he spotted me before I spotted him :p

Raid 111: PMC Co-Op, Customs, Afternoon
Killed by 2-person PMC crew.
We met them at Skeleton, but I at first was not sure if there were two of them. One was along the wall leading to the road (street-wall PMC), but after trading fire with that one, I sat behind the shack to heal, then heard footsteps at skeleton and thought that the street-wall PMC had relocated to the skeleton. I *still* cleared along the wall to make sure, but when I ran to skeleton's north wall, the street-wall PMC appeared from through the wall. We traded fire, but they survived. My level-6 armor kept me alive longer than I should have survived that fight ;D .. but it didn't quite take me the extra bit there.

Raid 112: PMC Co-Op, Customs, 0000
While I was opening the upstairs door to "Big Red", someone started shooting at my friend and I. I tried to cancel the animation but basically just sat there being shot. Somehow, I survived and ran down the catwalk to the corner. My friend died, and I heard the PMC who opened fire run upstairs and kick the internal office-door open, so I went full-auto through the glass across the hall into the door-kick room (a special room in this hallway). The PMC was dead at this point, but, not knowing, I grenaded that room twice before entering it and seeing their body. They had an awesome rifle, so I was pretty excited to get out of the map. I also picked up level-5 armor from a scav, which immediately came in handy..

So! Probably the strangest encounter I've had in this game:
(Likely cheater who could see through walls/materials)
When I was doubling back around 2-story dorm to see if the vehicle extract were available, someone shot me from behind (so, probably in the woods east of 2-story dorms). I tried to break what I thought was line-of-sight by going behind trees. That worked, but once I was behind concealment (not just the cover of trees), they hit me again. I low-crawled behind some bushes, and there was no *way* they could see me, but they hit me again (two careful shots, two hits — not even just firing randomly; they could see me and put direct hits on). I was streaming to my friend who suggested that this person was probably cheating, which meant that concealment would not work; it all had to be cover.

I couldn't see them, but I kept firing through trees and then running behind the next place of cover. Just before I got behind the cover of a tree at the Southwest corner of 3-story dorms, they hit me *again*. They then hit the tree next to me right as I passed it (probably their first miss of this encounter), even though there was no way they could have seen me through all of the trees. I rounded the tree and fired for effect, then managed to turn 3-story's Southwest corner. Even though dorms can be super dangerous, I ran straight in, since buildings make great cover against wall-hacks. I was able to consolidate magazines and heal, which pretty much reset the fight, though my arms were black, and I'd forgotten to bring a CMS (surgery) kit. I was hoping that this person would push into the building, but they didn't in all of the time that I was healing and re-loading. I got into a minor skirmish with an AI-scav too..

After a solid 5 minutes inside, trying to run back and forth to make them uncertain of where to cover when I exited, I ran to the South exit of 3-story, then ran around cover to 2-story dorms. At this point, there was 4:50 left in the raid, and my closest exit was 1011, so I dropped my pack and started huffing it. When I got close to the wall separating the dorms area from the railway area, he one-shot one-hitted me again, even though I had just cleared the area behind me (i.e., he shot me *again* through tree cover). He took another shot right when I passed through the wall, which the wall absorbed.

I got *super* lucky at this point, because a player-scav passed right by me (50m away to my left) while running to the location of the (alleged) cheater's rifle fire, which immediately meant to me, "Sweet, (alleged) cheater will get tied up with this scav for a minute)."

I hid behind the big rock before the tracks and tried to re-coup stamina before going into the open area, and, sure enough, one shot rang out, which presumably killed that player-scav. I ran north and managed to make it to the conex boxes before the railway track. The *moment* that I walked from cover to cover (from one conex box to a derailed railway car), he hit me. Like, for that to happen, he would have to *know* that I was behind that particular piece of cover.

At this point, there were less than three minutes left in the raid. It makes *zero* sense for him to pursue this fight, because even if he killed me at that moment, he wouldn't have time to loot and get to any exits. My friend suggested he was just "griefing", which made sense.

The rocky area north of Power Station had a lot of cover, so I was safe for a bit, but it was pretty clear I wasn't getting out in time.

When I got to Scav Checkpoint, I had 24 seconds left, and they took another shot at me, so it was over at that point. I went into the conex box and heard them running along the South wall to me to get a shot — completely pointless, since there were seconds left in the raid. There was no way to extract for either of us, so I tried to at least deny the kill.

It turned out that this player had been hitting me with .366 TKM FMJ (a kind of average round type that penetrates up to level 4 armor), which explains how they didn't one-shot me. But the accuracy was absurd through concealment. I'm pretty sure this is the kind of video that I'd have a reason to post to YouTube, so I'll make an effort to edit it with explanations and such...

Pretty wild, though. I'd *really* like to think that this person just found great angles, but it was *way* too consistent. And the fact that they didn't care if they got out? That's not a normal player.
Mon Jan 17 07:20:10
I've heard that the aimbot is insane this round, people seeing the person just pointing the gun somewhere and shoot and they get instant killed or see others dropping dead on the ground.

I almost thought you stopped playing CC was missing the updates.

funnies thing I saw on twitch with Sacriel was that they got in the mínefields trying to avoid the mines. He lead the other person, but the other person didnt pay attention on the pathing and got into the mines. Hit one mine but instead that he healed himself continued the walk and 2 mines later killed himself. :D

The low ammo calib usage I suspect a new player trying out aimbot and expecting it to be uber. Also the no knowledge of the timer issues and such as well
Cherub Cow
Wed Jan 19 09:53:34
•"I almost thought you stopped playing CC was missing the updates."

Thx! I stopped playing for a bit because they were having server issues due to the holiday event. It included special drops for people watching Twitch streamers, which meant people just sitting in the game menus for hours at a time waiting for a drop. I'd try to join games, but it would just time out or error out, and there was even a queue to launch the game.

That ended on the 8th, which immediately fixed the servers, but I didn't play until the next weekend. I'm hoping to play a bit more to rush to level 20, but I need to stop doing scav runs for that to happen :p

•"Hit one mine but instead that he healed himself continued the walk and 2 mines later killed himself. :D"

I wonder if that was on Lighthouse. Lighthouse has lots of random mine fields that surprise me. I'm not sure if all of them have been charted on the maps yet :D

•"The low ammo calib usage I suspect a new player trying out aimbot and expecting it to be uber. Also the no knowledge of the timer issues and such as well"

That would make sense. The timer thing was especially weird because even if this were a scav with scav gear it would still be worth it to extract. I also considered that they had a thermal scope (which would allow them to see through bushes), but those cost so much that it wouldn't make sense to waste one in a suicide run.

I also learned the hard way that timing out while wearing gear means that you lose everything even if it's insured. I guess I'd never timed out while a PMC before. I'm glad I didn't bring anything too great at least, but I feel bad about the rifle I'd taken from another PMC, since I thought they would at least get that back ;p

Raid 113: Scav, Lighthouse, Morning
Broke my legs but found another car battery ;D
Right when I spawned in, I heard an airdrop overhead which seemed to drop off near the Fishing Huts, whereas I was at the Chalet. It was super dark, so I accidentally walked off a cliff and broke my legs trying to get to the drop. Lulz. I headed back to the Chalet for first aid, found splints, and headed back to the South extract...

Raid 114: Scav, Lighthouse, Afternoon
Found 30 rounds of Igolnik! :D
Spawned in Chalet and found a bunch of other stuff there too.

Raid 115: Scav, Lighthouse, Morning
Lots of loot!
Ran into a friendly scav and got a golden skull from him too..

Raid 116: Scav, Lighthouse, 1530
Yay! Found a military cable.

Raid 117: Scav, Lighthouse, 0950
Arg. The Tarkov gods finally spawned me near the Rogue-USEC camp (and with a VPO-101), but I wasn't able to kill the patrol this time. It was a fun firefight, but I only landed three hits and they had several angles covered (one roof-gunner was active, one Rogue had a close angle, and another had a far angle to my side), so I charged into a bad spot where a rogue was waiting. I should definitely have taken longer shots with the rifle I had.. This also makes me realize that I've spotted Rogue-USECs before but not realized it. They almost look like scavs sometimes. They're more obvious when they wear helmets, but this time they were all wearing cowboy hats.. I had previously thought that these were player-scavs just running around, so I avoided them.

Raid 118: Scav, Woods, 1800
They gave me a Kedr, so I'll just do a stash run at Woods..

Raid 119: Scav, Woods, 0950

Raid 120: Scav Co-Op, Interchange, Night

Raid 121: PMC Co-Op, Interchange, 0000

Raid 122a: Scav, Woods, Morning
{server died}

Raid 122b: Scav, Woods, 0200
Found a P90! Neat! I also tried to loot ground stashes that I don't normally loot, but I had trouble finding them in the dark... I have systems for locating a lot of the stashes even in the dark, but I need to work on that for the ones near the center mountain.

Raid 123: PMC, Factory, Night
Quest time! "Postman Pat" quest...
Yay! Killed 3 scavs with a machine pistol and got the letter for the quest. I'm not even sure if there were any other players in the server...

Raid 124: Scav, Woods, 2130
Spawned near the Mountain Stash and found several rare items (wooden clock, two horses, a GP coin, and a chainlet). And I actually had space for them this time :p

Raid 125: Scav, Woods, 0200
The Tarkov gods gave my scav a thermal scope, and I extracted with it!! :D
I might use it to hunt Cultists or something.

Raid 126: Scav, Woods, 2200
Found a Kriss Vector and an AK-102!

Raid 127: Scav, Woods, 2300
Loot, loot, loot! Found two level-4 helmets, some level-4 armor, a PSU, and a horsey :)

Raid 128: Scav, Woods, 2030
Someone must have been on the same ground-stash run that I was (and ahead of me), but I still found some sale items. I'll probably do one more scav run so I can get a fourth scav junkbox, then it's back to questing... I'll be doing a Shoreline quest next, which I may combine with Cultist hunting.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 21 15:01:30
Raid 129: Scav, Woods, 2300
Kewls! No one had looted the mountain stash, so I found a lion, a horse, 60 rounds of BT, 41 rounds of .300 AP, a Prokill medallion, and some chainlets. That let me purchase a 4th scav junkbox, so my inventory just cleared up again :)

Raid 130: Scav, Woods, 0440
Short loot run. They didn't give me much storage space, so I just tried to explore the center mountain area a little bit (I usually avoid this area). I found thermite, so that's nice.

Raid 131: PMC, Shoreline, 2200
Time for the Signal:Part1 quest...
The Tarkov gods spawned me near the House on the Hill (map Northeast), which I didn't recognize since I rarely pass that way. I actually thought that I was on the North*west* side of the map until I spotted the fire next to the fountain (very easy landmark for orientation). I went to the Resort for the roof-portion of the quest and worked my way around the Northwest side. A patroling AI-scav spotted me, spammed Russian, and took a few shots; but then it disappeared around the building.

I approached the West wall entrance, then heard a footstep on wood. I thought it might be the scav at first, but when I was getting ready to start walking up the ramp into the building, I heard a footstep again, so I backed away. It occurred to me that someone was hiding in this weird nook thing in that Northwest corner (something I didn't even know about until a recent Pestily video, so that was well-timed). I tried to see that spot from the outside window, didn't spot anyone, and then made my way back around the West wall (crouch-sneaking), but I didn't see anything, so, figuring that someone was camping for people trying to enter (this is a hot spot), I just started sneaking my way south to use the front entrance. But! Right when I was leaving, they must have figured it was safe and sprinted out from that spot and headed towards the gate without even checking their left side (where I was). I fired six shots, probably landing two, but the 7.62 BP rounds apparently were enough to penetrate their level 5 armor and kill them.. so.. :p
They were a level 36 player, so that was a strange mistake for them. I only kept their rifle and pack and hid the rest of their stuff for them, since I felt bad about making such a sneaky kill ;p

I also opted to use the "Path to Lighthouse" exit for the first time, which was much more difficult to find than I expected. MapGenie uses a different style of map for Shoreline, and the map makes it look like this exit is against the wall in a wooded area, but it's actually in an open grassy area a distance away from the walls. I had to watch a YouTube video while still in the server to figure out where it was.. and *still* didn't know. I thought maybe I'd passed it, so I started heading to the Tunnel exit before I stumbled across the terrain in the video and found the Lighthouse exit. Lulz. I guess I thought I was farther south than I actually was :p
It felt like I was in a portal to a hidden part of the map, since I'd never seen this section before. I definitely need to spend more time on this map...

Raid 132: Scav, Woods, 0230
Arg. I finally found the last morphine for Therapist's quest, but I didn't realize that I was started across the map from the exits again. With 8 minutes left, I had to make it from Scav Bunker to Old Station. I navigated fairly well and even dropped my shotgun three minutes out to drop weight (I was only wearing armor that had pockets), but I ran out of time five feet outside of the North side of Old Station. I would have needed another 10 seconds..

Raid 133: Scav, Woods, 2200
*Super* dark night. I could barely see anything, but I spawned with a labs keycard and found an impact grenade. :D

Raid 134: Scav, Woods, 0420
Found another MDR and also found a BNTI helmet and a dovetail guard for it. Not sure I'll ever use it since it suppresses audio ;p

Raid 135: Scav, Shoreline, 2300
Lulz. The Tarkov gods were kind enough to start me on Scav island, where a PMC with NVGs was camping and killed me (and another scav) within about 1 minute of me spawning XD

They killed the first PMC, walked perpendicular to me (I should have fired at this point while I could still see, but I was hoping they would stop to loot the scav), and went into the boat-shack, so I was able to ADS on the shack while hoping they would silhouette themselves against the water, but they came straight out and must have spotted me or heard me switching to/from ADS. They fired on me, I fired one round blindly in their direction (likely missed; server didn't say I hit), they shot some more and hit me, and I fired a second shot.. but I think that second shot was technically after the server had pronounced me dead because it said I only fired one shot :p
So, about one minute alive in the server :D
Here's that exchange:
(AUDIO WARNING! I cut the video right at the sound of the other scav being shot and dying, so turn down your volume)
I was not able to see this well; I boosted brightness by about 600% for the video..
It looks like the PMC got in a little firefight with someone on the other side of the boat house, then doubled back. It must have been very easy to see me with NVGs.. I think my feet were showing :p

Oddly, that was probably only my *second*-worst spawn. The worst was when I was spawned in 3-story dorms only two rooms down from a PMC. I think I died within 30 seconds. :D

Raid 136: Scav, Woods, 0200
I spawned near the Military Camp and immediately went there for meds. Lots of stuff (including 30 rounds of Igolnik) but sadly no morphine. I'd really like that one last morphine so I can multi-task quests on Shoreline...

Raid 137: Scav, Woods, 0630
Last try for morphine before I just let it happen naturally ;p
No luck but found a few fun things, including a Slender-Man mask :)

Raid 138: PMC, Shoreline, 2230
Time to finish the "Signal:Part1" quest...
Yay! Finished the quest and looted weather station — found a graphics card there. I was super paranoid because I didn't see anyone or hear anyone the entire time (except for one scav), which made me wonder if other people were being super sneaky like me. I also passed through the cultist territory, but I guess they didn't spawn. I was able to find the Lighthouse exit by approaching from the South (approached from the North last time), so I'm getting more map-sense..

Raid 139: Scav, Customs, 0430
Was hoping for morphine but found a fair amount of items anyways, including an UMP.

Raid 140: Scav, Customs, 2130
Must. Find. Morphine!!
I'm avoiding PMC raids to my detriment, though. It may be time to just do the PMC-killing quests so I can move on to the next task-related quests (all of my other quests have to do with finding items).
Woohoo!! Got the morphine. That opened Therapist's next quest. I also leveled up to 17, which opened two Ragman quests, and I have a new Mechanic quest.

Raid 141: Scav, Lighthouse, 1800
Wow. Someone had wiped the entire Rogue-USEC camp. Bodies everywhere D:
Lots of loot for me! ;D

Raid 142: PMC, Shoreline, 2330
Lulz. I was planning to do "Signal:Part3", but I forgot to bring the required signal jammers :D
They spawned me near the "Path to Lighthouse" exit, so I figured I'd just walk around that spot for a few minutes, but I accidentally entered the exfil area only 6 minutes into the raid. I tried to leave that area, but it's pretty large so the countdown finished before I could leave it, and I got my first "runthrough" status (lower experience if you finish a raid too quickly).

Raid 143: PMC, Shoreline, 0030
Once again did not run into anyone (not even a scav).
When I was planting a jammer on the top of the Resort, I heard someone below me, but they went quiet so I couldn't tell which floor they were on.
I don't really have a sense of timing on this map yet.. like.. which things people tend to do at which times. It's pretty obvious on other maps, like Customs. This particular raid felt like playing DayZ.. between the open areas with little cover and the total silence ;p

Anyways, I found a lot of stuff and completed that Signal quest, so that's nice. I now only need one more Zibbo lighter before I'm fine for a later prapor quest where he asks for 10 M67 grenades ("No Offense" quest).

Raid 144: Scav, Lighthouse, 0830
Kewlllls. They spawned me inside the resort with a lot of time (30+ minutes), so I was the first one to loot the area and found a lot of good stuff.

Btw, I went into Customs offline and tried to figure out how that (alleged) cheater might have shot me in good faith (i.e., if it *wasn't* a cheater but just a really good player)... but it's pretty much impossible. The spots where I was passing when I was shot were only visible from very narrow angles, and I had checked those spots right before being shot. So I'm 99.9% sure they had to have been shooting me through trees with "special" eyes :p
Mon Feb 28 07:30:51
a lot of new games came out this month none is streaming Tarkov anymore. I wonder if the world situation may also has its effect on this game?
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