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Utopia Talk / General Talk / Would you like to take a survey?!
HH Psycho Guy
Moderator | Tue May 11 11:10:19 I need people to take a survey for a creative writing class I'm taking, so yaaaaay... Pls. https://forms.gle/wZVGHdy8vmKLAFAm7 |
Member | Tue May 11 13:20:16 Showing up once a year and now wants us to take a survey... Sure I’ll have a look at it later on. Any time limit? |
HH Psycho Guy
Moderator | Tue May 11 18:16:12 Once a year is generous, I lost the link when I upgraded my computer a few years back. nhill was kind enough to throw it at me a few days ago. But basically it's for today. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue May 11 22:35:42 I had to try *really* hard not to give troll answers. I hope you appreciate that, PG ;p |
Member | Wed May 12 06:03:45 Done. Although I would have answered some Dutch stuff on there but I kept it to the english ones |
Member | Fri May 14 12:40:58 Oh I missed this. Soz. I sang your title in Elsa's voice, couldn't help it. Damn mind worms. |
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