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Utopia Talk / General Talk / Fully growing out my beard....
Member | Thu Apr 27 10:53:02 Usually I just go for the goatee but letting it grow this time. Too many of my Veteran battles sporting huge beards on Facebook now a days. Sides are coming in slower than I want but they are coming in. |
Patron | Mon Sep 25 14:40:20 Are they there yet? |
Member | Mon Sep 25 15:33:21 http://lh6...F-dfXs/s480/FINALHD480x320.gif |
Member | Thu Jan 18 02:03:45 Actually my sides are coming in now. I just have to teach my 1 month old niece to stop grabbing on my beard. lol Well any hairs she pulls out are probably weak hairs any and they deserve to go. |
Member | Thu Jan 18 02:15:23 My beard 2 weeks into March. https://imgur.com/a/zAaVv The last pic of my beard that I took November 1st. https://imgur.com/R4Hg0pb |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Jan 18 22:36:01 Very cool! Looks good on you :D |
Member | Fri Jan 19 02:32:56 Thanks :) |
Member | Sat Mar 17 23:05:14 Holy crap I thought I was the only black person on UGT! |
Member | Sun Apr 08 14:38:22 lol |
Member | Sun Apr 08 14:40:42 Update my beard at 1 year and 8 days. https://imgur.com/a/DNUDg |
Patron | Sun Jun 03 01:14:36 The hair underneath your head seems to be growing a lot faster than the hair on your head! Damn gravity... |
Member | Sun Jul 14 11:31:05 Yeah.... The hairs on top are starting to get a little grey here and there. |
Member | Mon Jul 05 05:12:47 Oddly enough the hair on top is a lot longer now. Stopped cutting it when the lockdown started. |
Member | Wed Jul 07 03:55:39 "Sat Mar 17 23:05:14 Holy crap I thought I was the only black person on UGT!" dunt worrie ur stil da only one wit a mugshot ROFL http://mug...M/Billah-Muhammad.4344291.html |
Member | Tue Mar 26 08:10:57 So, I cut my beard off and moved overseas last year. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Mar 31 06:16:05 Hopefully you are happy. ✹ |
Member | Thu Apr 04 23:31:37 Life Update: November 2021... I was letting my hair grow out with my beard at this point. Family and friends were getting worried. Since I was never going out. I was always getting delivery and staying to myself. Then they were also mad that I didn't want to get vaccinated. https://imgur.com/a/TKjx1CD January 2023... Decided to cut my hair and move to Thailand when the vaccine restrictions lifted. https://imgur.com/a/yGaFjWG March 2023... I left Thailand and moved to the Philippines. I am with my son here. I posted a picture of him when he was born in 2010 before on here somewhere. He turns 14 this year. Long story but his mother ended up being married and not single like she told me. When I met her in South Korea. I was still in the Army then. When I came to see my son being born. I found out she had a husband and kids in the Philippines. Still I have always supported him. I was tired of only talking to him over the webcam. Even though my family in the US told me just wait until he turns 18. He is the reason why I decided to move overseas. So I am very happy his mother lets me spend time with him. https://imgur.com/a/aDUsXqQ March 2024... Deciding if I want to start a podcast on Youtube. A couple more months and I will be 40. Waiting around while a condo is being built with a studio on top. Something that I will give to my son in the future. Maybe i'll meet my future wife here one day. I have already been here 1 year. I plan to stay here and retire. |
Member | Thu Apr 04 23:32:09 https://imgur.com/a/u5QleYP |
Member | Thu Apr 04 23:33:30 @Cherub Cow Yes, I am happy. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Apr 18 02:25:28 Very cool updates! Wow! \:D/ You're thinking of retiring in the Philippines, then? That's very cool. And not vaccinated? (Based!) You should totes do the podcast. My understanding is that once you get a neon sign with your name or your podcast's name, you're pretty much legit. (⌐▨_▨) |
Member | Tue Apr 30 03:54:01 Yes, I will stay here and retire. Yes, I am looking into getting a neon sign. I do feel like I need one to look legit. |
Member | Thu May 09 16:08:19 I keep my beard trimmed very short, and only shave my neck. I like the idea of a longer beard, but I get a lot more female attention when it's short. |
Member | Sat Jun 29 00:43:35 I did like it longer but I leave it short now. I like short as well. Less work on upkeep. |
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