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Utopia Talk / General Talk / poison, kaylana, fsb
green hero
Wed Oct 01 20:14:37
you three fucking suck. i can't believe it. it makes my blood boil to the bones.

did you ever stop and THINK? durrr

1. whore
2. bitch
3. cunt.

1. emofag
2. queer
3. little girl

1. pussy
2. wimpy faggot
3. cocksucker

fsb has put more penises in his mouth than anyone could possibly believe. he makes elton john look like some fucking badass pimp motherfucker. poison has his cock so deep in fsb's mouth that it's poking out of his ass. and kaylana is there locking the end off it despite not even knowing whose it is, only that it's a penis, and that it's coming out of poison's ass.
green hero
Wed Oct 01 20:16:23
god damn it i fucked it up

poison has his cock so deep in fsb's mouth that it's poking out of his ass. and kaylana is there licking the end of it despite not even knowing whose it is, only that it's a penis, and that it's coming out of fsb's ass.
Wed Oct 01 20:31:52
Hi Poison.
Wed Oct 01 20:35:57
no...wait...please stop. fucking people, man. who like them? nobody.
Mon Jul 12 00:38:01
Why is wrong with fsb?
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