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Utopia Talk / Politics / yankoid 16 year losas gettin out of hand
Fri Nov 29 00:55:20

rofl everyone can see he aint lookin 16, 16 is his biological age.

his organ age is 36

anyone with half a brain can tell u no kid at 16 in highschool has this amount of hormones and bear development unless they stick a needle in them twice a day.

these roidheads dunt even wanna admit, "shave the beard" these reddit incels say. as if his beard wont grow back da same day rofl. why do these cucks think all these roidheads eventually leave the beards go wild. u gotta shave twice a day if u touch it.

da hormones gone wild coz of all crap he injects and his organs and face alrdy lookin 36 and beyond.

mofo thinks he tough and shit. he alrdy aint lookin 2 good, big fool thinks he cool and shit.

tc droppin some wisdom truths here 4 all u cucks. when u young, u wanna grow old fast!
but when u old, u wish u had more time!

Boom. facts.

aint nobody shuld be itchin 2 grow older unless they fuckin suck in life and r total losas. whats this losa gonna do. he alrdy lookin 36. when he reaches 25-30 he be lookin 59????

he is fucked beyond believe. his little weenie barely works his ballz r da size of peanuts right now, his bitch tities gonna look unnatural.
but then again, u is a nation of trannie worshippers nowadays. im guessin it gotta do with dat roidpandemic u got over there with all them confused shemales lookin like little hulks and them mans havin bitch tities and shit

Fri Nov 29 01:10:59
this teh shit u like, u little freaks


look at dat, u fucks. is that it huh.

this shit is UNNATURAL. this shit aint frikkin normal. u freakz.

this shit is frankenstein.
Fri Nov 29 01:12:25
eva been mistaken 4 a man bitch?

her: das why i do it

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