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Utopia Talk / Politics / breakthrough
Sam Adams
Thu Nov 28 10:49:13
Re-armed syrian militias have opened a significant attack on soviet-bloc lines(assad, iran, hezbollah, russian) outside aleppo. A brigade-division sized soviet force was smashed, its iranian commander killed, and cia backed syrian militias are rolling into the suburbs of the city. It is unclear if the city can be held.

Lol jergul you thought opening another front with clandestine proxies was something only you could do?
Average Ameriacn
Thu Nov 28 10:54:43
They are inspired by Trump's victory. Trump has not yet been sworn in, but he is already changing the course of world history!
Thu Nov 28 11:05:00

Now if only Biden would grow a nut and actually take out Assad, and maybe even target Russian forces in Syria.

Removing Assad would essentially neuter Hezbollah permanently.

Thu Nov 28 11:06:19

And while he's at it, he should also take out Kim Jong Un for sending troops to Ukraine.

Thu Nov 28 11:10:00

This should have been done 3 years ago to stretch out and stress Russian forces.

Unfortunate Biden is a twat.

large member
Thu Nov 28 12:16:03
You seem butthurt sammy. Why not double down and mention me in your initial post 4 times instead of the two you have managed so far?
Sam Adams
Thu Nov 28 12:46:35
I mean i saw the defense news and couldnt help but laugh a few times at your russian military dreams.
large member
Thu Nov 28 12:50:54
Is that copium or hopium I wonder? Yes, so you support Islamists again (how could that go wrong?).

Meanwhile in Ukraine...
Thu Nov 28 12:54:29
The Islamist that Jergul supports (Hezbollah, Islamic republic and Hamas) are totally different!
Thu Nov 28 13:18:55

jergul: Why do you oppose democracy in Syria?

large member
Thu Nov 28 15:48:14
I am firmly in favour of democracy in Syria. Show me the roadmap. Breaking stuff is not a roadmap.
Thu Nov 28 16:40:24
”Why do you oppose democracy in ….”

For an American, you have to be either ignorant or bold to ask such a question, considering that the USA has overthrown several democracies, and supported military dictatorships.
Fri Nov 29 01:17:57
Erdogan for all his rethoric and threats hurled against Israel, comes through and opens up another front against Russia and the axis.

large member
Fri Nov 29 05:40:01
That is President Tayip "ahaha, I got f-34s cheap to mix and match with my S-400ds" Erdogan to you Nimi.
large member
Fri Nov 29 05:42:16
35s rather. Which also means that Russia was prewarned and the fallbacks were planned. Hence the low 100ds of losses to defenders and mid 100ds to the attackers.

I think the plan is to let the Islamists have their Tet offensive.
Fri Nov 29 07:25:51
You wouldn't be the dunce you are if you did not take out your celebrations way too early. October 7th and the Israeli attack on the Islamic republic come to mind. If the inverse jergul tracker is still valid, I would say Aleppo is lost.
large member
Fri Nov 29 08:22:39
So cute <3
Sam Adams
Fri Nov 29 10:20:26
Aleppo falls. That was fast.
large member
Fri Nov 29 10:26:28
^Speaking of premature ejaculations.

VOA: "The government did not comment on insurgents breaching city limits"

Fri Nov 29 10:53:48
It was dumb to let Assad win previously.

A lot could have been a avoided if Cameron and Obama hadn't blinked in 2013, and subsequent leaders at every opportunity afterwards.

Fri Nov 29 10:54:36

Cf. Dayton accords.
Sam Adams
Fri Nov 29 10:55:54
Lol poor jergul.
Fri Nov 29 11:22:14
It’s Islamic jihadist. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

Turkey is likely involved. Erdogan wants to control Kurdish areas and get to the PKK (Nimatzo’s wifes people).
large member
Fri Nov 29 12:35:45
Jesus christ sammy. You are wrong at every turn and you project that to "poor jergul".

You get a figleaf in Syria. Remember how you thought Assad was done? Or Iran was done? Or Russia was done?

Get a grip and find reality. Please. I am asking for a friend.
large member
Fri Nov 29 12:38:13
The problem is the frozen conflict. Constitutional reform should have happened by now. The barrier is not Syrian regime resistance. It is the rebels that would be marginalized by their limited support in actual populated areas.
large member
Fri Nov 29 12:38:54
Reform = democracy. The barrier is that the "wrong" people win democracy in the short term.
large member
Fri Nov 29 12:40:20
So play the long game.
Fri Nov 29 13:18:32

"I am firmly in favour of democracy in Syria. Show me the roadmap. Breaking stuff is not a roadmap."

Breaking the grip on power of a minority that rules by force is a great first step.

Fri Nov 29 13:19:36

And breaking stuff is a great roadmap. Because if you break it and it doesn't work out, you can always break it again.

Sam Adams
Fri Nov 29 13:23:06

"VOA: "The government did not comment on insurgents breaching city limits"

Lol poor jergul.
Fri Nov 29 13:29:35
The Jergulian curse of premature ejaculation strikes a again. Half of Aleppo is lost.
large member
Fri Nov 29 13:32:53
OMG. The projection. So cute <3. *Huggles*
large member
Fri Nov 29 13:36:14
By that logic, punch yourself in the face. It will eventually make you prettier.
large member
Fri Nov 29 13:38:57
More seriously, like I said to seb. The problem with Constitutional reform and new elections is that the "wrong" people win. Islamist insurgent groups turn out the be pretty marginalized nationally.

So you would want to play the long game. Which is not really an immediate gratification generation thing.

So, we can cite the Dayton accords from 1997 instead of understanding that a lot of civic development can take place over 30 years if you actually let it play out.
large member
Fri Nov 29 13:42:40
I think a lot of our disagreements stem from me being the only one that believes the Western Securlar Democratic tradition is innately superior.

Things will inevitably go our way if we let them play out.

Woe Ye of little faith :(.
large member
Fri Nov 29 13:51:33
That was unfair. Most of you are stuck in a tribal mindset: "Yay team". The actual facts do not matter.

But some of you have an idea about ideological struggles. Here I believe time is on our side because our system is superior. You do not believe time is on our side because you cannot see any obvious superiority.

So what are you fighting about again?

You are wierd.
Fri Nov 29 17:10:43

"By that logic, punch yourself in the face. It will eventually make you prettier."

I don't need to be prettier. Some others could use it though.

large member
Fri Nov 29 18:46:01
I should be more precise. My version of the Western, Secular, Democratic Tradition is innately superior.

Spin-offs simulations tend to reek of blatant hypocracy and double standards, so are unlikely to catch on in the long run.
large member
Fri Nov 29 19:14:27
rank double standards*
Sat Nov 30 00:54:54
Aleppo citadel lost.

Dam it Jergul! You just had to open you fucking mouth didn’t you?keep you fucking predictions to yourself in the future.
large member
Sat Nov 30 01:45:20
Nimi, cutie-pie. What prediction?
large member
Sat Nov 30 01:58:49
What is your prediction for the Kurdish Sheikh Maqsoud district? Since your wife is kurdish and all.

It seems pretty obvious at this point that Turkey did not give Russia a headsup, and well, Turkey does have a kurdish agenda.
Sat Nov 30 03:26:19
These are not the droids we are looking for.
Sat Nov 30 03:34:22
I think your retardation was obvious when you said “*let* the islamist have their Tet offensive”. Given that the Tet offensive famously marks the beginning of the of US presence in Vietnam. You were predicting the end of the Russia et al in Syria.
large member
Sat Nov 30 03:45:07
"Given that the Tet offensive famously marks the beginning of the of US presence in Vietnam"

Rofl. Sorry cutie, but that was just so wrong. Check it out on wiki if interested.

The tet offensive cost the NV/VC dearly, but it also fundamentally weakened US resolve at home. The administration had been spinning the war to the enemy being close to defeat, yet it mounted a huge offensive that breached US embassy grounds amongst other things. It, more than anything, influenced the US decision to Vietnamise the conflict and pull out.
large member
Sat Nov 30 03:48:18
The analogy is that the Islamists are now exposed to airpower and will take heavy losses now that the cease fire is over, but that the Regime will pay a very heavy PR price from any territorial gains the insurgents make.

Kind of the opposite of what you thought darling.
Sat Nov 30 04:35:14
So many words, so emotional, so little substance.

You analogy is bizarre, given that the Tet offensive, *famously* marks a turning point, the beginning of the end. You are predicting the end of Russian et al in Syria, with you Tet offensive reference? I think you fucked up and forgot what the Tet offensive was all about, you went to wikipedia and now you are trying to Jergulize it so that it makes sense in the context you brought it up it. lol you dunce :)


I have been meaning to tell you, but recently you have become really gay and creepy. Like even more gay and creepy than usual.
Sat Nov 30 04:39:13
Given that the Tet offensive famously marks the beginning of the [end]of US presence in Vietnam. You were predicting the *end* of the Russia et al in Syria.

This may have confused you as to what I just said, given that you have massive problems with reading comprehension and contexts and read everything I say in an emotionally heightened state.

You should do a better job hiding how badly I get under your skin.
large member
Sat Nov 30 05:11:07
hehehe, the hapless projection. You are very cute nimi. Not very smart, but very cute <3
Sat Nov 30 07:04:23

Anyway, things look very dark right now in Syrian, looks like Assad forces have retreated on a broad front, SDF has swooped in. Frontline collapsing on multiple axis. A disaster.
Sat Nov 30 07:25:05
There’s no reason to worry. If the USA/CIA is involved there will be democracy soon.
Sat Nov 30 07:36:13
Ma'arat al-Nu'man has reportedly fallen to the rebels.
Sam Adams
Sat Nov 30 07:41:49
The scale of the soviet bloc collapse is so large one starts to wonder if assad can hold syria.
Sam Adams
Sat Nov 30 07:45:48
There are no insurgents in aleppo!

Lol good call jergul.
Sat Nov 30 08:01:22
Allegedly even Khan Sheykhoun..
Sat Nov 30 08:07:03

Possibly supporting that claim, the Russians are supposedly retreating from al-Suqaylabiyah as well.

Oh boy. Is Hama going to be in danger soon?
Sat Nov 30 08:33:55
Yup...the rebels are marching south as well:

"18 minutes ago
Sheikh Mustafa and Maarat Harmah in the southern Idlib countryside were captured by rebels

22 minutes ago
Opposition groups seized the towns of Morek, Kafr Zita and Marzeta in northern Hama"
large member
Sat Nov 30 08:58:42
VOA. Bad call by VOA.
Sat Nov 30 10:04:46
"42 minutes ago
Confirmed mass withdrawals of the government army from the city of Hama are taking place now"

Epic fail.

Sat Nov 30 10:12:01
From what I have heard, this was especially the case in Aleppo, nobody filled the positions when Hezbollah left for southern Lebanon.
large member
Sat Nov 30 10:18:06
Kurds repelled the first Islamist attack on their part of Aleppo (Kurdish forces hold about a quarter of the city if memory serves). Also, first POW execution just dropped.
large member
Sat Nov 30 10:27:55
Israel is starting to look a little bit smarter. There is solid logic to the Lebanon offensive if the plan was a followup punch by Islamists in Syria.

60k insurgents. That is like a third of the force Russia steam rolled Ukraine with initially. Though there was eventually a pretty broad pullback from that overreach.
Sam Adams
Sat Nov 30 10:52:42
VOA. Bad call by VOA."

Bad call by you trusting a bad source.
Sam Adams
Sat Nov 30 10:53:26
Rumors that assad has fled
Sam Adams
Sat Nov 30 11:01:30
Think you can hold damascus jergul?
Sat Nov 30 11:28:16

"There’s no reason to worry. If the USA/CIA is involved there will be democracy soon."

I don't think we're involved.

Sat Nov 30 11:35:01
Rebels are starting to enter Hama.

I don't think the city has ever previously fallen to the rebels. Whoops.
Sat Nov 30 11:36:49
That being said, even if Hama falls I'd be surprised if Assad decided to throw in the towel. The rebels would still have another 140 miles to cover before reaching Damascus, and they got Homs standing in the way.
Sat Nov 30 11:45:54
I’m almost too afraid to ask, but what does Jergul think?
large member
Sat Nov 30 12:12:03
I dunno. I only follow one conflict at a time closely. It depends mostly on popular sentiment. 60k is not an occupation force able to hold hostile territory effectively.

You are involved. The F-35 release to Turkey is unlikely coincidental. An assymetrical effort on behalf of both Israel and Ukraine.

What do you think? Will the Kurds be able to hold the 25% of Alepo they hold, or will the Islamists overwhelm them?
large member
Sat Nov 30 12:13:46
True. Voice of America is a known US propaganda outlet. My bad.
Sat Nov 30 12:19:09

"You are involved."

Not likely with al-Qaeda remnants involved and them attacking the Kurds.

If we are it's almost certainly a Trump/Erdogan deal.

large member
Sat Nov 30 12:21:50
A biden-Erdogan deal. Biden released the F-35s.
large member
Sat Nov 30 12:23:01
But I do have issues with the premise that "The US would never back terrorists". Indirect backing by way of Turkey is still support.
Sat Nov 30 12:32:00

It's your assertion that the F-35s had anything to do with it. I don't accept that.

Sat Nov 30 12:33:51

"But I do have issues with the premise that "The US would never back terrorists""

I never said any such thing. I never would. Cuban exiles, CIA, yada yada ...

Back al-Qaeda is a whole other thing. 9/11 yada yada ...

Sat Nov 30 12:47:04

^ doesn't apply to Trump because he's a moron and doesn't know anything about anything and doesn't care. He also would have no loyalty towards the Kurds since they haven't named him their king yet. ;o)

Sat Nov 30 12:49:19
They didn't help us in Normandy you know.
large member
Sat Nov 30 13:06:52
Fair enough murder. Though I do think one degree of separation through Turkey resolves that particular bad taste (also one degree of separation between the new AQ and whatever OBL had going back then).
large member
Sat Nov 30 13:07:55
I think Turkey was asked to give a hand and Turkey said "ahem, F-35s seem to be stuck for some reason".
large member
Sat Nov 30 13:09:29
Just a regular tuesday transactional deal. Its not as if F-35s do not create US jobs or anything. The reason for blocking sales in the first place was spurious (waah s400ds maybe data leak, but actually just not Patriot systems).
Sat Nov 30 13:13:27
I know way too little about what is going on, things are moving too quickly and very little in the way facts. I have no comments.

How about that for an answer :-)

Completely unverified rumors of coup attempt in Syria.
large member
Sat Nov 30 14:08:25
A good answer.
Sat Nov 30 15:24:23

btw this is a perfect example of why you don't establish a ceasefire and let the enemy hang around unless you simply can't defeat them.

If you let them live, you will be dealing with them again.

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