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Utopia Talk / Politics / turkey gets f35
Sam Adams
Member | Thu Nov 28 10:39:15 We had paused this because turkey was buying s400s. After seeing the s400 perform even worse than expected and fall to basic srbms, the US no longer opposes. Lmfao jergul. |
Member | Thu Nov 28 10:59:39 fat amy can barely fly musk trashes f35 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg4Rw56ItR8 over 1000 produced? 40% capablas of flyin any time. rest is defective. |
Member | Thu Nov 28 11:00:38 j35 has taken over boyo. first, admit i can only show u da door neo, u r da one who has 2 go through it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc3VG9JZM6I |
the wanderer | Thu Nov 28 15:09:10 it's Thanksgiving, i expected a different turkey |
Member | Fri Nov 29 06:05:17 Erdogan and Putin are friends. They met each other the other day. Erdogan does not trust the USA, and Putin does not trust the USA. I think the plan is to analyze the F35’s so that Russia can make some tweaks to their air defence systems. The S400 and S500 will never miss a shot. Biden is so slow that he is not aware of what it is going. Haha |
large member | Fri Nov 29 07:23:06 Turkey gets f35s and biden gets his Aleppo offensive. Very transactional. A nice way to smooth the transition to the next president. |
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