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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump tariffs: China, Canada, and Mexico
Tue Nov 26 07:23:56
Not surprisingly Trump is threatening to impose tariffs on everyone on day 1.

This should fix the high cost of everything.

Tue Nov 26 09:11:12
Do you know why tariffs would help the economy, murder?
Tue Nov 26 09:18:04
I remember when Bernie espoused protectionist trade policies to protect the American worker from globalist hegemony, and the only people crying about it were Hillary's globalist funders.
Tue Nov 26 09:30:39

"Do you know why tariffs would help the economy, murder?"

I'm sure that you are going to bless me with your wisdom.

Tue Nov 26 10:07:54
To be clear. Murder just admitted that he doesn't know why tariffs can help the economy.
Sam Adams
Tue Nov 26 10:59:44
China deserves it, tredeau deserves it, and much of mexico deserves it.

Economically its a bad idea with canada and mexico. But a good idea with china i think.
large member
Tue Nov 26 11:00:00
You do not have the best reading skills obam.

Tariffs are a flat tax on consumption. Likely good for the economy over the long term if viewed in isolation in the context of truly massive and unsustainable federal deficits. Yepp, the Feds definitely need the revenue.

Problem is of course that Trump will likely zero out the tax benefit by increasing the level of coporate wellfare the Federal Government sees fit to provide.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 11:17:11
Trump is saying blanket 25% tariffs on Canada & Mexico plus blanket 10% tariffs on China until all illegal drugs & immigrants stop

we're in that position of just wondering whether to discuss shit he claims he'll do (after discussing w/ no one) when it a good chance it won't happen after adults burp him

& maybe he just wants to raise prices more under Biden so they can lower when he doesn't do it... or he'll just claim they reacted to the threat & did something or who knows... great leadership style

him having the idiotic position that they don't raise prices doesn't help... unclear if the moron really believes that or just wants his dumb cult to believe it as they do w/ every other obviously false thing he says
Average Ameriacn
Tue Nov 26 11:23:44
the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 11:29:48
^that should be "what Trump is saying *recently* is...", he's obviously claimed other tariffs of varying amounts (even in same sentence) for all sorts of other reasons
Tue Nov 26 11:55:14
The markets are basically flat today. Doesn't seem like investors are panicking over the announcement.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 12:42:43
probably an assumption it won't happen (i doubt it will... i doubt his no tax on OT will... i doubt his mass deportation will... i'm certain his better/cheaper healthcare won't (& is 0% formed)...)

baby spews shit, yet often doesn't happen... unlike if it was ANY other president
Tue Nov 26 12:55:11
Trumps cheaper option was already passed no? The biden administration just didn't enforce it.

The general idea is hospitals need to let consumers know ahead of time their costs and fees. Some hospitals charge less than other.

Open markets allow for competition and all that.
Tue Nov 26 13:08:26

"To be clear. Murder just admitted that he doesn't know why tariffs can help the economy."

They aren't going to help the economy.

Tue Nov 26 13:10:02

"Trumps cheaper option was already passed no? The biden administration just didn't enforce it."

Good news everybody! Healthcare is about to get cheaper in the US! Just you wait!

the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 13:26:38
he was asked at the debate (that he lost terribly) for details of that better/cheaper healthcare plan that he's been claiming to be working on at various times over the past 10 years & even when pressed only could claim he had unspecified concepts

reporters later pressed again for those concepts & he said he'd release them soon (at least he didn't go with "two weeks")... as with "two weeks", "soon" hasn't occurred... shockingly

he just makes shit up... all his 'no tax on ___' promises were made up on the fly too, his own economic advisor admitted there'd been no discussion of them

& i'm sure the same for all his tariff comments
Tue Nov 26 15:05:11
He did pass a law that on paper required hospitals to be transparent with their costs.

Tariffs are effective and useful when a country like China uses slave labor to build shit they turn around and sell in america bypassing the American worker.

Murder and tw don't understand any of this because murder doesn't work and tw also doesn't work.
Tue Nov 26 15:05:58
Also, both murder and tw voted for kamala harris.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 15:11:56
requiring transparency has nothing to do with replacing or improving Obamacare

you're just being a cultist trying to find a defense to his transparently obvious continually repeated lie of ever having a plan

also his recently announced 10% blanket tariff plan on China has NOTHING to do w/ moving jobs back... his own stated reason is fetanyl... so again being the cultist, making up explanations for him
Tue Nov 26 15:28:32

"Tariffs are effective and useful when a country like China uses slave labor to build shit they turn around and sell in america bypassing the American worker."

Oh I see. In order to help American workers Trump is going to drive up the cost of imports ... and screw the consumers that were benefiting from those lower priced goods.

I bet those consumers aren't the poor and working classes.
Tue Nov 26 16:21:10
Murder doesn't understand the power tariffs have on forcing companies to build factories domestically.

How uneducated are you man?
Tue Nov 26 16:21:52
Tw also doesn't understand basic economics.

They also both voted for kamala and don't have jobs.
the wanderer
Tue Nov 26 16:48:46
you voted for the guy who claims tariffs don't increase prices

& even under your theory it's to move jobs back here (despite him saying that's not the reason & also you wouldn't do blanket tariffs to do that)... that would also increase prices
large member
Tue Nov 26 16:56:34
The US also uses slave labour. Felons are specifically excluded from emancipation legislation.
Tue Nov 26 17:43:51

"Murder doesn't understand the power tariffs have on forcing companies to build factories domestically."

Too bad we're at full employment, and Trump is about to deport millions of US workers, which will make the labor shortage much worse, which will drive up the cost of labor and the goods they produce.

obaminated doesn't understand.
large member
Wed Nov 27 05:41:45
God, I hope you are not at full employment...link to follow.
large member
Wed Nov 27 05:45:00

72% employment rate (adults 16-65) is not great. Norway clocks in at 78%.
large member
Wed Nov 27 05:47:42
Wed Nov 27 10:24:00
So does this mean an end to NAFTA? It was signed into law 30 years ago.
Will we leave NATO? Move it out of NYC?
the wanderer
Wed Nov 27 12:03:01
NAFTA was slightly changed to the USMCA under Trump... thus going from the 'worst trade deal in history' to the 'best trade deal in history' according to Trump (who demonstrated no knowledge of the deal)

but yeah, just making up tariffs on the fly seems like it would be operating in bad faith but i know almost as little about the deal as Trump


for NATO, Congress passed a law to prevent a president from being able to leave NATO on his own (was stuffed in some packaged law)... a provision made specifically for the lil boy dictator... everyone knows he's unfit for office, just one side can't mention it
Wed Nov 27 12:04:31

You're too old to be new here.

As always, Trump will make a lot of noise, and then make some sort of deal, and then spend the rest of his life talking about what a great deal he got and how smart he is because his uncle was a professor at MIT.

Wed Nov 27 12:05:07
^ response to patom
Wed Nov 27 12:08:05

"for NATO, Congress passed a law to prevent a president from being able to leave NATO on his own (was stuffed in some packaged law)... a provision made specifically for the lil boy dictator... everyone knows he's unfit for office, just one side can't mention it"

That literally means nothing. Trump can simply refuse to participate and no one can make him send anyone to any NATO meeting or exercise or event.

And they sure as hell can't make him deploy forces ... especially if they don't declare war.

If Trump says we're out, then we're out.
Wed Nov 27 14:35:25
”for NATO, Congress passed a law to prevent a president from being able to leave NATO on his own”

Won’t Trump and the Republicans have a majority in Congress and everywhere else? They could theoretically pass a new law. A law that says that a president can leave Nato anytime the president wants to.
the wanderer
Wed Nov 27 16:27:45
not many R's in the Senate are cultists (yet)... they just quietly accept most of the idiocy & only act when necessary

(thus why Gaetz not making it as the idiocy too excessive)
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