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Utopia Talk / Politics / why trump won
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 24 19:23:29

An illegal was given a free trip to the US by democrats.

He raped a woman

Democrats didnt deport him. They released him back to the US.

He raped another woman.
Sun Nov 24 20:02:59

Wow! Americans must really care about those two women.

But not enough to let them abort their rapist's babies.

Sun Nov 24 20:04:16

Donald Trump won because 49.9% of the electorate is as rotten on the inside as Trump is.

Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 24 22:13:25
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "But not enough to let them abort their rapist's babies."

Do leftists ever tire of this lie?
Sure, there are Charlie Kirk types who think that rape-induced pregnancies should be kept, but tabling that for a moment, most leftists only use the "rape" argument so that they can use abortion as a contraceptive. Like, "[Oopsies, that one-night-stand hookup got messy and I forgot to get Plan B this morning, so I guess I'll go to Planned Parenthood next month.]"

Leftists advocate for that kind of degeneracy because it erases opportunities for morality *before* the final act of degeneracy. If people only slept with those with whom they were willing to have children, then you'd "accidentally" re-invent the institution of marriage, but leftists oppose marriage as a sacred institution so they have to burn morality backwards from that point.

So where the right is forced to play whack-a-mole with addressing these society-wide leftist failures, the result is that the Charlie Kirk position becomes necessary just because there *has* to be a hard line *somewhere*. I.e., if a raped woman *has* to keep her child, then people have to stand up against rapists *before* the rapes rather than accept the leftist's advocacy for expediting these rapists into society. But then murder-fags will swoop in and show that they *want* these women to be raped *and* to get abortions.

And how healthy is a society composed of women who have to treat their bodies like visitor-centers for conquerors? "[Don't worry about a millions of these Denis Humberto Navarette Romeros (a solid German name, btw!)! You can have an abortion if you don't like his cultural enrichment!]" The result is that women as a bloc resent men for not protecting them while simultaneously dis-empowering those men and giving the Regime more power with the hope that the Regime will protect them instead... but the Regime *wants* the rapes because it demoralizes women and micegenates natives with the Regime's criminal client-groups. And the murder-fags *endorse* this! And he thinks that women as a bloc will continue to endorse this kind of an obvious Regime deception? Fuck you.

Abort the invaders.
Fat Fag
Sun Nov 24 22:14:08
American logic: vote for a rapist to get rid of rapists!
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 24 22:17:23
The aptly named "fat fag" clearly bought the "Trump is a racist" Regime lie. Remind us what the difference is between a settlement and an admission of guilt, faggot.
Cherub Cow
Sun Nov 24 22:18:09
*"the "Trump is a ra[p]ist" Regime lie"
(thought "racist" is also a lie)
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