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Utopia Talk / Politics / Sweden knows what is coming!!
Tue Nov 19 07:58:46
"In case of crisis or war

This brochure is distributed to every household in Sweden on behalf of the Swedish government. "

Nimatzo and Paramount you should better read this. Maybe you can live for a few seconds longer when we take revenge on you for your aid to Nazi-Ukraine!


In uncertain times, it is important to be prepared 5
Together we make Sweden stronger 6
Swedish defence 7
Heightened state of alert 8
Total defence duty 9
Warning systems 10
Seeking shelter during an air raid 12
Home preparedness 15
Evacuation 19
Civil defence shelter 20
Psychological defence 22
Digital security 23
Terror attacks 24
How to stop bleeding 25
Extreme weather events 26
Pathogens 27
If you require special assistance 28
If you have pets 29
If you are worried 30
Talking to children about crises and war 30
Important phone numbers and more information 31– 32

Tue Nov 19 08:36:06
Yeah you guys are fucked lol.

Why is it in English though?
Sam Adams
Tue Nov 19 10:12:09
"Why is it in English though?"

Easier to communicate with the imported africans that way.
Wed Nov 20 10:29:38
I’m not worried at all. We are in Nato now and if something happens then USA will save me.
Wed Nov 20 21:51:33

Trump won't even send a get well card.

Thu Nov 21 09:12:54
The only negative reaction we got internally from this was from the left, so you guys take note. They wondered why the government was scaring people. Meanwhile things like this used to be basic preparation. It is mostly the younger people, they just don’t know. They are unaware that this countries infrastructure is dual purpose, roads to serve as airbases, basements as ABC proof shelters, a doctrine of mobilizing the entire country, civilian and military for defence, Totalförsvar, ”total defence”.
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