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Utopia Talk / Politics / rofl r u cochroaches?
Mon Nov 18 00:42:00
imagine anotha country havin da ballz and audacitiez 2 hold a yearly trade fair, a big market place where ppls worldwide come 2 shop and buy...

they been doing that shit almost 100 years now.

and now imagine cochroaches on da other side of da world havin da audacity 2 want this shit banned.

how is this shit even any of ur concern. it aint even in ur country, wtf r u even talkin about rofl

Mon Nov 18 00:49:45
holy shit dat video lol...

it almost feels like wanderin in candyland

oola loomaps walkin in chocolate cake factory lol

Mon Nov 18 02:59:52
The USA is so jealous.

We can feel the jealousy all the way here where I am at.
Mon Nov 18 07:05:23

How can Trump ban anything? He's not in office yet.

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