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Utopia Talk / Politics / nkorean troops
Member | Fri Nov 15 13:46:03 rememba how several months ago, westoid media told us how awkward and fake and shits da meetin between russia and nkorea was and how they dunt rlly trust each others and shits? and how some of u was like look how they dunt talk 2 eachother in da bmws and shit? oh right, and now we r told there r nkorean troops in ukraine now... fake news media lies every day dunt they. look at urself in da mirror and see how badly they done a numba on ur brain and shits. literally nottin u was ever told in ur life, is actually real |
Member | Fri Nov 15 13:47:46 how it started "aaa hahaha they dunt even trust each otha" how it ended "omg nkorean troops r now at da border" how is it u foolz r always soo far off da truth propafunda since da day u was born |
Member | Fri Nov 15 15:49:21 Russia needs north Korean soldiers to pacify Ukraine. I wonder how those north Koreans will handle the outside world. |
Member | Fri Nov 15 17:17:09 Don’t you read the news? The North Koreans have become addicted to porn since arriving in Russia. At least according to western main stream media. |
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