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Utopia Talk / Politics / Sweden defends Ukraine
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Wed Nov 13 15:25:56

Funny how Sweden is now the largest and most capable hawk in Europe now that USA is in full decline.

large member
Wed Nov 13 15:36:17
Nobody beats Poland. Poland just sent things fast, so has run out by now. 320 MBTs to name one thing.
large member
Wed Nov 13 15:37:08
Sweden has sent 10 MBTs.
Thu Nov 14 01:25:19
”Sweden has recently rebranded itself into something more amazing - a nation that’s not afraid to stand up to global tyranny or to challenge international bullies”

Lol. The Swedish government recently made Sweden an ally to the number one international bully.
Thu Nov 14 02:19:07
* the number one international bully and warmonger.
Thu Nov 14 08:07:10
Poland is the leader of the free world.
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