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Utopia Talk / Politics / this is wut yall have become
Tue Nov 12 22:02:50
just pure deranged, out of touch with reality, livin in ur own little bubble, decayin society, frustrated lives, anger issues, tiny dick syndrome, resort 2 racism out of fear,


look at da majority of da comments rofl.

all out of touch scared little white yankoidz teens

rofl them copium tears

they think:
- dirty
- all packed 2gether like rats
- hive
- dystopian judge dredd world
- scary packed 2gether
- made from "tofu"
- 3 elevators
- packed like ants and rats

rofl da copium tears
Tue Nov 12 22:05:19
when in reality, real actual reality, as in present time, right now, currently, actual world, non fantasy, non copium, non dreamworld, non alicein da wonderland, actual fuckin current timeline, actual 2024, da actual state of things

actual fukkin world, ya cryin useless shits, it looks like this


Tue Nov 12 22:25:17
and that considered a second tier city btw

rofl how fuckin pwned r u?

this is wut happens when 4 trillion gets poofed away in2 war

ull drop 50 years behind even if nobody, no media, no news, said it 2 u. actual reality doesnt give a shit if ur media says it or not.

Tue Nov 12 22:28:32
ok chest beatin and civ wars aside,

imagine just how fuckin cool such a concept is. free homez 2 citizens. well even if aint free, just cheap homes, entire communities, shoppin malls, food courts and shits in that communities.

ofc u culd also just go outside and go 2 other malls and parks and shit aint nobody forcin u 2 use local shops.

but just imagine if da world was actually fair and wouldnt charge u organz for rent and shit.

Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 12 22:44:08
Notice that that Chinese propagandist channel went only into one entrance but not all the way in — and he went after hours. It's like those videos of North Korea where they go into the designated safe zones where the lights have been turned on for the visitors but everything after that is experiencing persistent brown-outs.

..And also there's a bunch of filthy Chinese people crawling on top of each other. I wonder how many of those homes have little garbage cans that they have to use for their used toilet paper because they can't flush TP?

Also loving TC's delusion that China just gives stuff away for free ("free homez 2 citizens"), lol
Tue Nov 12 22:48:42
tell us how jealous u feelin right now without tellin us how jealous u r right now


Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 12 22:52:35
You'd apparently be "jealous" to know from first-hand experience that a lot of those apartments smell like literal shit because of their shit-garbage cans and that they become absolute zoos during the busy hours.

Why do you suppose China pays Western influencers like this to lie about China, TC? Why would they have to do that?
Tue Nov 12 22:55:14
whiteys: "omg pizza delivery a nightmare"
"do they all flush toilets"
"wut happens with da garbage"
"only 3 elevators?"
"imagine deliverin post here"

da copium is soo stronk, everyone wonderin how u able 2 not get headaches every day rofl

actual reality: they have food courts every few floors, includin pizza joints and they can get pizza there among da 20 other different country cuisines or have them delivered 2 there doorsteps

they have actual shops, service ppls workin and cleanin da areas includin pickin up there trash or they collect there trash and dump it on central location like any other skyscraper worldwide

they have multiple elevator entrances each with many many elevators so u neva really compete against 30k other residents and personnel but u prolly still takes a good 5-10 min sometimes.

yes they flush there toilets like in any other skyscraper, westoid rofl

they dunt get mail delivered 2 them, u fuckin idiot. they have mail delivered 2 a central point where they come and collect there stuff or have personnel collect them shit and have them deliver 2 u.

in fact, they prolly even have drones and robots deliverin there stuff

god damn get frikkin rekted. ur like 1960 society that barely advanced. they r movin into 2177 cybapunk alrdy and ur still tooo blind 2 see it rofl

Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 12 23:15:14
[TheChildren]: "yes they flush there toilets like in any other skyscraper, westoid rofl"

The key phrase was toilet paper, TC.
Do you think they flush their toilet paper?
Are you aware that there are indeed skyscrapers in China where residents are not allowed to flush toilet paper? This is a real thing. They have a little garbage can into which they put used toilet paper. Even many "luxury" apartments have these.

"No Flush Rule for Toilet Paper: Bin It, Don’t Flush It
In many Chinese toilets, flushing toilet paper is a big no-no. Why, you ask? Well, let’s just say the plumbing isn’t always up to the task. Instead, look for a designated bin and dispose of your used TP there. It’s not glamorous, but it gets the job done!"

You might want to actually visit these places before you glamorize them. These YouTube propaganda channels delete their comments and ban people when the comments are not part of the 50-cent Army (e.g., http://x.com/CherubCow/status/1797531021396869154 ).

You'll also notice that their videos where they show how "clean" the air is are rarely — if ever — during rush hour or when the factories are on; they typically film on the last day of a long weekend when the smog has retreated. They'll always avoid showing the worker areas or going to the hubs where workers get shipped in. There are "Westernized" sections of the cities which are safer to film because China made them zones for international visitors. Non-propagandists who talk about China being great usually only visit these little zones. If you leave the zones, you start noticing all the cracks, then you see the cracks in the zones themselves, like cheap sheet metal, buildings covered in smog-film, piss-stains on the side walks, plants struggling to survive the smog and/or being replaced because they cannot, police keeping peasantry out of the "nicer" areas, vendors of forged products everywhere, etc.
Tue Nov 12 23:23:27
god damn son, r u cryin right now hahah

"this is real thing"

yeaa...20 years ago due 2 buildin not being build properly

doesnt happen with modern buildins rofl get rekted so hard boyo

ya might want 2 realize 5 years in ur society = 30 years advancement in china

welp thats what happens when u 4 trillion poof poof gone in2 war and shits.

Tue Nov 12 23:29:34
i been outside these "little zones" and it is shit. pure shit i tell u.

no shops, barely any light, barely any economic activities that arent illegal shits, roads dirty, incomes usually lower than da little zones, ppl r racists, modern buildings, hardly other than private ones who can afford 2 build big houses and shit, barely any public transportation,

heck even in these little zones, shits bad. ppl shittin everywhere, crimes a rampant, frustration and anger everywhere, constant price increases, rampant racism, heck i even seen ppls phones being snatched right outta there hands lol.
and worse of all, da qualities even in these little zones where they pretend 2 still have high qualities and shit, is actually only mid tier qualities now compared 2 rest of da world, but them local brainwashed folks pretend they have da highest qualities.

u only tend 2 see these things these cracks and shit when u go outside these zones and come back in2 these zones, and by outside i mean actually travel 2 other countries such as china heck even turkey or south east asia...

ur shitholes is declinin and collapsin every day so plain 2 see.
Tue Nov 12 23:33:45
did u know ford ceo drives a chinese xiami supercar?

haha lol

how is ur eyes not infected by cryin 24/7?

lollololol@ u see some trash outside the "little zones" these cracks u start noticin when u go out lololol

u mean like everywhere else around da world?
and little zones that r bigger than ur biggest cities? hahaha

Tue Nov 12 23:42:21
u mean cerobb not everywhere is clean and spotless and shiny in china?

(like everywhere else in da world)

well of course it isnt ceroky, china is advancin into 2250 nobody said they r 2250 yet. they r advancin into 2250, right now they r 2177 kiddo. BUAHAHAHAA owned owned owned.

whereas u declined from 1997 which is da PEAK of ur civ, to 1960-1950

declinin by margins of g forces each year, boyo.
watch da matrix again. peak of human civ 1997, they predicted ur peak of society lol
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 12 23:53:51
"yeaa...20 years ago due 2 buildin not being build properly"

Nope. Currently. On new buildings.
Go visit, TheChildren. Go to China and check out the poop cans. You'll like it. It's super advanced for modern bathrooms to have poop cans. The Ford CEO has one in his home because he was so impressed with not flushing TP. Look into it ;p
Tue Nov 12 23:55:57
alrdy been there my son.

all i saw was da future 2177


poop cans lol. i had food delivered 2 me by robot.

like i said, 2177...advancin into 2250!

Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 00:15:38
Did you visit the apartment buildings or stay in your little fake hotel where they have Western amenities?
Wed Nov 13 00:43:25
i was not aware that u had 2 be stayin in 5 star hiltons 2 undastand wut vancouver or chicago is like...

this clown is totally delusional. why u spend ur life hatin son

yes i stayed in 5 star hotels only that i cant afford...actually i stayed at hostels and 2 star hotels only. and wut i saw, was PURE SUPERIORITY, 2177. i had food delivered 2 me by robot, u fool.

PURE 2177 advancin into 2250

delicious tears, ma boy.
nottin but shiny skyscrapers on da horizon, 200 years more advanced infrastructure everywhere. but ohhhhh noooo loook a dirty road outside da main street with some older buildings...? meanwhile watch ur every step son, u might step on dogshit or increasinly actual manshit on ur old decayin no longer shining 70 year old buildings on ur 100 year old infrastructure, and dunt just look down or u might get ur phone snatched lol

rofl those tears r drippin so fast down ur face u need a bucket 2 collect that shit.

Wed Nov 13 00:46:43
china 2 star hotels = actually 4 star quality with 2 star infrstructure

china 5 star = actually dubai 7 star quality

meanwhile west 5 star = actually 4 star but chargin 6 star

west 2 star = actually less than 1 star, shuldnt even be operational, should have been closed 15 years ago due to actually being safety hazard, but chargin u like they 3 or 4 star

beyond cucked society

Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 01:02:07
"i was not aware that u had 2 be stayin in 5 star hiltons 2 undastand wut vancouver or chicago is like..."

Literal opposite of what I said, faggot.
Wed Nov 13 01:07:19
u somehow seem shocked 2 see a dirty road outside a big fancy hotel...as if anyone was lyin 2 u.

this is how all da world looks like, minus da fancy hotel coz ur too poor and too economically laggin 2 have many fancy hotels.

but somehow ur tiny brain rewires this into "china is lyin, see see they dunt just got fancy buildings they got some dirty roads and some older dirtier buildings 2"

my man ur brain is literally operatin at 50 iq

aint nobody lyin 2 u son, china at 2177. and guess wut, just like 20 years ago when u was there supposedly,

they will just keep gettin more and more 2188 era buildings and 2199 buildings and then 2210 buildings and shit.

and meanwhile all u wuld keep doing is claim how there wuld be a dirty road still in da middle of somewhere nobody cares about as ur "proof" that it is all a lie and shit

da copium is stronk

Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 01:23:13
TheChildren's reading comprehension is worse that tumblefag's.
Wed Nov 13 22:52:17
cherowski thinks they lied 2 him coz there r some dirty roads somewhere somewhere outside a cluster of shiny omgjawdrop type of skyscrapers...

he then spend his entire life hatin and callin it fake.

meanwhile year after year, those shiny jawdrop clusters of skyscraper buildings gets reinforced by even more jawdroppin 22nd century shiny clusters of skyscrapers. every year.

this been happenin since cherowski startin hatin and shittin since early 2000s.

but cheroski still thinks it all fake. as a matter of fact some of these chinahatin looniez also up till recently like last year or so, has tried 2 claim that megapolis chongqing is not real. that it all fake. that it all a giant studio and that all da ppls there u see walkin and livin, r all hired actors and they build some plastic houses there 2 fool peoples worldwide...

xcept megapolis chongqing is literally 2000 years old give or take.


these falun nutcases r literally belong 2 mental asylums.

cheroski thinks his world is real. can cheroski answer us, how come these shiny new clusters of skyscrapers gets added each year and at wut point is he gonna realize how his world is runnin on infrastructure 100 years old, cracks and pottyholes everywhere, while china has new worldclass infrastructure every year....but somehow this isnt da real china, right. it is some dirty road with a few dirty old buildings left where some of da poorer folks live, that. that is actually da real chaaayna guys.


Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 23:04:34
TheChildren is another good example of the abysmal nature of leftism. These people are too stupid to even see the reality before them. Being a coward, he cannot even put up or shut up. He has told these fantasies of a "superior" China for years in this mind-numbing LARP but still does not live and work there. The simplest proof-of-concept of his own stated belief structure is beyond him, and his revealed preference is instead to remain in the West as a parasite with no conscience and no self-reflection.
Wed Nov 13 23:25:26
u gonna rant and cry again?

hahahaa deal with da fact how shitty ur life is. when u walk down da road, between 50 and 100 years old. not maintained once.

crack, poop, holes, trash eevry where.

homelessness, crack addicts, violence 24/7, danger at night, barely any amenities like shops and shit.

gotta drive an hour 4 da closest malls / decent shoppin

cost 2 weeks of wages 2 buy anything decent. everything is self paid. u wanna drive? buy a car. u wanna eat. money money biatch

got no worthy shit of anything. so gotta hate and deny how others have better than u, isnt it

Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 23:29:13
Not a single thing you listed applies to my circumstances. You're describing the inescapability of your own pathetic life. :)
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