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Utopia Talk / Politics / Bidem should arrest Harris
Member | Sun Nov 10 20:27:16 Resign and SPEAKER of House President. IF Biden accepts a plea deal in which he agrees to testify against other co-conspirators to all corruption of last four years he should get no jail time cause of his age. * It would show respect to the clear mandate that voters just gave Trump * It might (*might*) de-escalate things enough so that Trump doesn't feel a need to engage in the same destructive lawfare that his enemies hit him with * It would make Biden appear to show remorse (a rarity during his four years in office) ---- The merits MAKE sense. Which is why Biden will never do it. |
Member | Sun Nov 10 20:31:49 Bidem=Biden |
the wanderer | Sun Nov 10 22:00:50 Sad |
Member | Mon Nov 11 11:53:05 Superdude I like where your head's at lol. What would Harris exactly be charged with doing though? |
Average Ameriacn
Member | Mon Nov 11 11:59:23 Locking up Hillary is much more important! Only a few more days and it WILL happen! |
Member | Mon Nov 11 12:34:30 I'm sure there is some law against launching a coup to attempt to force a president to step down? Treason is harsh. But maybe trump will show leniency and let her spend her life in prison and not have her executed? |
Member | Mon Nov 11 13:23:42 "I'm sure there is some law against launching a coup to attempt to force a president to step down?" I still only give it 50/50 odds that Biden was aware ahead of time of the tweet announcing that he was stepping aside. Treason and sedition charges may well be on the table for a wide swath of the administration. |
Member | Mon Nov 11 14:39:19 Rugian. The truth is what people believe. |
the wanderer | Mon Nov 11 21:58:30 you guys should apply to be in the lawless child's administration, he'd love the way you 'think' |
Member | Tue Nov 12 00:32:15 Tw, if I was part of trumps administration I'd have the feds no knock raid your home. You've said enough questionable things about trump over the past 8 years to merit a total search of your house and computers. |
the wanderer | Tue Nov 12 01:14:57 it’s what Trump would want... he’s used threats and intimidation his whole life against those who criticize him I guess we’ll see how much he succeeds with the power you fools have given him... stress testing the system again but with fewer guardrails |
Member | Tue Nov 12 01:18:47 Let us know what life in the reeducation camps are like tw! |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 12 17:24:01 if tumblefag's ideology is any indication of what should happen to the enemies of Liberty, then he should absolutely live in fear of tomorrow. Luckily, Our God Emperor is a Benevolent God. He will use his Great Reason to judge the wicked. |
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