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Utopia Talk / Politics / "Pedo Peter" (Biden) pardons Pedo Son
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 01 19:39:47
"Pedo Peter", as his own son calls him, today decided to pardon his son, Hunter Biden, who is also a pedophile, since Hunter Biden is on video committing such crimes as:
• pedophilia with his own niece
• soliciting prostitutes
• trafficking of prostitutes across state lines
• the consumption and distribution of methamphetamines
• illegal possession of a firearm
• tax evasion
• coercion
• treason

The AP's Zeke Miller, who is a loyal Regime apparatchik who was trusted with the first question at Biden's first show-press-conference, penned this article:
"Biden pardons his son Hunter despite previous pledges not to"
[AP News; December 1st, 2024]

Pedo Peter lied by claiming that his crackhead pedophile son, who possessed an illegal firearm and accepted bribes from foreign officials in Ukraine and China, "was singled out only because he is [Pedo Peter's] son."
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 01 19:39:54
The White House statement on the pardon:
"For those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024, including but not limited to all offenses charged or prosecuted (including any that have resulted in convictions) by Special Counsel David C. Weiss in Docket No. 1:23-cr-00061-MN in the United States District Court for the District of Delaware and Docket No. 2:23-CR-00599-MCS-1 in the United States District Court for the Central District of California."

So this is a blanket pardon for Pedo Peter's son from 2014 to 2024: 10 years of heavy criminality and treason wiped away.
large member
Sun Dec 01 19:48:06
Yes, a president has that power. And what are the downsides of following paternal instincts? I cannot see any.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 01 19:57:13
good point, jergfag. Let's take that to its conclusion.
"As Democrats whine about the theoretical politicization of the justice system Biden continues his relentless abuse of the rule of law

Trump has the absolute justification for pardoning every J6 prisoner"
large member
Sun Dec 01 20:01:39
I dont think Trump needs justification. But he may need a reason. He is very transactional.
Sun Dec 01 20:21:58
large member Fri Nov 29 13:34:09
"Dont you guys recognise a troll thread when you see it?"

jergul once again proving he's an 80 IQ dumbass.

I literally gave you a non-troll version on this very subject. But which thread do you immediately pounce on? Oh that's right, the CC version.

People like CC do have their uses after all. Sure, they'll never win you an election, and in fact 100% of the time they'll cost you way more votes than they bring with their extremist takes (see, the British election and the idiotic "zero seats" campaign), but every once in a while they make the far left reveal themselves for who they are.
Cherub Cow
Sun Dec 01 20:30:48
[Rugian]: "but every once in a while they make the far left reveal themselves for who they are."

I'm the early warning system. You can claim *now* that I'm not being tactful, but I do not need to be tactful with the right's enemies since they are ontologically evil. I pulled these truths out of them over the course of years, and before that I was being very kind. When tumblefag called me a cultist, tact was over, and it was time to drop hard truths. Now there is only their absolute defeat. These United States need to purge the infiltrators and traitors and liberate Europe from the same.

And as for your tone, the boomer delusion must fall. People who still believe in the degrading propaganda of "our greatest ally" will not be ready for the next moment. If Trump successfully strips "sustainability" governance from the West, it is the International Bolsheviks who will be the most upset, since ESG/DEI was meant to push us into war with BRICS+ and remove Israel's enemies.
large member
Sun Dec 01 20:55:57
Why would I not feed the trolls Ruggy? Recognizing does not preclude engaging.

Engaging constructively even. Your thread had nothing. Just something I had already seen on my feed. You sort of need to voice an opinion so there is something to push against ;)

Do you see any downsides to Biden following his paternal instincts?
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 02 04:51:40
Pretty good take from a Twitter homosexual:
"Democrats and their liberal media allies keep pointing out that Donald Trump had pardoned his son-in-law’s father in 2020 to excuse President Biden’s unprecedented move.

They are being dishonest.

Charles Kushner pleaded guilty to tax evasion and other federal crimes in 2005. He served his two-year prison sentence and paid the maximum fine the judge could give. His record was cleared through a pardon by Trump 15 years after his conviction and sentencing.

President Biden has pardoned his son before sentencing, wiping away a possible $1.3 million tax evasion fine and years in prison. More importantly, the pardon is backdated to 2014 to include all crimes that he “may have committed" long before the 2016–19 gun and tax evasion felony crimes.

2014 is when Hunter began working for lucrative Ukrainian interests when his father was tasked with responsibilities for that country as VP."
large member
Mon Dec 02 06:29:36
A felony conviction in the US is pretty much life-ending. So, yes, the pardon mattered. The slate white clean, the fellow can now become the US ambassador to France.

Which I have to say, was a very good choice. A guy fluent in French and with deep interest and experience in Africa and the ME? Really good choice. Only 3 flaws in the ointment. His three other citizenships, including French.
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 02 08:42:24
Jack Posobiec is a bit of a slop account, but he has proven to have some inside connections in the White House, and this is currently in the rumor mill:
"Over Thanksgiving, Hunter told his father about a book he was writing that would go public with everything. Days later, his father signed a blanket pardon - per WH official"
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 02 09:38:21
"One of the best supercuts ever.

President Biden won't pardon Hunter because Joe Biden is a man of great character!"
the wanderer
Mon Dec 02 09:44:37
Joe: 'hey, WH official, my son is going to write a book & expose all my crimes if i don't pardon him so i guess i have to as i did all those crimes'

WH offical: 'thanks for telling me boss, totally makes sense to do so!'... <<now to tell Jack Posobiec, heh heh heh >>
Turtle Crawler
Mon Dec 02 09:49:01
This is pretty incredible, because it wasn't really for the crimes he was near sentencing on that he was pardoned, but all the other crimes he was a part of dating back to the start of his time with Ukraine.

On the other hand he can't plead the 5th on any of it anymore?
Cherub Cow
Mon Dec 02 10:10:49
Yeah, it sounds like the weapons charge sentencing was a red herring amidst a sea of more severe charges. There are a lot of people pointing that out, and it's not just idle. The weapons charge was even addressed as a red herring at the time, since it ties up prosecution with a low-hanging fruit and delays the other cases. They delayed as long as they could, and now they have to just cover-up the rest of the criminal enterprise.

[tumblefag (TDS bot, likely pederast)]: "Joe: 'hey, WH official ... [various dumbasseries]"

Your scenario is a straw-man fallacy because you are stupid and unimaginative. The real scenario is much simpler: White House gossip travels. A White House insider could simply hear the gossip and relay it to the media.

You believed this type of logic when it was Cassidy Hutchinson at the Bolshevik Show Trials repeating hearsay about Trump trying to grab a steering wheel, but now that it's damaging for your Bolshevik Party you're suddenly much more guarded about even a low-importance piece of gossip. Your hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty is as limitless as is your resentment for beauty and nobility.
the wanderer
Mon Dec 02 11:31:37
"but all the other crimes he was a part of dating back to the start of his time with Ukraine.

On the other hand he can't plead the 5th on any of it anymore? "

a House R (the worst of the worst) impeachment inquiry couldn't even find enough to try an impeachment which doesn't require proof beyond a reasonable doubt (or any proof at all)... there's no criminal case there

but yeah, he can't plead the 5th (thus more proof the pardon is not to protect himself)
Cherub Cow
Tue Dec 03 01:32:20
[tumblefag (TDS bot, Regime sycophant)]: "a House R (the worst of the worst) impeachment inquiry couldn't even find enough to try an impeachment which doesn't require proof beyond a reasonable doubt (or any proof at all)... there's no criminal case there"

False. You are a liar.
Your lies have an expiration date.
You have 49 days.
Tue Dec 03 10:31:49
Remember kids, it's totally normal for companies to hire crackheads in an industry with no experience in a nation they've never been to and pay them $600k a year - tw
large member
Tue Dec 03 10:40:25
Very likely Hunter was hired for who his father was. But Ukrainian expectations of corruption does not mean there was corruption.
Tue Dec 03 12:03:35
Did the corruption metric shift two months prior when the administration was forcibly ousted in favor of one friendly to Washington, or did it merely jump the fence?
Tue Dec 03 15:52:03

"Hunter Biden is on video committing such crimes as:

• pedophilia with his own niece
• soliciting prostitutes
• trafficking of prostitutes across state lines
• the consumption and distribution of methamphetamines
• illegal possession of a firearm
• tax evasion
• coercion
• treason"

Biden pardons ... Trump appoints.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 00:23:38
[murder quoting CC]:
""Hunter Biden is on video committing such crimes as:

• pedophilia with his own niece
• soliciting prostitutes
• trafficking of prostitutes across state lines
• the consumption and distribution of methamphetamines
• illegal possession of a firearm
• tax evasion
• coercion
• treason""

Yes, thank you. These things are all accurate.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 05:08:03
Mark Dice has posted a couple of compilations of Democrats flipping the script after the Biden pardon. You can hear them repeating the same talking points that the left-wingers in the forum were eager to regurgitate:

"They Are TOTALLY HUMILIATED Over Hunter Biden Pardon - And Don't Know What To Say!"
[December 3rd, 2024]

• Dan Goldman explicitly says that pardoning Hunter would be a "mistake" and assures people that Biden would not do it
• Adam Schiff pushed a law that — if it had passed

"The ULTIMATE Corruption! - Just As Joe Biden Prepares to Exit the White House!"
[December 2nd, 2024]
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 05:22:58
Oops, tabbed to submit before the comment was done:

Video 1 Highlights:
• Adam Schiff pushed a bill that — if it had passed — would have meant that Hunter's dealings would be exposed before Congress. The bill was meant to be a tool to target Trump's family, lulz
• CNN's Abby Phillip, who likes to do the "journalist"-sounding tone where a "fact" is corrected to "set the record straight", rebuts someone who says that Biden will pardon his son by saying, "[erm, actuallllyyyyy] the president has ruled out pardoning his son" (oops!)
• others made the specific claim that *despite* this being a "father", this was about Joe Biden *not* pardoning his son because of "rule of law" logic that he was living up to (oops! there goes the "paternal instincts" logic!)
• "no one is above the law" compilation including Bolshevik Jerry Nadler and DNC minority leader Hakeem Jeffries
• claims that situations have changed so it's not a lie or a broken promise, actually (wait! the DoJ *can* be weaponized? But that's impossible! ;D )

Video 2 Highlights:
• compilation of press secretary KJP repeatedly affirming that Biden would *not* pardon Hunter under *any* circumstances
• Biden himself affirming the same repeatedly
• MSNBC contributor and Bolshevik Andrew Weissmann affirming that was is so particularly amazing about Biden's promise is that he has intense love for his son but will *not* pardon Hunter because of "rule of law" and that's the difference between "our democracy" and places that "have a king" (lol)
• "no one is above the law" compilation
• "conditions change" (lulz)
• Joe Walsh makes the good point that this gave Trump excellent precedent since he can make the same claim he made when debating Hillary in 2016: everyone does it
Wed Dec 04 06:46:20

"Adam Schiff pushed a bill that — if it had passed — would have meant that Hunter's dealings would be exposed before Congress. The bill was meant to be a tool to target Trump's family, lulz"

Well then lets pass it ASAP.

"MSNBC contributor and Bolshevik Andrew Weissmann affirming that was is so particularly amazing about Biden's promise is that he has intense love for his son but will *not* pardon Hunter because of "rule of law" and that's the difference between "our democracy" and places that "have a king" (lol)"

It's not a violation of the rule of law. The President has the power to pardon. It's in the Constitution.

It's funny how people can debate that Trump has the power to pardon himself ... and then pretend to be outraged that Biden pardoned his son.

Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 07:11:11
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "Well then lets pass it ASAP."

lol. I agree, but you don't get it :D

The bill would have made it possible for Congress to continue examining the evidence of a pardoned criminal even after the pardon ( http://sch...-abuse-of-presidential-pardons ). The utility of this only exists for propaganda — i.e., releasing salacious details about a pardoned person to sink the political chances of a president facing reelection. Schiff introduced this in early 2019 because he was hoping to use it as another tool to sink Trump's 2020 chances (this was before the Regime had COVID to lean on, mind you).

So, if you want that bill *now*, then two major factors work against you / the left:
• the House Committee on the Judiciary is in Trump's possession, so *he* would be able to use it as propaganda against Hunter whereas the House would be *unable* to focus on anything you may think Trump's family has done
• Trump is not going for reelection, so the soonest that this could work against a GOP candidate would be for the *next* GOP president, which, at best, would be a DNC propaganda weapon for 2032 (i.e., the end of the first term of the next GOP president and only if that president had pardoned someone of interest).

So, in the time before 2032, the DNC would have handed the GOP a major propaganda weapon to use against *them*, and that propaganda weapon may have made it impossible for the DNC to win again.

Leftists seem unable to realize that their totalitarian policies can be used against them, then pretend that it's not fair when the tools that they enabled *might* be used against them (e.g.; DoJ weaponization, which they suddenly are aware is a thing that can happen).

As is, Trump can still order the DoJ to investigate a pardoned Hunter, but Congress does not necessarily have such an easy propaganda weapon since even a Trump-favorable DoJ would be hamstrung by the pardon and by "active investigation" rules.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 07:11:21
Mark Dice's latest video also includes this clip of DNC apparatchik Chris Cillizza talking to DNC apparatchik Chuck Todd:
[Chris Cillizza Twitter; December 2nd, 2024]
(I posted about these below facts when the laptop was initially leaked, but hearing it from a Regime apparatchik makes it one of those things that the left can no longer deny.)

Chuck Todd admits to having read the entire Hunter Biden trial transcripts, and one thing in particular that disgusted him was that Hunter Biden got his dead brother's widow wife addicted to crack cocaine. This was on the record and not disputed by Hunter Biden.

Todd then makes another obvious connection: Joe Biden was *aware* of Hunter's spiraling drug abuse, prostitution solicitation, etc., but he ran for president in 2020 *anyways*, showing that he did *not* care about his family over politics, since a true "patriarch" would have resigned from politics to tend to his family rather than subject his crackhead son to the public spotlight.

I.e., the between-the-lines here — given that Joe Biden falsely claimed that he was stepping into the 2020 race because of the "very fine people" hoax, a reasoning contradicted by DNC insiders who knew that Democrats were afraid that Bernie would win the nomination and then lose against Trump — is that it was better for Joe Biden himself *politically* (not fatherly) to gain the powers of the presidency. There's also a more cynical angle attached, which is that Joe Biden knew he could bury his family's criminal enterprises by delaying his own DoJ and wielding the power of the pardon. A Trump win in 2020 would have left the Biden Crime Family completely exposed to a Trump DoJ, since Trump knew that there was fire with the Burisma/Ukraine connection and he would have the laptop in the open. This gives additional motive for Regime media's provocation of an a55a55ination on Trump as well. I.e., Joe Biden continued to say he would not pardon Hunter because he was not expecting Trump to win.

Another cynical addition, given the Regime's use of sexual blackmail, is that Biden did not have any choice in running because he is a known D.C. pedophile and the Regime threatened to expose him more thoroughly to the public. So, between there being leverage against him due to Hunter's illegal activities (in which Joe was entangled) and the Regime having sexual blackmail on "Pedo Peter", Biden had to do his part for the Ukraine proxy war by becoming a Regime puppet and hiding his family's part in the criminal money-laundering scheme. A lot of world leaders were entangled in this scheme, btw.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 07:18:25
[murder (left-wing dogma bot)]: "It's not a violation of the rule of law. The President has the power to pardon. It's in the Constitution."

You seem to be misinterpreting what your Regime means by "rule of law".
What they're saying is that **even though** a president can pardon anyone he wants, it still shows a profound respect for the "rule of law" that he can let the system work rather than stepping in with his executive authority for his own personal associates and family. By your Regime's own meaning, Biden failed in that respect. Again, not because it is illegal — it is not — but because they were trying to claim that the DoJ and Biden were totally impartial vehicles of a benevolent Regime. They're not impartial, and they proved this with their actions and with this pardon.

And remember that this is part of your belief structure as a leftist — not my beliefs. Leftists are against the actions of "kings" and oppose the very idea of an executive. This is why they murdered the tsars and the French nobility. They want mass managerial collectivism. They wanted Biden to fall on his sword. They don't even care about a "father" protecting his son, since they're against family formation. They played chicken and lost.
large member
Wed Dec 04 07:43:10
A presidential pardon is key part of the rule of law in some respects. Justice is blind and thus imperfect. Sometimes the equal application of law gets the wrong result. Pardons can correct such wrongs. As to inappropriate pardons, better a guilty man go free than an innocent man be punished.

We do not have it here, but we don't need it as our criminal justice system is hardly draconian. People serve some time and can return to society, their criminal past merely interesting trivia to brighten parties.
large member
Wed Dec 04 07:46:00
Correction: We do have pardons. Given by the king, but subject to canceling by the Justice Department. So a pardon light as the sentencer can also overrule any pardon, so it does not happen often.
large member
Wed Dec 04 07:47:38
About 15 people a year are granted pardons to stop jail time or annul fines.
Cherub Cow
Wed Dec 04 11:33:25
[jergtard (actual retard)]: "As to inappropriate pardons, better a guilty man go free than an innocent man be punished."

jergfaggot is doing his pathetic shtick where he uses Western principles against themselves by removing them from context and maliciously misinterpreting them (e.g., his "criminal invaders are not illegal until they're found guilty because of 'innocent until proven guilty').

It's not even one of his better ones, since Hunter Biden is absolutely guilty and this is undeniably true. Biden's own official statement makes an explicit carve-out for Hunter's acknowledged guilt, and Hunter's own trial confirmed his guilt. I.e., Hunter himself did not even dispute his guilt, he just tried to mitigate the seriousness of his guilt to decrease the inevitably steep sentencing criteria.

I think jergfaggot is sundowning. His trolling is getting lazy.
large member
Wed Dec 04 13:16:46
A pardon often has the assumption of guilt and Hunter was absolutely found guilty of a couple crimes.

Most people who are pardoned are in fact guilty of the crime.

I have no idea why you think I was trolling. I explained my view on pardons as an important part of the judicial system. Never mind it being used to get sons, inlaws or cronies off the hook. That is just something that happens sometimes.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 05 08:14:12
• [jergfaggot, the fucking liar, in his previous comment]:
"As to inappropriate pardons, better a guilty man go free than an innocent man be punished."

• [jergfaggot, the fucking liar, in his latest comment]:
"A pardon often has the assumption of guilt and Hunter was absolutely found guilty of a couple crimes ... I have no idea why you think I was trolling."

You transparent fucking liar.
large member
Thu Dec 05 08:29:58
Not sure where you see the contradiction there CC. You may want to reread both of the quotes.
Cherub Cow
Sat Dec 07 08:15:58
I did, and it's there, faggot. Read more closely, you illiterate swine and transparent fucking liar.

Another Mike Dice compilation of Democrats completely changing their positions on the pardon after they had to because the Regime told them they had to:
[Mark Dice; December 7th 2024]
• Maddow
• Joy Reid
• Dan Goldman
• Whoopi (The View)
• Obama

Fetterman admits that both the DNC and GOP have been weaponizing charges. Musk and a few others gave Fetterman credit for this, but Fetterman is a Regime sycophant when it comes to his voting record so it's just him sebgulishly speaking out of both sides of his mouth, just like we occasionally get from people such as Bill Maher and Jon Stewart. It's pure duplicity.

Also included is that the host of that degenerate "Call Me Daddy" podcast on which Harris appeared during her campaign was paid to go to D.C. and appeared in a re-created set of her show in a house in the D.C. area, with the set costing about $100,000. Even the host suspects that that set was built through some campaign finance violation since her own (real) L.A. set only cost her a few thousand dollars.
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