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Utopia Talk / Politics / clown show in idiocracy
Member | Sat Nov 16 23:44:04 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_88Mya6YiOg imagine makin hundreds of millions by - not being able 2 box - not an athlete - but by drawin record numbas of viewas from drama show settin up scripted conflict and scripted ring "fights" and yankoidz worldwide wuld pay 2 see even though deep down they all know its fake and scripted 2 begin with but since he got massive gen zero backin and all willin 2 pay... millions baby millions is this not clown show. is this not idiocracy. this is wut ur coutry has become. u is watchin idiocracy right in front of ur eyes and everyone of ur society is cheerin and delusional rome final days must have be equally deranged and delusional |
Member | Sat Nov 16 23:46:57 and check da comments, how delusional ur country has become... half of them actually thinks its coz tyson is "old"... no, son. its coz there never was a fight, there never was a conflict. the entire drama is scripted from day one. both was gonna walk away with millions if they play there roles. this is just tv wrestlin in front of ur eyes cept they r boxin. |
Member | Sat Nov 16 23:50:51 wut they basically doin is just wut steiner, scott hall and hulk hogan was doin back in da 90s... cept scott hall neva pulled 40 million for just 1 fight... thats coz jakepaul somehow made huge followin on social media from useless worthless deranged yankoid gen z livin in deluded aliceland and then he used his followin 2 set up fake fights and each fight brings in more moniez than he can count idiocracy is real! |
iChihuaha | Sun Nov 17 08:44:23 We have had WWE for a long time. It’s widely viewed and accepted as entertainment, not an actual contest. |
Member | Sun Nov 17 09:50:42 You just watched two men earn a combined $60 million. Kudos to them I guess. |
Member | Sun Nov 17 10:38:20 12 years from now Jake Paul will be President of whatever is left of the US. |
Member | Sun Nov 17 11:17:37 Paul-Paul 2036 |
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